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Completed Hack: Escape From Planet Metroid

Started by Sylux, November 29, 2009, 11:14:03 AM

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Tried it again from the start but got stuck in the same place grime was stuck at. I was just asking for it though, traveled through water w/o the gravitysuit and bypassed tons of spikes with no grappling beam. This time I did find the spring ball, but guess took the wrong route after finding it. A piece of me likes the open-endedness potential of this hack, but be better if you didn't get stuck left and right. You just need to close a few areas off til you get later upgrades.


Exactly.  I restarted and got stuck AGAIN, this time in another area I thought maybe I could get through with grapple and springball (but still no gravity).  And so many of these underwater permastucks are so easy to access.  That's my main gripe.  With some reworking this could be a pretty decent little hack, but in it's current form it's extremely frustrating.

Edit:  Assuming I'm supposed to avoid water areas pre-gravity, and avoid the gate that I need wave to come back through, I have no idea where I'm supposed to go next on the "intended" path.  I have morph, bombs, springball, missiles, super missiles, grapple, spazer, charge, and ice, plus some tanks and whatnot.  A hint?


Quote from: Shadow96 on March 20, 2012, 03:52:38 PM
Quote from: MATHGODpi on March 13, 2012, 05:09:13 PM
What opens these doors? :wink:

those don't open, he just didn't make the top of the sky solid, so you able to get to a spot that was outside the intended space. the doors are left over plms
Was just teasing him, hence the winky face. :wink:


Oh yeah, I couldn't find the spacejump. I just did some tricky maneuvering to get into some of the last areas. Alot of these areas had me confused, because I wasn't sure if they were intended to be difficult, or if I was just advancing too fast.
Like Crash mentioned, it's really unclear what the intended path was. Took me a few tries from scratch just to find the path that didn't get me permastuck. The hack itself is pretty good, I enjoyed it, just needs to be tweeked.


1:14, 44%.

I got myself stuck twice going too far into the water areas before I was supposed to.  Once I got past that, and gave up sequence breaking in a few areas, the rest went by pretty quickly.  I liked the level design, but wasn't a huge fan of the enemy placement.  When I go through rooms multiple times I often just want to run and jump by instead of stopping to shoot all the time, I spent a lot of time running into things to go by quickly.  I would agree that there is a lot of morphballing in this hack, the boss fights were pretty meh too.  I just sat in the upper left of GT for the entire fight, why go down at all?  Item placement was good, exploring every little nook was often rewarding.  Pretty decent for a short hack.

I definitely ran past the ship once on my way out ._.


2:01, 51%.  Once I figured out the way to go this is a pretty fun little hack, with a good atmosphere, plenty of hidden goodies, and just enough difficulty (especially near the end) to provide some challenge.  With some polish (a map, blocking off the far too easily accessed water areas pre-gravity, etc.), this could be one of the better mini-hacks out there.  I enjoyed myself.


Tried playing without savestates~ got permastuck after walljumping up the shaft, into the room with a mini Kraid. Gave up!

I will play again when this is updated to fix all the currently indentified permastucks


What's the max items?  I spent some time mining for powerups and got up to 59%.  I think I saw someone else at 59% as well. 


Well, post also amount of ammo and max energy you have then.

And is creator of this hack reading all this?


Quote from: JAM on April 09, 2012, 01:26:02 AM
Well, post also amount of ammo and max energy you have then.

And is creator of this hack reading all this?

I don't think so  :pwuh:


I think it's 8 ET, 130M, 35SM, 15 PB and all powerups save for space jump, screw attack and varia.

Edit:  I'm up to 10ET, 130M, 40SM and 15PB.  60%. 


I admit that I didn't read through the entire thread, but I started playing this hack and managed to get myself stuck...more or less. I had to shoot a super missile through a right-to-left blue gate to get out, and I've never seen a hack where that kind of shenanigans was expected. I'm pretty certain that the game expects me to have grappling beam or ice beam by this point, but I have neither.

