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Project Base 0.7.3 release

Started by begrimed, August 31, 2009, 06:03:10 AM

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Quote from: Crys on November 07, 2009, 04:19:17 PM
I'm not sure I really like this shiny glow on very dark stuff, thingy...
Then don't play it?
I think it gives a bit of life to the dark atmosphere Grime is creating. if it didn't have a few outstanding shades in there, it would all just be dark, and very lifeless. While some colors could be a bit less intense, I think some of these pics look quite amazing.


Sweet, Grime. Keep up the good work. I like how the blue pipes almost look like the mouth in that last post. I'm assuming the enemies will be getting a make over too. That should be interesting too.



Brinstar is now 100% complete. This means the green area, pink area, blue area, red area, and Kraid's lair.

Still left to do:

- New backgrounds for every area except Brinstar. This is probably the biggest task left.
- New palettes for all enemies/bosses, as well as new palettes for the boss rooms.
- Going over all rooms and improving the foreground tile appearence in some places (like the above 2 Kraid's lair screenshots, only not to that extent - also a big task)
- Miscellaneous palette edits; intro/cut scenes, options menu, pause menu, etc.
- General fine-tuning and bug-hunting.

With the completion of Brinstar and all main area palettes (with the exception of boss rooms and save/recharge rooms), I am now releasing the first beta for this. Let me know of any errors you find that I might not know about already. Criticism is welcomed; I'll take your ideas for palette edits or anything else into consideration if I like it enough.

Known issues:

- I've yet to locate the palette for the animated quicksand in Maridia (try as I might). Help?
- The new physics make Maridian quicksand harder to get out of, but it's not too difficult. Need to look into adjusting how fast the quicksand pulls Samus down or something, because it can get a little bit frustrating sometimes - especially in the large room before Draygon.
- The ramp in the room before grappling beam no longer gives Samus enough distance to make it to the door. The door can still be reached easily with a diagonal shinespark. Not really an "issue"; just something I haven't fixed yet. ;]
- 1-tile-high holes in walls are only slightly harder to enter because Samus falls faster. Another non-issue that laziness hasn't allowed me fix just yet.



I seem to be having problems downloading it, other patches are fine, but not this one and Puddin, for instance.  I get a page of text and no file.

Of course, I'm stupid and didn't try save link as... *sigh*


It's ok, we all have our stupid moments.

I haven't played a whole lot of it yet, but from what I've played, it looks nice. =D


Played through it, but didn't 100%.  Here's a few things I noticed:

-Background in varias room was jumbled, kraids room had a small graphical glitch coming back through it after varia.
-the super missile gate on the way back above grapple was discolored.
-CRE blocks underwater are super dark and difficult to see
-The corridor to the statues was jumbled
-Explosion timer was discolored at he end

You edited the etecoon shaft to make it easy I guess?  It's not so bad to single wall wall-jump even without high jump.
You walljump higher in the water without gravity than usual, cool effect I'm planning to do myself.
While boosting with space jump, you can continually jump with a boost effect as long as you don't hit a wall and even change directions, intentional?
Personally, charged plasma looks bad, especially when fired diagonally.  All the other beam sprites look great.


- Varia room's background has been fixed (the jumble was from editing the tileset and not giving the varia room a new background yet - same goes for the statue corridor).
- Discolored super missile gate was fixed yesterday, I believe. In fact... use the grappling beam, then fire a missile and use bombs. Ugly, right? Gates should also uglify after using grapple.
- CRE palettes are something I still need to work on, so I'll keep the darkness underwater in mind - I take it you're referring to Maridia specifically? Several areas don't have new CRE palettes yet.

- Yeah, I added more platforms to the Etecoon shaft compensate for the faster falling and lower walljumps. Single-wall jumping that much is pretty demanding and would probably screw some people over who aren't good at it. Also, lol @ the etecoons. They didn't take to the new physics as well as our dear Samus did.
- The more versatile speedbooster is intentional, yeah. You can also bomb jump underwater without gravity, and diagonal bomb jumps' behavior has been altered.
- I kind of agree about charged plasma's shot, but it hasn't bothered me enough to wanna redo the graphics for it. Yet.

Thanks for all'a the feedback.

