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Super Metroid: GR2 (Japanese Hack 2013)

Started by Digital_Mantra, January 13, 2013, 02:24:20 AM

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Alright so.. this hack is fucked up. Very skill based, terrible level design, and a half hack (with a few surprises to the actual map design).
Some of us on #metconst ragequit. However, there is a staggering amount of interesting ASM in this , so it's definitely worth a gander.
And for that matter, worth having a thread for.


It wasn't too bad, but I didn't want to get to TAS abuse, so I quit at Phantoon. :neutral:


That boss was meant for savestating. The game actually gets interesting after Phant.



So yeah uh.. there's a lot I can say about this hack and how fucking hard it gets.
Or how genius some of the puzzles are and the asm. Or how surprising some bosses are.
But why spoil it.

If you can beat this, endure the bullshit moments and keep at it.. you're in the hall of fame.

I thought I was done for when a certain trick was required during the escape but I pulled it off.
In all my years of super metroid, I did a slow jump downward speed blue suit off a ledge.
Holy fuck.

I'm never playing this again.


Damn it, I'm stuck at that blue brinstar mockball obstacle. Everything I've seen so far is dumb tile placement and not-so cool palettes, rooms were edited for no other reason than making navigation harder. That's nothing really new considering what have been already done by many of those "hard" half-hacks. And I was about to stop playing right from the beginning, until I realized I had to do those stupidly precise walljumps. :<_<:

I was curious about the readme, here is my traduction (adapted from Google Translate, I removed some sentences which make no sense) Enjoy.  :^_^:

Super Metroid GR2 HalfHack2 Ver.1.0 README

¦ Overview
A Super Metroid half-hack "made on the spur of the moment" ?

¦ How to use
Patch over a headerless Super Metroid JU ROM.

¦ Difficulty
• You should know the original map very well ;
• You can sequence break in some places ;
[Several techniques are required but the author does not mention them]

¦ Different specifications
• No Ceres station ;
• Certains room connections were changed although it is a half-hack ;
• Some beams have increased firepower ;
• Shinesparking doesn't drain energy, it can performed below 29 energy and you can even cancel it anytime by pressing DOWN button ;
• Gravity Suit doesn't half enemy damage (but it works normally against spikes and other hazardous terrain) ;
• Space jumping behaves in air like in water (mash JUMP button!!!) ;
• X-Ray scope range was changed ;
• Spin jump restart can be achieved by pressing the jump button again in the air ;

¦ New Status Bar
Design of the status bar at the top of the screen was changed, you are now able to view the following three types of information in real-time :
(1) Play Time
(2) Key Inputs
(3) Charge Beam & Speedbooster gauges
To switch between them, press L, R and Item Cancel buttons.
However, display is not updated during certain game sequences (pause screen, item-get message boxes, going down/up an elevator, etc.)

¦ Known Bugs
Half of screen turns black sometimes. Hardly reproducible (related to special blocks?)

¦ Special Thanks To
We customized our hack thanks to the following patches which have been published at Metroid Construction :
· SadiKejSpinjump (Kejardon & Sadiztyk)
· Beam Specific Shot Blocks (Crashtour99)
· Chain blocks (Black Falcon)
· Scrolling Sky Fix (PJBoy)

Various inspirations from :
· Metroid Super Zeromission
· Super Metroid Cliffhanger
· Super Metroid Impossible
And many others

I would like to thank people who made these patches and hacks.


Just how in the blazes of Ridley are we supposed to get the darn Bombs?

[spoiler]I got the trick with the statue heads. But it seems to take 50 missiles to kill, and there definitely ain't 8 more packs I can find at this point without the Bombs.[/spoiler]

EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out.

[spoiler]Morph-glitching through enemies just doesn't get used enough.[/spoiler]


This hack is just stupid at times.  I was streaming it to a friend of mine and though he was chat only, we were dumbfounded by some of the design decisions and required stuff.  That said, I beat Botwoon.


I just rage quit - I couldn't even get morph ball  :whoa:  :blush:  :<_<:

Update: I un-rage quit and got morph ball and missiles and then find I need to mock ball - I don't do mock ball  :mad:

Does anybody here play with a controller (I use one from PS2) that can use it to reliably mock ball? I get the feeling that a lot of players actually use keyboards  :pwuh:


Hello, Is there anyone who can help me how to achieve blue suit status by speedboost?
I know how to get one by Draygon but I can't maintain for all items. :pwuh:
I can get blue suit in sitting down position but when I tried to move it disappear. :evilno:
Any advice will help me to get Gravity suit. Thanks in advance  :^_^:


Quote from: ianfrombristol on January 21, 2013, 02:08:20 PMDoes anybody here play with a controller (I use one from PS2) that can use it to reliably mock ball? I get the feeling that a lot of players actually use keyboards  :pwuh:
I use a PS2 controller and have about a 33% success rate on mockballing as long as I have a reasonable amount of space (e.g. the Green Brinstar sequence break room is normally plenty). The trick is to hit the ground while you're in the morph animation and be pressing forward by the time the animation completes.

