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Introduce Yourself!

Started by Phazar, May 17, 2009, 05:59:57 PM

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Hi MetConst.
I'm french and started hacking Super Metroid one year ago. SMILE is a great tool, MetConst is a great community and SM is a great game. :wink:
Except Fusion, I didn't really play any other Metroid game.
Concerning hacks, I hate hard or skill-based hacks (which is unfortunately the vast majority of the hacks released so far)
I'll show you some of my work soon  :^_^:


Every time I read / hear any person using English so well when it's not their native language, it makes me feel very ignorant. :neutral:

On a lighter note: Welcome! :^_^:


Quote from: Metaquarius on October 11, 2010, 02:44:08 PM
Concerning hacks, I hate hard or skill-based hacks (which is unfortunately the vast majority of the hacks released so far)
You should try Ice Metal! :D!:

[/shameless plug]

Also, welcome to metconst! :O!


So, yeah, I'm a gamer from Finland.
I'm a decent (but slow) hacker, and I'm getting pretty good with ASM, thanks to those IRC classes.
I like hacks which are challenging but not insanely difficult, and are also non-linear. Stardust is a good example (it could be a tad harder though).

And recently, I finally managed to install HBC on my Wii. I can finally play all those awesome hacks on a real television! :yay:


Hello SMILEuser96.  :^_^:

QuoteEvery time I read / hear any person using English so well when it's not their native language, it makes me feel very ignorant. =|
:lol:, Thanks but I'm not that good in English tough.

QuoteYou should try Ice Metal!
Yeah, already finished it like one month ago. Nice hack btw.


Hi, i am fairly new here, although i have posted here before.

I have been hacking games for awhile, about 2-3 years, and i must say my favorite metroid game is super metroid.

I also have a youtube channel if any body wants to see some stuff (very litle for now :| )


DAMMNN! You got some talent Multik1lls.
We Expect some great hacks from you  :^_^:


Well I am currently work on a hack, secretly, and i have more confidence in this one than my other failed attempts.


Hello forum. Signed up about 2 days ago, those of you who frequent(or even have visited) the IRC chat of late probably recognize me. I'm working on a hack, obviously. [SM] Metroid Inferno. I will probably make a topic soon. I'm a writer(Not so shitty plotlines ftw) and I'm pretty good with graphics and such. I still have a lot to learn when it comes to level design though, and my Hex is only half decent. I am dismal at ASM, so look out. Anyway, I look forward to working with and for you guys, if the opportunity would arise, and I would have the time.


I am Satoh; I've just recently been introduced to ASM hacking.

Samus can now kill Zebesians with the Paralyzer Pistol in Zero mission! I found it surprisingly easy to do.

And as many of you probably heard in IRC, it was shortly after that I lost my monitor and laptop screen's functionality!

I can say I'm not fond of using my mother's computer to make my very first post... =\

But I am glad to be here, as I've been intending to hack various 'Troids for a while.

I hope some of the more experienced members will be willing to provide assistance when applicable.

Thanks for allowing me access to this wealth of knowledge!


Hi there Satoh. Welcome and remember not to feed the Metroids.


Well, I don't know how to start this, but let's give it a try...

I'm Buccaneer (sorry, couldn't think of a better name) or Nicolas, I live in Colombia and I'm an spanish-speaker like matymetal666 or Paredes, but do not worry! I wont bother you with hilarious mistranslations of what I'm trying to say, with all due respect to the aforementioned members; and even with that, I'll be hard to understand sometimes.

I am some sort of Film & TV student, and while I attend university, it's quite an often sight to have me in a procrastination-state, lurking these forums and failing to do what I'm intended to do. I partially blame the memberbase, for usually being so entertaining, and also I'll have to point out how guilty Super Metroid is...

Ah, and here we come, with the relevant stuff:
My first experience with Super Metroid, as I'm able to recall it, was circa 1995, my older brother bought a Super Nintendo once he entered high school, and while we had few games of our own, we did a lot of rental and exchange with friends. One of those memorable titles I'll get in my mind until my very own death was the famous 16-bit Samus adventure, which I found striking and soulful, like an unfolding new world filled with vibrant, yet lonely landscapes...

All right, I'm getting fairly cheesy, so, where were we? Ah, yes, my brother never allowed me to play Super Metroid at all, so I had to fill my expectations drawing the whimsical scenarios that popped out of my head. In later years I finally unleashed myself into the game and completed it a few times, until I got into new pasttimes... However, I wasn't fully satisfied with just clearing the game and it's prequels.

So, around 10 years later, I happened to find some YouTube videos I wasn't searching after all, regarding Redesign, and thought: "Hell, how come this guy is able to do these kind of wonders? Is there a way of altering the game and shape it around your very own wishes?". Then, completely oblivious about SMILE, ASM, Hex and such, I found this site, and today I'm signing in.