Still need to work on the color of the stars, and giving a few of them unique glows with Crateria's FX1 if possible.


oh and one thing..don't mix it with control freak.



Just letting y'all know that the beta patch has been updated (same filename/overwritten, so re-download it if you already have it). New backgrounds for most of Crateria - all rooms that use tileset 1. Discolored gates/bombs/missiles/escape timers have been fixed, and probably some other little adjustments I'm forgetting.


those crateria backrounds... they look... SO FREAKIN' SWEET! nice job, this hack looks great!  :wink:


Yeah, I like the spikes in the top pic much better like that. The coloration in the bottom pic on the BG caves and hieroglyphs still bother me though. But I know to change it would change alot of other tiles too, so it's probably not worth fixing.


This is stunning so far. Wow.

Super Metroid: Layer Two


For those who haven't been hanging around IRC to see these. I've taken a little break from creating new backgrounds for the areas. ALL of Crateria and Brinstar are done, so I started on something that'd been nagging at me for awhile - recoloring the enemies. I still have a lot left to do, but I've already knocked a good 30 or so out.


Bumping to let you cats know I'm turning my attention back to this hack for awhile. Gonna wait for SMALL to come around before I invest myself in the full hack project again.

Hopefully will be able to knock out all of Norfair's new backgrounds quickly. After all of the backgrounds and enemy recolors are done, the rest of the work needed on this should go down smoothly.


I'd suggest randomising the edges of the shaft beside the lift shaft.  I guess the idea is to have it run alongside the blue 'tube', but you could probably still get the same feel with a little variation.


Version 2.0 release notes

- Spinjump restarting
- Charge beam attracts health/ammo drops from enemies to Samus
- Very fast item collection; no more little tune every time.
- Updated suit palettes
- All rooms in upper Norfair has been given new layer 2 backgrounds
- Pain-in-the-ass quicksand in Maridia still not fixed. :[ So savestate if you're not a patient person.
- Hallway leading to the 4 boss statues still has a buggy looking background, but that's just laziness.

Let me know if there are any bugs or perm-stucks caused by the physics. Suggestions in general are nice.

See the first post of this topic for download links.


Bump again for progress. Woop.

Wrecked Ship and all of upper Norfair now have new backgrounds. I've just started on Tourian; hoping to finish that this morning. This will leave me only lower Norfair and all of Maridia to make new backgrounds for.

CRE palettes have been made consistent for all areas. Gonna fine-tune those even more after all the backgrounds are done. Physics have been modified a little bit.

THE Purple Helmet

That tourain background looks fantastic! The whole room has a great pallette too. What tileset are those background graphics from? I saw the same thing in some areas of the phazon hack


Why did you go with the yellow tourian?

The blue was soooooo much more creepy! :<

THE Purple Helmet

Hey Grime, I was playing this hack today when I got a wild hair up my ass and decided to try short-charging which I had never ever even attempted before and I got it down on my second or third try and can do it pretty consistantly now. Its obvious that you altered the physics for project base but would what you did make it super easy to short-charge?


THEPH: Honestly, I'm not exactly sure what short charging is. Never looked it up, so it being made easier in PB was probably an unintentional side-effect of some other edit I made. If you're referring to achieving speed booster echoes earlier, that's an intentional change. It's on the hex page on the main site.

Crys: I actually did decide to use blue as the main palette. I used the gold palette for the elevator room and Mother Brain's room, and as the alternate state for metroid rooms after they're killed. I liked both palettes too much to completely exclude one of them.



Project Base v4.0
New backgrounds for every room in the game except save/map/recharge rooms (YEAHYEAHYEAH). Next release should include new palettes for the rest of the enemies in the game, including bosses, and some other color changes. As usual, fill me in on anything you like or don't like about this so it can improve. The physics, specifically. I've tweaked them since last release (again); they're a tad slower than earlier PB releases were, but still not nearly as floaty as the original SM.

I added a pose tweak that initiates a spinjump when Samus runs off a ledge while the run button is being held. This allows Samus to clear 1 or 2-tile-wide gaps without immediately falling through. Should this stay or should this go? The only 'issue' with it is sometimes jumping over a gap repeatedly when trying to fall through, but I think it's more an issue of how well the player adjusts to it.


Grime: about that auto-spin off a ledge, make it so the player has to be holding run :P