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Official Metroid Construction Podcast Topic

Started by begrimed, July 01, 2012, 10:03:36 PM

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After two years, it's finally here. Enjoy! I'll leave it up to somebody else here to summarize the topics discussed. Two versions:

"Official" release with proper intro [27 minutes]
Edited version with much cleaner audio, pauses removed, instances of multiple people talking at once removed or minimized, off-topic chatter removed or minimized, loud laughter and microphone distortion removed or minimized. Stays on point and flows much better. I worked on this for like 20 hours, so you'd better love it.

Raw Skype recording by DSO [82 minutes]

I will be deleting these from my dropbox once they're posted properly on the main site.


Nice job on the editing Grime. :D

This was a lot of fun, hope to be part of this more moving forward.
I noticed a lack of spike related talk though. :P


I'd like to point out that if anyone has any criticisms/ideas for upcoming events, to please leave feedback in this topic. I'm stickying this topic, and I hope to see some feedback. :D


I'd like to thank you guys for providing tips for the newbies in hacking.
this actually helps, and kinda gives us a better idea for where our hacks should be going.

overall, great podcast.

Zero One

The podcast was pretty awesome. Not the greatest, but for a first go, it's really well done!


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on July 02, 2012, 12:06:08 PM
I'd like to point out that if anyone has any ideas for upcoming events, to please leave feedback in this topic.
What happen to that interview you told me about two years or so ago? :I


The podcast was awesome and it had some good topics to discuss about rom hacking. This is a great idea and would love to hear more of these.


Cut out a HUGE chunk! Still, sounded good, and thankfully DSO sounded a bit clearer than he actually did. (Distinct lake of bubble talk too... This makes sad pandas go hungry.)

Anyway, as was already mentioned, any ideas or topics for discussion, please post them for our consideration. Seeing how much fun we had the first time we might do it slightly more often than once every 2 years. Hopefully you will all enjoy the madness and contribute to future episodes.


Yeah, I ended up cutting out a lot of the funny stuff because it was off-topic, hence the raw recording for the folks who wanna hear how it all really went down. The stuff that stayed was brief enough and helped with transitioning topics or keeping the flow of conversation.

Edit: also, someone should upload those MP3s to the main site and highlight them there for non-forum goers. Make a little page for them that summarizes the topics discussed and a mention of everyone who was on it.


I don't know about any of these ideas but, maybe you can have an Organized list on what topics to be discussed ahead of time. It's so that you can get a chance to think about what you want to say and not have to there be any "uh... what do I say?" moments in the podcast.

Another idea I have is that to have some sort of Q&A session. People ask questions, as either a member on metconst or maybe have an email address that people can email the questions to, and you guys answer their questions.
Another idea could be to interview people on metconst, now it would not have to be in every podcast or not part of the podcast at all but just something I'm throwing out there.

That's all I got but these are just things you can consider?


Quote from: Webber1900 on July 02, 2012, 09:29:33 PM
I don't know about any of these ideas but, maybe you can have an Organized list on what topics to be discussed ahead of time. It's so that you can get a chance to think about what you want to say and not have to there be any "uh... what do I say?" moments in the podcast.
We had a list for that podcast. If you listen to the unedited version you will hear me pick out topics from our list to discuss. Grime cut stuff out to keep it flowing and going for easier listening. But some of us have had some similar ideas to yours. Trying to encourage people to PM or write their questions/topics for our next episode.


I like the idea of members submitting questions to be discussed on the podcast, for sure. We'll have to do that next go 'round. Hell, maybe with more input it won't be two more years until we make an episode 2. Get crackin'.


Quote from: MetroidMst on July 02, 2012, 09:33:34 PM
We had a list for that podcast. If you listen to the unedited version you will hear me pick out topics from our list to discuss. Grime cut stuff out to keep it flowing and going for easier listening. But some of us have had some similar ideas to yours. Trying to encourage people to PM or write their questions/topics for our next episode.

I never had listened to the raw/uncut version so that's why I asked.

