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Best first time mod for Super Metroid??

Started by E1SUNZ, October 08, 2012, 02:27:05 PM

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Try Redesign. That hack seems to be the first most people here have played. It is harder, and larger, but still pretty much looks like Super Metroid.

Easy hacks that offer a different experience are Oxide and Searching for Items.

And if you want pain and agony, So Little Time.

Also, exploration based hacks like Ice Metal; Uninstall, Phazon 0.3, and Metroid Super Zero Mission are fun.


Thanks just checked on that it seems the one i want :) i further kinda researched in this page:
The green linked ones so far what im interested in starting first are "Redesign" and mayybe "Project Base" not sure too many dark colours i hate :/ and i read no changes done to item placements and bosses AI etc? :(
after that i will surely check out the other mods and if im really into it i may contribute to this forum who knows haha anyways thanks you all for your stuffs  :yay:
After im all done with those il will surely try many others


Project Base is really just the original Super Metroid, with changed physics and palettes. He calls it "Base" because his idea is for people to use it as a base for their hack if they like the physics and other changes.


Ahh i see thanks for clearing my mind :) Yep gonna start with Redesign and slowly make my way up playing with the other awesome mods


Sorry for the double post but can someone tell me how to install the Resign mod on my Super Metroid ROM?? What's headered and unheadered too? lol thanks!


You will need Lunar IPS or a similar tool. (You can grab that from the "Tools" section on the main site.)

Also, make a copy of your SM ROM, and patch it to that. SMILE can add/remove headers for you if you need to do so.


Take Project Base for a spin, you won't be disappointed.


As much as I like directing people straight to Redesign, the changes can put a lot of people off, so I'd say it depends on what you're looking for.  If you want hacks that continue what Super Metroid did, then you should start with hacks with similar difficulty levels.  Life and Stardust spring to mind.  For me Redesign is still amazing to play, and, as I've mentioned numerous times before, was the hack that started a lot of SM hackers on their journey, so it's always worth it. :^_^:


Yeah im planning to try out all the hacks available..well popular ones first, since i can finish the original Super Metroid pretty quick i think i should first start out with Project Base then onto Redesign :), yeah it includes some big changes but i guess i should try this as a major starting mod overhaul :)
I've spent some hours checking through some walkthroughs on youtube on the different mods especially those smaller mods they seem really interesting :) Will give them a play tomorrow lol
Btw checked up on Stardust pretty interesting
I played on Redesign on snes9x emulator wow so far


Don't play Grand Prix 1, Its horrible and im ashamed of it. you guys should un A-list it.


Just wanted to mention, I noticed you said your dad doesn't like to play because of the PC controllers (which I would agree, they're clunky most of the time). But, There's adapters you can get that let you use Snes, PSX, ect controllers. Just type "Snes Usb Adapter" into google if you're interested. I have a PSX one, and it actually works extremely well across all systems. It's a good investment.


Also, as you are starting a journey of Super Metroid hacks, don't let this one pass you by, it's incredible.


Quote from: FullOfFail on October 20, 2012, 12:13:47 PM
Just wanted to mention, I noticed you said your dad doesn't like to play because of the PC controllers (which I would agree, they're clunky most of the time). But, There's adapters you can get that let you use Snes, PSX, ect controllers. Just type "Snes Usb Adapter" into google if you're interested. I have a PSX one, and it actually works extremely well across all systems. It's a good investment.
Awesome! how did i not think of this before...

Quote from: Weterr123 on October 20, 2012, 12:43:19 PM
Also, as you are starting a journey of Super Metroid hacks, don't let this one pass you by, it's incredible.
Never really liked the super metroids on the gba (emualtor) it feels strange the graphics and all nearly finished Metroid Fusion once tho but then stopped, Zero mission well i got stuck somewhere in the beginning didn't like the starting maps etc so stopped asap, Super Metroid is the main one we love and the Prime series is pretty cool too, Metroid other M well can't see what all the hate is about it's....ok but not as bad as people claim it to be...ok sorry for going offtopic again ...atm im still playing through Redesign not too happy with it for some reason but still pretty good, got stuck couple of times and watched through some playthroughs on Youtube of where im at and then clock the bit like that there are some wasted or no point rooms sometimes which is frustrating at time and it's like...the maps are not easy to remember/memorable...can't really explain but it's like somethings missing...meh other than that still fun! :D Maybe il try the Zero mission mod next :)


It's interesting you say about not liking Zero Mission that much, but it sounds like either bad set up of the emulator (where you say strange graphics?), but also it sounds like you've not given it much of a chance. I find this interesting, as most people who love Super will go on to say their next favourites are Zero Mission and Fusion (and in that order) due to the fact that those 2 games use similar engines. They also added a feature or more to the table as well. It might feel slightly out of your comfort zone as you fondly remember and memorize everything about Super, but hell, you're going through the unfamiliarity right now with Redesign!! I urge you to go through Zero Mission and Fusion properly, if you stick with them, you won't be disappointed. Please at least go through Zero Mission before doing the hack I posted the link to.  :^_^:

EDIT: I recommend VBA (Visual Boy Advance) for GBA games if you're emulating on PC. I myself use my hacked PSP and use GPSP.