I've been reading the newbie guides, but this is seemingly something to spend a lot of time into, so I'll try to make schedule and learn about this overwhelming world of romhacking. My apologies, if this first post was "tl;dr". For the sake of that...

I also draw. This is somewhat old, but I'll try to get something fresh, if it fleshes out. Also, it's a goddamned JPG, but couldn't afford more by now. so I might stick to PNG.

EDIT: I wasn't aware that this could post itself as a new thread. Could somebody attach it to the original "Introduce Yourself!"?


Moved this to the Introductions topic. Welcome to Metconst!

lol just caught your edit


Quote from: Buccaneer on November 23, 2010, 01:18:23 AMI'm Buccaneer... ...I'll be hard to understand sometimes.
Your English is better than most English people.


Quote from: Buccaneer on November 23, 2010, 01:18:23 AM
I've been reading the newbie guides, but this is seemingly something to spend a lot of time into, so I'll try to make schedule and learn about this overwhelming world of romhacking.
I don't have much (read any) experience hacking Super Metroid, but It seems to me that, if you've got creative talent, it's entirely possible to do some very cool things using the basic tools (i.e. SMILE). All the other stuff is icing (albeit for-real hacking). Also...

Quote from: Quietus on November 23, 2010, 05:56:44 AM
Your English is better than most English people.

(Quote corrected to avoid distraction from the actual point I was making: Buccaneer's English seems pretty damn good considering it is a second language)


Quote from: snarfblam on November 23, 2010, 07:50:40 AM
Quote from: Quietus on November 23, 2010, 05:56:44 AM
Your English is better than most English-speaking people's.

snarfblam: Please don't amend my posts.  If you're quoting it, then quote it as-is.  I'm fully aware that not every sentence I type is perfect, but neither do I claim them to be.  This is a forum, not an English classroom.  Unless somebody asks for clarification, please don't offer it. :neutral:

Since you raised it, 'English speaking' doesn't need to be hyphenated, as compound modifiers only really need a hyphen when their meaning could be ambiguous.  'English speaking' is perfecly clear without it.


It was a joke. It was a play on the statement that you made. :<_<:

Edit: You can curse my subtle sense of humor, I guess. Most of my jokes tend to sail right under everyone's radar. This one just happened to be aimed at a particular person.


Then curse the tinterweb for its lack of clarity when sarcasm or jocular activities are abound! :mad:

Hiroshi Mishima

Quote from: Buccaneer on November 23, 2010, 01:18:23 AMI'm Buccaneer (sorry, couldn't think of a better name) or Nicolas, I live in Colombia and I'm an spanish-speaker like matymetal666 or Paredes, but do not worry! I wont bother you with hilarious mistranslations of what I'm trying to say, with all due respect to the aforementioned members; and even with that, I'll be hard to understand sometimes.
Why is it that many of the Spanish-speaking people I meet online tend to speak/write better English than the blasted ones who live in my state? :/

Cheers to you for being able to write pretty damn well in a language that isn't your own, it's something I respect very much as I'm not really capable of doing the same. You seem pretty talented insofar as artwork goes, too.


I'm quite impressed to receive such aknowledgements around my writing and drawing style. Nonetheless I'm not that good in terms of pronouncing and speech, so I'll better leave that on the first slots of "practice a bit more" queue.

snarfblam, I have only worked with tiles in SMILE a couple of times, but I've retreated soon, due to fear of failure. But, if I have time, I might double the efforts and dive myself into that leap of faith that is your very first romhacking experience. Right now I'm trying to thrive with my university semester, so in a few weeks I'll be able to inmerse a bit more into this.


You can see the slight differences between how a native English speaker and someone who has it as a second language, such as yourself, would say things, but I cannot say I have any complaints with your typing ability. Keep it up!


Hi all I'm, Maneru if you don't know by now. I wanted to get into start modding SM3. I would like to think I have a creative side and I wish to share it with everyone here.

So I just wanted to know what programs do I need from the tool list? and if there are any other tools that are not listed there that you recommend I need.

Thanks if you can help me out.


Please visit our Main site ( for a list of helpful tools.
I would also advise you to watch all of these users videos (


By SM3, I presume you mean Super Metroid, or Metroid 3?

If so, you'll want SMILE, which'll do all of the actual level building; and a hex editor, such as HxD.  Hex editing is nowhere near as bad as it sounds, and is usually a case of searching for a location, and typing over the existing text, so no biggie.

As a more general suggestion, read / watch as many tutorials as you can find, even if they go over the same stuff.  If you look under docs, you'll also find a beginner's guide, written by SMILEuser, and it's good as a 'this is all you'll do for the first few hours' guide.

You could also have a read through the Moonedit FAQ, and squishy's FAQ, in the Super Metroid section, as they both contain useful information.

Welcome, and good luck with your hacking! :^_^:


thx for you replies. i will do my best to make a super awesome game out of Super Metriod.