Quote from: Grime on July 02, 2012, 10:45:38 PM
I like the idea of members submitting questions to be discussed on the podcast, for sure. We'll have to do that next go 'round. Hell, maybe with more input it won't be two more years until we make an episode 2. Get crackin'.

My question is that will we be PMing you or somebody else for the questions?

Another idea is that you could also put up a time key. That way you know what and when a topic will be discussed, so anyone can just jump to a particular part of the podcast. This could be just for everyone's convenience if there is a part that they are not really interested to listen.


I'll go ahead and say PM any of the five of us in the podcast with your questions. I think we are all pretty happy with the idea of continuing in doing this, and we'll share the questions among ourselves so we all know what is going on. When we get topic ideas or a question now, we send it to the other members taking part in the podcast. So, as Grime said. Get to work you we wenches! Can't have no layabouts here with unanswered questions.


the long one was better. but after an hour some should say "thats all the time we have today" and just leave it uncut. and add remaining topics to the next one. maybe someone doing disk jockey stile hosting. good stuff people keep it up.


The time it takes really depends on how much we spend discussing some topics, and the volume of topics we have to discuss. Obviously, not all will be 87 minutes in length. We've even mentioned doing very short episodes for when a new hack comes out or some other major development. I also do not think we will have uncut versions only, as Grime did very good work with this one and will only get better with more episodes. (Plus, he really did clean up a lot of the audio too.)

But thanks for the suggestions and keep them coming people! In fact, in future "long" episodes, we may just call a break point to split it off into two different recordings during one session so that it is smaller and a little easier to listen to conveniently.


I'd love to be part OF the podcast some times, as I'm sure I have some things I could share that would of help to others/etc/whatnot. :V


QuoteI'll go ahead and say PM any of the five of us in the podcast with your questions.
I think it would work best to pick one person to receive all of the PMs. Not me.

Ya'll need to get better mics though so I'm not spending days editing every one. :P


Good podcast. Really enjoyed listening through it. :yay:


Quote from: Grime on July 03, 2012, 08:47:41 PM
I think it would work best to pick one person to receive all of the PMs. Not me.
Since Grime so graciously doesn't want you to send him anything, go ahead and send your questions/topics to me. I will try to sort through the mess and hopefully get things together. Send them in now, planning has already begun for episode two!


More chaos. It was recorded a while ago and there is finally the uncut version ready for your listening pleasure and all that. (Listening pleasure? Not during this wreck...) This time, DSO records stuff and tells us afterwords, and things are mentioned.

Thanks again to everyone who took part, and for those who sent in questions.

[spoiler=The only form at the moment. Sorry.][/spoiler]


It seemed a lot less organised this time, with relatively little talk about each topic, and fewer topics than before.  I'm also not sure that mixing in more speakers improved anything, as it just seemed to lead to more in-jokes and off-topicness.  I like the podcasts, and don't want them to be all 'serious business', but I feel that they're there to serve some purpose, and more content / direction would certainly improve them.

If I may offer some suggestions:

What's new since the last podcast?  Any new discoveries, or anything worth mentioning?
Mini reviews of any hacks released since the last podcast.
Tips 'n' tricks.  Anything that can be handy.  I recall it wasn't so long ago that I learned you could middle mouse to scroll in SMILE! :blush:

Anyway, keep 'em coming. :^_^:


So this was thrown together at the last moment late last night. (And it shows, but hey, new podcast!) We discuss T.H.E. Contest, and also cover some ideas. A post-T.H.E. Contest podcast(s?) will be coming to discuss each entry.

[spoiler=Pre-T.H.E. Contest Podcast]Metroid Construction Podcast - Pre-T.H.E. Contest[/spoiler]


So, some of us are somewhat close to getting a podcast out about a current subject! In episode 4 we discuss Super Metroid Airy.

Metroid Construction Podcast: Episode 4 - Super Metroid Airy


Finally got round to listening to this, and I have to say that I agree with most of the comments about Airy.  I chuckled at the double save room part, as that also made me think 'pointless waste' when I saw them.  I actually found the grapple block early on, and seemed to wait an age to find Grapple, so it did start to feel tedious.