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Metroid: Super Prime Mission

Started by Metroidz, October 07, 2012, 09:28:02 PM

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Ah, my bad.  Shadow is right - I thought you were on about the Rinkas.  I don't recall ever seeing anything mentioned about the actual turrets, nor could I find anything after a bit of searching. :neutral:


Meh oh well, what can we do. xD Back to Business, Magmoor and Phazon Mines Palettes are in, should have some screenshots by tomorrow evening, main goal will be to get Phendrana in next the go for the 100% complete level design of the Tallon Overworld.


Quote from: Metroidz on October 11, 2012, 07:10:59 PM
On a side note does anybody know if the Turrets from Tourian are Enemies or PLM's or are they hardcoded completely? Would be an easy sub for Auto Defense Turrets if I could get them to work. :P
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that they are handled like the spores in SporeSpawn's room (the 4 pods at the top are projectiles spawned by him, and they in turn spawn the spores that fall).  If they are indeed projectiles spawned by MotherBrain, that means that they won't work outside of her room without some VRAM updates and such.  Would probably be easiest to use their data as a template of sorts to create a new enemy.


Alright, thanks for the info!

Ok newest update: I'm releasing a Demo in a new ROM, "Super Metroid Phazon Mines" this will give you:
10 Energy Tanks
About 60 Missiles
12 Super Missiles
Space Jump, Varia, Wave/Ice/Charge Beam, bombs, Spider/Boost/Morph Ball
In the hack you will be getting:
Phazon Suit
Grapple Beam
First Power Bombs
40 Missiles
8 Super Missiles
2 Etanks
Why is this being put out:
To show new GFX/ASM
To give out first public run of the General Gameplay
To show what MOST of the items will be like (Seeing as how this is the second to last area and the last area Items are collected in)
Between Sunday Evening and sometime Tuesday