Painghein: not sure I understand your question, but if you have bluesuit e.g. from Draygon, then you can't run; doing so will remove it. You have to walk everywhere.


Quote from: Derakon on January 25, 2013, 06:33:10 PM
Quote from: ianfrombristol on January 21, 2013, 02:08:20 PMDoes anybody here play with a controller (I use one from PS2) that can use it to reliably mock ball? I get the feeling that a lot of players actually use keyboards  :pwuh:
I use a PS2 controller and have about a 33% success rate on mockballing as long as I have a reasonable amount of space (e.g. the Green Brinstar sequence break room is normally plenty). The trick is to hit the ground while you're in the morph animation and be pressing forward by the time the animation completes.

Thanks. At least now that I know that it is possible I will persevere (God damn you mockball, God damn you to hell!)


There must be something I'm missing, everything seems to be a dead end.  I last got hi-jump, I've been through maridia as far as i can go, but I'm blocked by a reverse sm gate because I don't have supers and I'm blocked by a purple gate after botwoon (still don't know how to open those).  Wrecked ship seems like a dead end too, purple gate again.  I've been through as much of lower norfair as possible, but purple gated there too.  I thought maybe I'm supposed to hbj the top of the blue brinstar shaft, but I can't get that to work.  What is the next thing I'm supposed to be doing?


The purple gates are opened by finding secret switches in other rooms of the region.


Derakon: Thank you for even thinking about what I asked  :^_^:
Here is a short video I made to show my problem about blue suit. :pale:
As you can see, I can charge until samus suit get blue but when I try to move it disappear.
Anybody know how to make it stay blue? :pwuh:[/spoiler]


Are you pressing down?  According to the translation posted by Metaquarius in this thread " Shinesparking doesn't drain energy, it can performed below 29 energy and you can even cancel it anytime by pressing DOWN button"


Quote from: ianfrombristol on January 27, 2013, 04:26:22 PM
Are you pressing down?  According to the translation posted by Metaquarius in this thread " Shinesparking doesn't drain energy, it can performed below 29 energy and you can even cancel it anytime by pressing DOWN button"
Yes, I am pressing down because I want to morph into ball.
I found a line in version history which translated to this by google translate.
Add a mechanism to take advantage of the forced stop booster.
I think that's what I want to do but I am not sure.
(I can do force stop shinespark but still not the blue suit)
Here is a video I found and tried to copy the move but not succeed yet.


This hack is totally boring me because nothing to find morph ball.   So I just quit because this hack is boring me.


My, this is embarrassing. I can't even get out of the landing site. I've shot everything I can think of and haven't revealed any secret passageways; I even walljumped up to the gauntlet entrance area but can't break that open without something that does bomb-type damage. The weird structure doesn't seem to be accessible, I can't kill the yellow blob enemy (and damage-boosting off of it seems pointless)...I guess this hack doesn't want me to play it! I'm clearly not sneaky enough.


Quote from: painghein on January 25, 2013, 05:27:56 AM
Hello, Is there anyone who can help me how to achieve blue suit status by speedboost?
I know how to get one by Draygon but I can't maintain for all items. :pwuh:
I can get blue suit in sitting down position but when I tried to move it disappear. :evilno:
Any advice will help me to get Gravity suit. Thanks in advance  :^_^:
I'm not sure if I did this the way it should have been done or if I did this the awkward way (using only hi-jump and spring ball). Once I triggered the blue suit, I basically morphed over the spikes. If you have the patience for pixel precise jumps (and save state abuse) be my guest.

As for keeping the blue suit, doing anything besides jumping (and morphing into spikes) removes the blue suit.


Quote from: bradzx on February 04, 2013, 11:24:29 PMThis hack is totally boring me because nothing to find morph ball.   So I just quit because this hack is boring me.
You just need to wall-jump up the left-hand wall.
Quote from: Derakon on February 05, 2013, 12:12:09 AMI even walljumped up to the gauntlet entrance area but can't break that open without something that does bomb-type damage.
You needed to wall-jump just a smidge higher. :^_^:


Quote from: TheAnonymousUser on February 05, 2013, 02:51:57 AM
I'm not sure if I did this the way it should have been done or if I did this the awkward way (using only hi-jump and spring ball). Once I triggered the blue suit, I basically morphed over the spikes. If you have the patience for pixel precise jumps (and save state abuse) be my guest.

As for keeping the blue suit, doing anything besides jumping (and morphing into spikes) removes the blue suit.
Is that your vid that I found? That vid was great :^_^:
Thanks for your info. Now I found out how to keep blue suit in Gravity suit place. :cool:
It seems as you say, without spikes it probably can't keep the blue suit. :nowai:
But man, now I see what you mean by "patience for pixel precise jumps (and save state abuse)".  :whoa: :O_o:
I always bump something before going into that speedboost block tunnel and losing my blue suit. :blush: :evilno:
I hope too see one day somebody playing 100% speedrun for this hack like I saw for Z-factor. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


Thanks for the push in the right direction, Quietus.

So far I'm finding this quite interesting. My most recent acquisition is [spoiler]high-jump boots[/spoiler], though I have to wonder if I was supposed to have gotten [spoiler]the screw attack[/spoiler] already. Respin breaks certain traps...

The ASM changes are great. I really like the change to Spore Spawn. Though I'm not especially fond of the "puzzle" blocking his reward.

EDIT: oh, you bastard.[spoiler][/spoiler]I guess I should have realized that was what would be behind that door! Not really worth the effort I put into getting there...


Sorry for the double-post, but I'm uncertain where to go next. [spoiler]My current loadout:

charge/ice/spazer/wave beams
missiles/super missiles/power bombs/X-ray scope
ball/bombs/spring ball/screw attack
hi-jump/speed booster

I've beaten Botwoon and opened the purple gate in Maridia, but I can't seem to climb up the shaft it exposes, because of the water. I can't lure enemies in there to use as freeze platforms (the Mochtroids refuse to enter one-tile-wide passageways), there don't appear to be any "elevator" shutters...if I had Gravity then this would be a cakewalk, but Gravity appears to require an incredibly assy blue-suit trick where you have to morphball-spike-bounce along a corridor and hope like hell that your X positioning is accurate to land in a 1-tile-high corridor. Do I actually need Gravity to continue at this point? Will I eventually need Gravity, period? If I could skip this puzzle I would. Perhaps I'm missing something that makes it easier though. EDIT: yeah, in hindsight this is an obvious spacejump-speed-mockball puzzle. The hack's so bloody fond of mockballs in increasingly narrow confines. So how do I climb that shaft in Maridia then?

For future reference, to start the blue-suit thing, I think this is the process:
* Run until you get echoes
* Crouch to store a charge, hold down (staying crouched) and aim up
* Let the charge expire; get blue suit (while holding aim up)
* Jump, release aim up, double-tap down to morph while moving horizontally, start holding aim-up again while holding directional input
I can't pull it off consistently even at 50% speed, but at least I can do it.

Unrelated, but is Grapple accessible at this point? I'd like to think so, since I'm not certain my method to get to Screw Attack was the intended method, but I've looked over the map pretty thoroughly and can't find it. [/spoiler]


Quote from: Derakon on February 08, 2013, 12:27:34 AM
Sorry for the double-post, but I'm uncertain where to go next. [spoiler]My current loadout:

charge/ice/spazer/wave beams
missiles/super missiles/power bombs/X-ray scope
ball/bombs/spring ball/screw attack
hi-jump/speed booster

I've beaten Botwoon and opened the purple gate in Maridia, but I can't seem to climb up the shaft it exposes, because of the water. I can't lure enemies in there to use as freeze platforms (the Mochtroids refuse to enter one-tile-wide passageways), there don't appear to be any "elevator" shutters...if I had Gravity then this would be a cakewalk, but Gravity appears to require an incredibly assy blue-suit trick where you have to morphball-spike-bounce along a corridor and hope like hell that your X positioning is accurate to land in a 1-tile-high corridor. Do I actually need Gravity to continue at this point? Will I eventually need Gravity, period? If I could skip this puzzle I would. Perhaps I'm missing something that makes it easier though. EDIT: yeah, in hindsight this is an obvious spacejump-speed-mockball puzzle. The hack's so bloody fond of mockballs in increasingly narrow confines. So how do I climb that shaft in Maridia then?

For future reference, to start the blue-suit thing, I think this is the process:
* Run until you get echoes
* Crouch to store a charge, hold down (staying crouched) and aim up
* Let the charge expire; get blue suit (while holding aim up)
* Jump, release aim up, double-tap down to morph while moving horizontally, start holding aim-up again while holding directional input
I can't pull it off consistently even at 50% speed, but at least I can do it.

Unrelated, but is Grapple accessible at this point? I'd like to think so, since I'm not certain my method to get to Screw Attack was the intended method, but I've looked over the map pretty thoroughly and can't find it. [/spoiler]
By then I had the gravity suit, probably because of the fudge I mentioned before back in crateria. I couldn't even find a way through the room before botwoon without the gravity suit, probably more blue suit glitches.

Quote from: painghein on February 06, 2013, 02:58:12 PM
Is that your vid that I found? That vid was great :^_^:
Thanks for your info. Now I found out how to keep blue suit in Gravity suit place. :cool:
It seems as you say, without spikes it probably can't keep the blue suit. :nowai:
But man, now I see what you mean by "patience for pixel precise jumps (and save state abuse)".  :whoa: :O_o:
I always bump something before going into that speedboost block tunnel and losing my blue suit. :blush: :evilno:
I hope too see one day somebody playing 100% speedrun for this hack like I saw for Z-factor. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I'm glad that I'm of some use here, but my last activity on youtube was well over a year ago. What was that video you were on about anyway?


I think painghein is referring to the video in his earlier post.