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Introduce Yourself!

Started by Phazar, May 17, 2009, 05:59:57 PM

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Use this topic as the general "Hi, I'm new" topic.  Feel free to introduce yourself here, and tell us a few things about yourself (e.g. what you do, what games you like to play, what you hack, etc.) We'd love to hear about who you are!  Any new "Hi, I'm new" topics will be deleted/locked, so please use this one!


Quote from: Zhs2Hello, forum members! My name is Zeke Sitkoff, and I'm proud to be administrator of the Metroid Construction forums.

I've never hacked. Truth be told, I only got involved in the community because of Bloodsonic himself, SM hacker extraordinaire. (Well, he's pretty good at it, so to speak. :D) Since that, I created a channel on, #doom, where we'd hold multiplayer matches and so forth. Today it doesn't get much use, but I hope we can turn it back into something people visit. =P GF_Kennon was one of my fellow Doomers and hacker peoples, and when he'd gotten the idea to create a full-fledged site from a college project, I'd jumped right on, and that's how Metroid Construction started.

Like I said, I don't hack. I've played all of the Metroid games, of course, but the last time I tried to hack (which, incidentally, was Super Metroid,) I got bored too quickly. ;_; Instead, I mod day-to-day for Doom, when I get the motivation up for it, of course. Otherwise, I'm playing some various PWAD or another. I am impartial to the kinds of multiplayer you've got to bring, though, so Doom, Descent, Quake (all 3,) Warzone, some Mechwarrior, and pretty much anything else I'll be around to play. Don't be shy to PM me visit #doom looking for multiplayer of all kinds! =D

As for hacking stuff, I am versed in the use of a hex editor, but that's pretty much it. D:


Another copypaste in this topic from the old forum:
Quote from: PhazarHello, I'm Phazar. I first started going beyond the usual in the Metroid games when I found Samus.Co.Uk and Metroid2002 a few years ago. I did a bit of speed running for a while, but shortly after I completed a section of Metroid2002 about Metroid Prime Hunters tricks, interdpth posted a topic about a "GBA hacking class" he was having on #jzd. Interested by learning how to hack, I decided to check it out. Now I make some hacks myself. Although I love making Super Metroid hacks, I also like to hack Metroid Fusion and attempt to make the impossible possible. I have some documents related to Metroid Fusion hacking on this site, in case you ever need them. That's just about all to my story, so hi!


go go copy and paste XD

QuoteHi, my name is James Kennon.

I have been hacking for a while now, somewhere around a year, but it was only simple stuff, rearranging tiles and the such, but I only started learning more advanced stuff more recently, I started experimenting with custom graphics and hex work and today I know tons about hex and graphical work, in my opinion, but their could be a person who wants to prove me wrong, but that can wait.

My first public announced hack is Metroid: Return to SR:388, it is a graphical overhauled hack with a nice bit of ASM in it to give it a new feel, as well as lots of things that have never been thought about, thanks to a few people this hack is becoming more exciting by the day, and is coming along nicely, the next announcement for my hack will be when I have a big video ready.

I am an avid Metroid gamer and have been playing Metroid for most of my life, I still have my original copy of super Metroid in mint condition, my best time on Super Metroid is a sub hour 0:57, I could vastly improve it if I did not grab as many items as I normally get, which is around 56% average. I have played most of the Metroid games, the exception is Metroid Prime 2 :echoes as I don't have it yet, I don't have Metroid Prime Hunters, but I have played it, and I like it for the fact that it is a portable 3D Metroid game, I have completed Metroid Zero Mission on hard mode as well.

I also like playing Warzone 2100, In the late 21st century, the world's civilizations are wiped out by a series of nuclear strikes. While most of the survivors form scavenger bands to survive, one group of people, who refer to themselves as "The Project," seeks to rebuild civilization using pre-war technology.

The game begins with the Commander, the protagonist, sending teams to gather technology in Arizona that would help with reconstruction. While gathering said "artifacts," the Project fends off attacks from an organization called the New Paradigm, which is under the command of an organization called Nexus, which is actually one man responsible for the nuclear war. In the final campaign, the Project launches a full-scale assault on Nexus, destroying it and thus removing all significant, organized barriers to its reconstruction of the Earth.

