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Help with cheat codes (deactivating upgrades)

Started by hackplayer, January 21, 2012, 03:36:47 AM

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I was playing the hack Super Zero Mission and I was curious to see what was in an unreacheable area. I used some cheat codes to get upgrades. When I toggled it, the code didn't make any effect. Many hours later, I got the gravity suit and suddenly I have also Plasma, Screw Attack and Space Jump. Loading the last save didn't help.

How can I get rid of those upgrades? I guess it's all a matter of creating some Game Genie code to erase those bits in the RAM, however I don't have any experience with cheat codes on the SNES.

As far as I remember, this was the code I used: "Add Ball, Varia Suit, Spring Ball, Screw Attack, Gravity Suit 4EDF-FA6D"


What items do you have actually collected? Morhing Ball or none at all?

It's a very weird code you've provided. I've recoded it to PAR and got 7000122F. It modifies SRAM and looks like take effect after loading from save.

I can suggest to apply another code (and shut down the code you've entered).

This one removes Varia Suit, Spring Ball, Screw Attack and Gravity Suit. Morphing ball will stay

This one removes the ball too.


I'm sorry, but I think there's nothing wrong with my game. I did some research, and some "unknown items" I got in this hack were actually Plasma, Screw and Space Jump, seems like they don't get activated until the gravity suit is actually on (and they also don't show up in the inventory before it).



sounds to me like the super zero mission isn't right with that order, in metroid zero mission when you get the gravity suit, you only get the items back that you had before and you get a space jump and the plazma beam with it.


Yes corruptor, he took some liberties when making SZM. It works well though.


:) okay, I just wanted to point that out even though it was pointless of me.