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Introduce Yourself!

Started by Phazar, May 17, 2009, 05:59:57 PM

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I find it a bit difficult to believe that spriters are rare. :P


Power Missile

Hey guys, this is (or was) AhAhA, from now on I will no longer be known as AhAhA.  I've had it changed to Power Missile.  I got tired of my old name and thought of this one while thinking of Metroid objects.


I put your old name as your custom title so people don't get too confused, seeing as how you're a (semi-)newbie around these parts.


P.JBoy, that is, Patrick Johnston, I'm 16.  Been hacking for 3½ years now, primarily on Fusion, with some tidbits of Super Metroid hacking.  I'm an ASM guy, I do nothing but ASM hacking, both Thumb/ARM, and 65816.  I also know C++, and some python and lua.  I have some pretty cool videos on my youtube account, and some documents on my webpage.  I've been on M2K2 since November 2005, and SCU shortly afterwards and stayed with it until its end with the name 'glitch spreader', now I'm here too.


Power Missile

Quote from: custommaker on July 16, 2010, 06:10:08 PM
hello everyone :lol:
Hello... guy I don't know.  Will you be our new Zozo?


what the frick is a zozo. :lol:


Mostly an in-joke. If you really want to know, look up the member PZ-Powa. Now, keep it to introductions plx.

Hiroshi Mishima

Hi there. I'm not new at all, but it appeared as those a few older members were introducing themselves, so I thought I should as well. This is really just a cleaver attempt to be witty as I've got entirely too much time on my hands. So instead of posting something that no one will find funny, I could be working on my sprite comic, playing a video game (I've got several I'm playing atm) or I could getting back to beta-testing something for a friend of mine.

Instead, I think I'll lurk around the forum a bit longer and catch up on what I've missed. Nice meeting you all, and hope to enjoy my.. your.. ours... whatever, you get the idea - stay.


Hi guys I Guess I should go ahead introduce myself since I've been here for a year and a half....I think

you guys know me as borderjumper67 but my real name is Michael Tanner.I've yet to release anything on this site,but that will change  hopefully this year. IF I can learn to back up my CRAP. :mad:


Welcome then, even though you've been here for awhile!  Hopefully we will see stuff from you this year.

Silver Skree

Indeed. I recognize you from YouTube, Borderjupmper. There are several people you can ask here for individual help, myself included, if you ever need it. Drop by the IRC some time or toss a PM my way.


Quote from: Silver Skree on July 28, 2010, 06:09:30 PMtoss a PM my way.
England's got a Prime Minister you can have... :^_^:

Hiroshi Mishima

That reminds me, I need to eventually actually put up something I've worked on in SMILE. Besides just Silver seeing it.

Alexi Laiho

Hi forum members!!! i'm Luca Torcasio, i'm 16 years old... i'm from italy...I started rom hacking in january 2010.... I've had great fun playing all the hacks of super metroid.. My favorite hacks are Super Metroid Redesign, Eris, Angry Fire Chozo and Legacy... My hack is Super Metroid Zeran, and sorry for the patch with redesign abilities..
My favorite games are also Klonoa, Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 and The Elder Scroll IV Oblivion...
That is all. Greetings to the Metroid Construction forum...


Hi forum members! I'm Lorenzo Pezzoni. I'm 16 and I'm from Italy. I started rom hacking in 2009 and I'm a programmer in Super Metroid Zeran with designer Alexi Laiho. However, my favorite games over Super Metroid are Gran Turismo, Kingdom Hearts, The Legend of Spyro and Dragon Ball...
Greetings to the Metroid Construction forum.


Welcome.  Enjoy your stay! :^_^:


Hello MetConst, you guys probably already know me from my noobish acts in the irc then the whole episode about UTK (finally he left!).
anyways, im blarget2 (if you google my name in the only one on google. aparently im al alone in this whole world with the name blarget O.o) and i came here to hack of cource, and learn in the process to get better.


Welcome to the forum!  And I think I do remember you from M2K2 as well.


Hey everyone. I just registered here, but I've actually been around for quite some time. A few years ago I found Super Metroid Limit, which I to this day consider to be the best SM hack, but I've played almost all the others  too. It followed that I realized there was an editing program for the game - SMILE, which was still in its early stages. Before that, the only "hacking" I had done was to edit save files with a hex editor, with guides telling me what offsets to change. Anyway, that's really when I started to get interested in hacking SM (and other games later on).

I've been going back to hacking SM irregularly since then, it took a while before I found the m2k2 hacking community and started to follow that, learning more about using SMILE and hex editor to change the game. I've kept getting new ideas and abandoned them, so I've really only been making test hacks to figure stuff out - in the beginning I spent most of the time learning new stuff, and later on I would spend a lot of time only on level design, only to lose interest (or get a new idea) after finishing one or a few rooms.

As for this site, I've been checking out what's going on every now and then, ever since its existence was announced on m2k2. At that point I was busy with life and not very active in SM hacking. I intended to wait with registering here until I actually had something to show, but it felt like it was about time now anyway.

I'll probably post some of my old stuff when I've gotten used to these forums.
Apologies in advance to anyone who doesn't give a damn about my background and wasted their time reading this post, which is quite verbose for a simple introduction.


Welcome to our humble little home! :D

Its always great to have cool new people around.  I saw the screenshots you posted, and I must say I'm impressed!

Good luck with progress, we are always happy to help! If you ever want to hang with us hit us up on channel: #metconst


Yeah, I'll probably get onto irc sometimes. I hope. You guys seem like a lively bunch.

Hiroshi Mishima

Just don't feed the trolls.


Hi, everybody. I'm new to the forum, but I've been on the IRC for a bit now. A friend-well, a person that sometimes talks to me and gives me advice- told me I should introduce myself, so here it goes.

I'm a third year student of Computer Science at A&M and a huge comic fan. My two main hobbies are Space and collecting Batman Action figures. My current collection count is 1017 and growing with every allowance week. I'm not really a big hacker or anything, but I figured that I needed a good hobby related to my major to help spur on my growth, and given how Metroid is a big space tail, it seems pretty ideal for me.

I guess, in short, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance and hope that this is the start of a long friendship between us all.

(Here's a semi-recent picture of me from Freshman year.)