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Super metroid inverted

Started by crimsonsunbird, November 05, 2013, 05:52:04 PM

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Vismund Cygnus

Honest opinion ranting time:
[spoiler=Don't read this if you can't handle angry but somewhat constructive criticism]
First of all, I'd like to point out that this really, really isn't good. First of all, you kept Ceres in. Realistically Ceres shouldn't be used (at least, not at the start). It's a plot point for the game, and it really serves no purpose in a hack except to bore people with your unchanged introduction.
On to the tiling itself, it's not good at all. You've hardly changed anything in terms of the actual rooms. This isn't even worthy of being called a half-hack. A half hack at least has its own room design while keeping the same general map layout. You haven't even done that. If I were to categorise this, I'd call it a "spike hack". Because really, all you've done is left the rooms in their original conditions, only you've added spikes everywhere. Spikes aren't interesting. They're frustrating and serve no purpose other than to make me never want to play your hack again.
Don't get me wrong, challenge is fun. Cliffhanger, for example, was challenging, but not in an unfair way. When you died, it was because you did something wrong. In your hack, I died 8 times in the first 5 rooms because of bad design choices, aka falling onto enemies and spikes that I had no way of seeing.
This hack reminds me of something that would have come out 7 years ago and nobody would have liked it. Focus more on actually designing your own rooms before you try and make a hack. Make something unique and interesting, not another spike hack like we already have 30 of.
Lots of love, Vismund.  :colonrightv:

[spoiler=If you don't like criticism look at this instead]



(Google translate)
at the beginning of the game I put some spikes, but after the game follows standard