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SMILE FX1/graphic editor help for new hacker

Started by Rave, November 10, 2013, 04:12:45 AM

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Hello there Metroid Construction forums. Quite new to be honest, and I've taken it upon myself to begin hacking Super Metroid, which to date is still one of my top three favorite games! But that's not important.

My issue is that with SMILE I cant change the FX1 of room 791F8 aka where Samus' lands her ship, Base has disabled both the scrolling sky and the Rain, I wish to have the rain back, but after I set the parameters I need in the FX1 window of SMILE and press "remember changes" and then save the room, then when I go in to test the room there is but fog, when I clearly set it to rain.

I am using SMILE 2.83 that I got from here not long ago.

Oh and is there no easier way to find a certain tile, like find the offset for it in SMILE so I can go in and change it in Tile Layer Pro because I've literally spent all night looking for a tile I want to change. I want to say that no, because I've seen no such thing in the graphics editor.

Anyway thanks for your responses! :D


After you replace the Fog with Rain.
"Do not" press the enter room key and save.

Click the save button on the top left of the window.
Then test the room out.


Oh... Ok now I feel stupid, lol. That's so obvious, thanks lol. And glad to see such an awesome community isn't dead by the way! :D


As for your tile editing question: I think you're looking at things wrong.  Check Vismund's recent post here, which will give you a clear breakdown of the process (you do not edit the tiles directly in the ROM).


Ok, so I want to export it from SMILE, and edit the .gfx file? Well, that's what Imma try now anyway.  :^_^:

*EDIT* YAY! :D Thank you Quietus! Thank you very much now I can do this!

*EDIT 2* Ok, after opening SMILE again the room Im working on, still the landing site, and going into test the rain is STILL fog, after saving and restarting SMILE after clicking remember changes, nor will the Layer 2 BG load to any degree, just black. Searched round on the forums and I couldn't find much >..<

*EDIT 3* Blergh, had to redo the entire ROM as it crashed when I tried running it through an emulator. Thanks for all the help, and I managed to fix the FX1 x3


I know you said you fixed it, but I just wanted to note that the states could be causing this aswell. If you, say, give yourself powerbombs, or whatever else the state requires in quickmet, it'll jump to it.

Most new people fiddle with the landing site when they first start hacking, and they probably shouldn't, there's just too much going on with it. There's a few things you'd need to learn prior to it to really know what to do with it.


I've gathered such, lol, just not sure where else to begin, that and I'ts the first room you get to see, its pretty iconic in my opinion and I have an idea of how I want it. But what exactly should I avoid doing in this room? I know that I did something with the layer 2 BG, removed it,  like twice thinking it didn't work. Im smart like that. x3


Stuff like this is why I said it wasn't a good example for beginners to fiddle with :P Are you trying to remove the sky completely? If so, I'll drop a doc I wrote on it awhile back at the bottom. If you do that, then that also fixes other issues the sky-scrolling has with doors, making it much more of a easier room to build.


No, not trying to remove it, but rather I want to edit it, its odd because I did click add layer 2 background again, no matter. I'll take a look in the doc you posted and see what I can learn from it ^..^

*EDIT* Looking at your document I see that it under sky scrolling Step 1 says "Highlight Layer1_2 value" But nay, there is no Layer1_2 to highlight. My guess is that it was written in an older version of SMILE where one of these was named these, I'm guessing the BG_Data? Here's an image of what the pointers tab reads currently.


Just use a different room.  As far as I know it shouldn't make a difference, as you're going to be manually creating a layer 2 background anyway.


layer1_2 is called FX0 (setup code) in your version of smile, the BG data pointer points to a background somewhere else in the ROM ($8F). The landing site, however, uses a layer 2 background and so the background data is part of the rooms level data which is why the BG pointer is 0000. Hope this helps :^_^: