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[SM] Scroll editing, Crateria room

Started by Lonewolf1354, November 13, 2012, 09:24:43 PM

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So I'm trying to mess with the scroll PLM in the first crateria room. I'm having some trouble with these a bit. Particularly the upper right hand corner of the room... I haven't looked too hard yet, but is there someone that could point me the right direction with a tutorial or give me some pointers?


Scroll PLM's are complicated, generally if at all possible you'll probably just set the scrolls differently unless you want the scrolling to lock, then you need the PLM's, from what I read somewhere along the lines, the scrolls activate when Samus touches them, so in other words, if you're going through a Morph Ball Tunnel, you can use just the little "S", in a larger area you can use the horizontal or vertical arrows, but if you're adding them to rooms it can be hard on the PLM's and require repointing and stuff so it depends or what you already know/are willing to do, you may find this to be to much of a hastle and just change the red scrolls green or blue but if you're looking for a "Professional" look then yeah, I'm sure there's some people here who can give a more "In Depth" if you need it, but generally the one rule to keep in your mind; You must be able to "Touch" the PLM, (Theoretcially they're treated as BTS blocks)


Hello there. I am still relatively new to all this myself, but I have a decent-ish understanding of the scroll PLMs now.

The following page helped me a lot, particularly sections B and C. Sections A and D confused me a bit and I will have to go back to them, but take a look:


Thanks to the both of you! The help file helps it make a lot more sense now, I think I was just placing them in the wrong spot and didn't understand the blue, green, and red 100%.


While there are one or two scenarios where scroll PLMs may be better suited, the Yellow Scroll patch almost entirely removes the need for them.  You may want to look into that too. :^_^:


Also... I have both the required files in the folder to test rooms out, but I still keep glitching and immediately dieing... Why?

Edit: I moved the SRM folder to the TESTROOM folder, it was originally the same as ZSNES folder...


Check that there are no Red boxes where you're starting the game, also when you press the Hotkey to test the room Samus generates where your mouse was on the screen when you pressed the key, so check that you're not showing up in a wall.