Hint to the hack creator: this kind of thing?[spoiler][/spoiler]It only encourages players. :) Getting up that shaft without any way to kill the zoomers (I didn't pick up super missiles until after I got stuck) wasn't even especially challenging. The stuck point is straight left from where I'm standing in that screenshot; the blue gate is unopenable (barring aforementioned super missile shenanigans) and the other exits require powerups I don't have.


[spoiler][spoiler=really giving it away...]unfortunately if you went in there without grappling beam, you have to get to a spot that should only be passable with gravity suit... it's tough, but you can get through that spot by freezing an enemy and using as a platform. From there, you'll have an extremely tough venture to make it through the next parts (normally, you'd have the gravity suit to help reduce damage), as you're going through with basic suit.

If you went in there without even ice beam, then afaik, you're screwed.

Word of advice, it may be best to start the game over, and acquire grappling beam before going into that area next time around.[/spoiler][/spoiler]


Yeah, I didn't have grappling beam, ice beam, or gravity suit. The former two I would have found rather quickly if I hadn't seen that shaft screaming out "Please don't wall jump up me!"

Anyway, finished in 1:20 with 56% item collection. A decent little hack, though there's perhaps too many items. And some of the "you shouldn't go this way without X item" weren't quite forceful enough, as noted above.


MY apologies for my prolonged absence from this forum, and from ROMhacking in general.

It seems like my biggest problem was underestimating what a skilled player could pull off in terms of sequence breaking. None of my beta testers were able to get into the flooded area without the gravity suit, nor could they get into the jungle without at least the grapple beam. If I had known that either of these sequence breaks were possible, I'd have never uploaded the hack. Sorry for what must have been a very frustrating experience for some of you.

For clarity's sake, the INTENDED path was that the player get the bombs and springball, but then be deterred by the water in the springball room and turn back. They would then explore the Vault-like area that contains the ice beam, grapple beam, and super missiles, go up to the jungle to get the gravity suit, and then return to the springball room to proceed through the water. I intended for skilled players to be able to grab early super missiles and skip most of the Vault, but that was the only possible sequence break I planned for.

SO, I will be changing the springball room to make sure there are no cubbyholes that you can spring out of, and putting a super missile and/or grappleblock barrier before the jungle entrance. This should take care of all the sequence breaks complained of. Its also possible that some of you might have done the two subsections of the jungle out of order (as with the springball room, I thought that the water would prevent that); I will change it to make the gravity suit unneccesary for retrieving the wave beam, so you can explore the jungle in any order.

The one thing I cannot figure out is the golden tourizo ammo dissapearing. That's just fucking bizarre and I have no idea what could be causing it. Not sure how to solve this.

Thanks to all of you for giving Escape a try. I will soon make the above changes, and hopefully begin on another ROMhack.

EDIT: I seem to have a problem with my backup ROMs. Will have to delay reupload.


Aw shoot.  I miss it the download.  OH well.  Have to wait.


Hey, I need help here.  I already defeat Phantoon and I already went two flashing door.  One room of bunch of pipe where you can get energy tank and one of save station.  Where I can go?  I already look around and nothing other way I can find.


Quote from: bradzx on October 26, 2012, 02:42:16 PM
Hey, I need help here.  I already defeat Phantoon and I already went two flashing door.  One room of bunch of pipe where you can get energy tank and one of save station.  Where I can go?  I already look around and nothing other way I can find.

Go back to the entrance of the area where you are. You now have access to the last part of the game.

The purple one on my new map.

I don't think I have all the items so please tell me if you see something that I missed.


Oh ok.  Btw, your picture is broken.  Can you upload photobucket or other website for photo upload?



Time Clear - 1:49

Items % - 49

9 energy tanks, 15 Power Bomb, 80 Missiles, 25 Super Missiles, Morph ball, Spring ball, Bomb, Plasma, Wave, Ice, Charge, Speed Booster, Gravity Suit, and High Jump Boot.