Yeah played em on VBA and on PSP with emulator. I think it's just the movement that bothers me and the game stretched on a monitor looks bad


Make sure when playing on VBA that you have the aspect ratio as close to the GBA screen aspect ratio, keep graphics as they were intended, rather than stretching them. It's like playing Pokémon yellow on GBA, when they were meant for GB Colour - I never played pokemon widescreen, looks yucky!


Stretched emulation is always nasty looking. I personally prefer my screens scaled by a factor divisible by 2 (I only recently grabbed VBA-M, and it can display my GBA games at glorious 6x resolution (over the original 4x of your usual VBA.)


Quote from: E1SUNZ on October 08, 2012, 03:10:49 PM
Ahh i see thanks for clearing my mind :) Yep gonna start with Redesign and slowly make my way up playing with the other awesome mods

Redesign was the first hack that I played, and I found it to be extremely difficult. I was really dead-set on playing through Redesign without using any savestates, but I had to abandon that thought about halfway through. I also had to go on Youtube to figure out where I needed to go at several points.

The game is relatively easy up until you reach the "hell run" (sprint through Norfair w/o Varia).  The difficulty of getting through this is simply unreal compared to everything prior.  It took me about 30 attempts, without using any savestates.  When I finally did make it through, I came out with a mere 4 hp.

When I had to obtain grapple beam, I had to cave in and use savestates after about a dozen attempts. Its on the same difficulty level as the hell run, but the major annoyance is how far you have to travel from the save station.  I salute anyone that managed get through this sequence on the first or second try without savestates (I can't imagine anyone making it through on the first try though). Once you get grapple, there are a few more very tricky segments where just one mistake equals game over, usually a lengthy trek from the nearest save station.

I highly recommend playing Redesign as it was really awesome, but I wouldn't recommend it as a first hack.  For first hack, I recommend either Ice Metal or Phazon, both of which have a more graduated learning curve and feature much fairer gameplay.  Definitely do not pass up MSZM, that is my personal favorite to date. I believe it to be the most fine-tuned, professional quality SM hack out there.


Has no one even mentioned Eris? It's a little difficult at certain points, so maybe not a first hack, but a must-play.


Quote from: altoiddealer on October 21, 2012, 01:11:52 AM
Redesign was the first hack that I played, and I found it to be extremely difficult. I was really dead-set on playing through Redesign without using any savestates, but I had to abandon that thought about halfway through. I also had to go on Youtube to figure out where I needed to go at several points.

The game is relatively easy up until you reach the "hell run" (sprint through Norfair w/o Varia).  The difficulty of getting through this is simply unreal compared to everything prior.  It took me about 30 attempts, without using any savestates.  When I finally did make it through, I came out with a mere 4 hp.
You mean that awesome run where you unlock Ice Beam and Varia? Lol loved that and yeah had to use plenty of savestate and still had to have in total atleast 20 attempts when i had to get in a room where you have to enter doing a morph ball in mid air to go through just before i entered there i just did a save state and another additional save state where these monster spawn from this Super Mario tube thing racking up energy etc and when full pause, save state and run :D
But seriously i highly doubt anyone can complete Redesign eithout looking through walkthroughs etc for example where the Varia suit was placed...that was kinda a stupid spot as tere was no clues to even going in there i went through Brinstar and everywhere to look for the varia and when i saw a vid you have to go throufh a tube for it...kinda a bad spot they placed it haha and yeah im planning to go trhough ALot of mods especially Phazon and that :)
Quote from: FullOfFail on October 21, 2012, 04:32:26 AM
Has no one even mentioned Eris? It's a little difficult at certain points, so maybe not a first hack, but a must-play.
Yeah i looked through the screenshots etc reading reviews on it fom many different sites some people liked it some did not, and since no one mentioned it here i thought it isn't worth playing the first few mods that i was planning to use this mod as the last mods kinda


Eric is also another great hack which you should definitely play, but probably not as a first hack.

When you do play it, you can save yourself a lot of time by simply [spoiler]turning around and going back if you find yourself going down into a water area in the beginning of the game. It is just a big dead-end.  Also keep in mind that when you are looking for morphball, try shooting some suspicious looking surfaces[/spoiler]


Will check it out
Wondered why would they make a dead end in a water area for you to go in the first place O.o


No one have suggested Ice metal yet?  :sadface:

Ice metal is a great hack to get into if you like the original and want to get into something that feels very similar but still retains new content in the form of a new world. :V


Eris has pretty open exploration, and you can go places you really aren't supposed to be in yet early on.  I would actually suggest Eris 2012 since it's the updated version, and fixes a lot of balance issues that existed in the first one.  Level design wasn't really changed, but item placement and progression was really polished.  For me it turned it from a hack that I didn't like into one that I really enjoyed.