I love playing this game and I frequently play with other people on-line, if your interested about playing with me then send me a PM and we will talk. Cool


QuoteOh oh, me too!

Well, I'm squishy!

I've been haxer-ating Super Metroid for a year now, and have learned quite a bit! I am currently (3/11/09) working on a hack called Super Metroid World: Rainbow City, and a Pokemans hack, -name not to be released just yet;) - I like to hang around on #jzd when I have time, and have become friends with the Mario Bros and our own good GF_Kennon! I'm always open to meeting new people so who knows, maybe we could be friends too!

Anyways, lets see... about myself...
I'm an avid gamer, who spends most of his free time either playing video games, or hacking them! But I'm also an a huge fan of anime. I'd have to say my favorite is Fruits Basket, with Trigun coming in a close second place. Anything with a good plot, and I'll probably watch it!
My favorite games include: Final Fantasy VII, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Metroid, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Starcraft, and the list goes on! -in that order btw;) -

Lets see, what else?
Ah, I work at Subway! XD


I don't have anything to quote. :(

Anyways, I'm devondev. (no duh) and some of you may know me from m2k2.
Super Metroid is what got me into metroid games, and it still is my favourite game ever.
I've been hacking Super for about a year now, and I first got into it after playing super metroid impossible.

My second favourite game is guitar hero 3 and world tour. (I haven't played the others.)
I can beat every expert song on world tour, and there are 3 I can't beat on guitarhero 3.

That is all.


I'm Crys / Green-Kirby / Cryshi / Metroidball.

Not much more to say really.


"You!" "Yes, me! Can I help you?" "Are you the CEO of Toybarn?" "That I am. I am enjoying my window."


Hello, I'm Deep Space Observer.

I started ROMhacking back in July of last year, so it won't be long until I've been hacking for a year. Watching vids of Redesign on youtube is what introduced me to the world of hacking, and I've had great fun playing all the hacks I've managed to play at this point. Making hacks is also fun, but the real thrill is finishing and releasing a hack.

Other hobbies I have include Astronomy, math, studying/learning about random subjects, and playing video games.



Big Gay Cell

QuoteHello, my name is Bob. I've done a light amount of modding/hacking on various games including Metroid, Mario, Zelda, and a few others. Most of my basic knowledge, in some form, has come from Grime over the years.

Where I don't spend as much time as I used to doing any type of computer work/editing (because of work and college), I make up for by hanging around the forums, downloading peoples mods, and giving my input on various things. I'll spend most of my time just staying around to chat and make friends. :D

No need for a new introduction, most of you know me already.


New introduction, go me.

Hi, I'm Wingard.

In all honesty, I've never hacked a ROM in my life, but am quite talented when it comes to circumventing security systems on computers and being a general trouble maker. I'm good friends with Zeke and Grime(I think), and am honestly only here because they told me to be. My hobbies involve hacking, listening to music, and reading Stephen King novels.


Great to see you back on the forums, Wingard!  BTW, that is an awesome avatar and sig you have.


Quote from: Wingard on May 21, 2009, 04:39:54 PM
and reading Stephen King novels.

Ever read "The Dark Tower" series? Its my favorite thing I've ever read! :3

Welcome to our humble abode!

Silver Skree

Well then, I suppose I should repaste my introduction here, then.

Hi there. I'm also a Super Metroid hacker, and have been working with SMILE for about 15 17 months. I know my way around the program mostly, but I have yet to really even get my feet wet (so to speak) in any ASM whatsoever.

I've been told I'm pretty good with aesthetic (although in games, DMantra has me beat like a dead horse) and level design in general. The name of the full hack I'm working on is Tierus, and I have a thread about it over on the Metroid Database Message Board (MDb MB). If interested, have a look. I probably won't be re-making the thread here since I already have one there, so I see no point. It's linked in my signature.

I, too, have a YouTube channel, with about 150 almost 200 videos up as of now. (Whoopie, look at me.) The majority of them are "Let's Play" videos, which, if you don't know what those are, go YouTube it and you'll find out pretty quickly. I've LPed the 3 classic Metroids (note that I did Super -> MII -> Metroid, and my voice has changed significantly since all of that. Ugh.) and am in the process of trying to get the last bits of Let's Play Super Metroid Redesign up. After that, I'll be branching off to other genres and games, like finishing Secret of Mana, which is in a frozen state as it is now.

Anyways, this seems kinda like #jzd on Forum, as it is now, AMIRITE

Hopefully we'll get some more miscellaneous people in here soon enough. I can't wait to start telling the SMILE newbies "hao 2 hax bettar"

Black Falcon

Hello I'm Black Falcon and I have an attention deficit and... [*gone*]

Ok enough kidding. I got into Super metroid hacking more or less by a butterfly effect:
When I was five years old (ahhh.. good times..)I often played on the famous
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (written out for better glory).
My friend told me about a new game he got (Super Metroid).
The whole day we played it alternately to find all items.
Later I got internet and I found some videos from a SM hack. I also found SMILE then.
Okay this was about 2 or 3 years ago (can't really remember) and you can say I'm an old man concerning the hacking of
Super Metroid. Today I know every feature of SMILE but to be honest, I'm pretty lazy at building levels and finishing a hack,
but I'm still working on my latest project.
Without my friend I wouldn't be here...

Draconis Kenjishiya

Draconis T. Kenjishiya, or, to make that awfully simple, Drac. Spoken like the first syllable of Dracula. Okay.

If anyone cares, I'm 20, born October 5th, 1988, Romanian-American, no, I can't really speak Romanian I only know like four words, but I do have a bit of the accent, well, at any rate, the concept of a "w" is lost to me.

I starting hacking with Super Mario World in 2001, and Yoshi's Island in 2006, and throughout that time I've looked at SMILE and played various hacks of Super Metroid, being a Metroid enthusiast at heart (while all my friends were playing baseball at age 5 I was beating the Mother Brain again) but craaaaaaaap that thing confused me. This is my first worthwhile attempt to get it done, make any visible progress.

Also, I have mono. Not much to do but hack, eat and watch good movies.
*goes to watch Princess Bride AGAIN*



Great to meet you, very in-depth introduction!  :grin:


Hmm, well I really never did intorduce myself (except for thorwing stuff around on the chat).

Hey I'm person701 and if you want, you can call me Dan. I got into Metroid rather... late. It was the first Metroid Prime that got me hooked after unlocking the original Metroid bonus. Then into MP2 and MF, I started to get more into it eventually finding SM and M2. Then along comes ZM. And even then I wasn't known to hacking. Then finally I search "Super Metroid Map" on google images and find redesign's map. I was all like, "O.O Whoa..." I googled that, came to Drewsephs page, did some more nosing around on Youtube and eventually found out about SMILE.

I've been hacking SM for around I'd say maybe 8 months? I'd consider myself knowledgeable (even if I seem stupid at times <_<; ) but not as so compaired to others around here. Just within the past month I've found DH and Editroid which I've hardly bothered to learn yet.

About me now. I'm a typical teen. Just hanging around with friends, listening and playing music (I play guitar), playing video games, and visiting multiple sites to keep up with interweb friends. If you must know, my favorite series of games are the Smash Bros series followed close with Metroid then Zelda trailing. Uhhh... yea. Hi.


person701, your typo, thorwing, may have made you the greatest contributor to the English language since Chaucer. Celebrate!


-__-;(I lol'd on the inside)
uNsane plztonotbespammingkthxbye.

Also Hi dan.



How the fuck do you make a spelling mistake in shorthand?

Zhs2, I thought the smiley was a good enough indicator of my mood about his post :<

OKAY, back on topic people, we don't need to go any farther off the road than we already have.


Is it really spam if it induces seizures in 93% of epileptics?

I'm just a bit hyper, though, and while I will certainly be tempted, there will be no more smiley spam for a while!