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Super Metroid: Volta

Started by FPzero, September 19, 2009, 03:43:17 PM

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THE Purple Helmet

Hooray!!  \ (*o*) /  Your palette choices are so appealing! Glad to hear this is not a dead project!



Were you actually lying and working on it in the shadows, or decide to start work on it again and claim to be a liar!?

Either way, nice to see you back on the saddle with this.


The latter, but the liar claim had to do with the fact I'd said I didn't think I'd ever get anything done on it again.

Silver Skree

I've never been happier to be lied to. This calls for a celebration! cookies.


I'll join the celebration!  Love Volta's palettes, along with those in Blood's hack...

Also, I'll take the middle cookie. :wink:


Yes!  I am glad to finally see new progress on Volta.  I have been looking forward to this hack ever since I first saw it on M2K2 years ago.  Keep up the good work!


Those indigo detail walls are driving me crazy.  They're rough edged and don't line up easily, causing pixel-small cutoff that I'm OCD about fixing.  You should see the gfx file and the tile table for here...


I freaking love that green background. Can i suggest making some of the "sections" of it slightly darker than others? I reckon that'd look heaps awesome

Hiroshi Mishima

I agree that the palette kicks ass, and I agree with Fish that the background looks very nice. Other than that I'm too tired to openly discuss the hack and am merely glad that work is being done again. *manly hug*


That room looks pretty amazing. yeah. I really can't think of anything else to type here.


Quote from: FirePhoenix on August 04, 2010, 09:57:12 PM

this room is orgasmic! how did you make such a awsome tileset?

looks better, than grimes and drewsephs level design! keep going  :^_^:


That tileset does look really good. And the room does look good aswell.
Congrats on getting back on the hacking train. :awesome:


I have been waiting for good sweet progress made on this hack since last year when my brother gave me the patch for the last beta. I was looking (unregistered) around at M2K2 untill I found a link to Metconstruct, I eventually found this thread about a month ago and then I looked every where in the Super Metroid department and also in engine works before I signed aboard here just a few minutes ago.
I am seastorm, I am also a member of Armgeddon Games or AGN for short where I just released my ZC quest beta a week ago.
Anyway, FP, I really like the progress on Volta you made on the time I waited for more info on this project, you truly are a great hacker for making such changes to the game, I just love what you have done, plain brilliant, only a few other hackers have done what you have done such a great job so far.
My 2 cents.


Nothing big exciting but I'm happy with how my steep mountainside is turning out.  Mountain BG is not yet inserted.


I like it :D.
Good to see you're still working in it... Any percentages?


I wonder how running down a steep mountain would work, if you even do that.


Unfortunately, Samus clips off the very steep slopes and has trouble running up them too, but that's an engine issue, not a BTS one.  I wish the transition were smoother but it's not.


That sorta outlines real physics as well. I'd find it real hard to run down that mountain without tripping and falling on my face and tumbling down the rest of the way.

....I'd be too fat to run up that thing...

Hiroshi Mishima

Actually, I notice that Samus occasionally has trouble running down certain slopes in other hacks I've played, even when they're designed fairly well. So I can certainly attest to that fact.


So I finished inserting the background for the outdoor portions of the icy mountaintop.  I thought it was beautiful and nearly cried. </art>


Here's an ingame shot too:


Very beautiful BG! It's great to finally see Volta getting some much needed attention.


I am usually quite stoic, and enjoy keeping my composure, but that background is the absolute sex. :wub: