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Started by Lunaria, September 21, 2012, 05:51:13 AM

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We still don't have a gaming forum?  :>_>:
Anyhow, I need people to play with; So go thread! :3

NEStalgia is a retro style (think dragon quest) RPG, the twist being that it is also part MMO. :V
(You can find the website here: [Link] (I keep trying to use the <a> tag. ._. ))

The MMO aspect comes in that three players make up a party, rather then you being in charge of three players. Though, if you are forever alone you can always play pokemon with the recruit able companions instead. (Downside being that they are weaker than players.)

Besides, who doesn't love portals?

This being a screenshot from the event dungeon that is available right now. :V

But that's sorta just the tip of the ice berg, the game is full of references to other games and films/etc. :I
Now get started playing so I don't have to be forever alone with my ranger! :fukken:
(I'm on the server Algol)

Oh and I guess I should mention the game is on Steam Green Light if that sort of thing floats your boat.