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Super Metroid : Darkholme Hospital

Started by Cloud20, May 01, 2012, 01:15:16 PM

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I don't know of many womens washrooms that have urinals in em. :wink:





Half of the sign is off-camera on this picture, but in the video, you will see that the blue sign is mixed!

People I have a question. I want to include NAMI and FUNE enemies, problem, i don't know to edit damages of their projectiles (fire balls), I saw a document called "enemies projectiles header" but I don't think it can really help me. Someone have a solution?


Quote from: Cloud12 on May 20, 2012, 09:12:38 AM
People I have a question. I want to include NAMI and FUNE enemies, problem, i don't know to edit damages of their projectiles (fire balls), I saw a document called "enemies projectiles header" but I don't think it can really help me. Someone have a solution?
Here are the related hex tweaks (unheadered) :

35FD2 - 3C to ??
Fune's fireball damage

35FC4 - C8 to ??
Nami's fireball damage



Quote from: Metaquarius on May 20, 2012, 09:51:13 AM
35FD2 - 3C to ??
Fune's fireball damage

35FC4 - C8 to ??
Nami's fireball damage

Not entirely correct. The value for damage there is actually 12 bits long, while those tweaks only give 8. It should be:

35FD2 - 3C X0 to ?? X?
Fune's fireball damage

35FC4 - C8 X0 to ?? X?
Nami's fireball damage

In both cases, leave X as it is unless you want to change them - these are the property bits of the projectile (goes through walls, deletes on contact, shootable, invisible).
Damage can actually be from 0 to #$FFF.


Quote from: Scyzer on May 20, 2012, 11:50:29 AM
Quote from: Metaquarius on May 20, 2012, 09:51:13 AM
35FD2 - 3C to ??
Fune's fireball damage

35FC4 - C8 to ??
Nami's fireball damage

Not entirely correct. The value for damage there is actually 12 bits long, while those tweaks only give 8. It should be:

35FD2 - 3C X0 to ?? X?
Fune's fireball damage

35FC4 - C8 X0 to ?? X?
Nami's fireball damage

In both cases, leave X as it is unless you want to change them - these are the property bits of the projectile (goes through walls, deletes on contact, shootable, invisible).
Damage can actually be from 0 to #$FFF.
You shouldn't have told him it is possible to increase damage past FF, now I'm pretty sure he's gonna make even more pain-in-the-arse fireballs in his hack !!! You can be proud of you now !!!  :lol: Just kidding.


Yep, In fact i will create two versions of this enemy (Fune and Nami) I must reduce damages for one of them, otherwise their are too powerful for a suitless Samus, who died in one shot. I think their fireballs will stay blue.

However, (gnyark gnyark gnyark) Nami with red fireballs will be more dangerous, so I think I will increase, maybe not over FF, the damage for this other species. 

thanks guys!  :lol:

This is a Fune/Room Defender (Blue version) 

And another Room Defender (Red version), smaller, and more vicious !
Caution ! Bullet damages not depending from if the enemy is Fune or Nami, it depends from if the enemy is eyed or not, that is really different :!: :!: :!:



Storage site, on the surface of the hospital.
Severe bugs happened when I hit "KAGO"/Medical containers, screen crashes and it freeze everytime. I'm searching to convert Rstone to containers to avoid this glitch.

UPDATE : bug is fixed. I inverted Kago and Rstones tiles and palettes.


Neat updates  :^_^:. I liked this hack.


Anyone else run into a permastuck on the 6th floor just after the endless way?  I don't have any supers and there is no way to continue or backtrack.  I'm pretty much stuck unless someone knows what to do?


Not a permastuck. Search for a special sign near the black button at the right of endless way, is the only way to exit this nightmare and turn back to 5th. If you don't find it, check the solution on Floor 6 walkthrough :)


Sweet.  That wasn't obvious at all. lol


This hack looks very good, but you really should take care of the menu (and of percentage screen, of course). I mean, write MACH instead of MCH and Sanitary and Immersive Suits instead of "Sanit. Suit" and "Immrsv. Suit". I mean, there is a point of abbreviation if item name is too long to fit in frame (like Pseudo Screw Attack) but MCH, Sanit. Suit and Immrsv. Suit lines are looking weird with unused free space at the end of line.

Menu will took about 10 minutes if you know what to do.

And I've got what causes freeze at percentage screen -- improperly applied timer change patch. You've applied it to headered version, right? Well, that why timer wasn't changed:  code in different place was overwriten. And that's why headers are evil. Thanks to Jathys for his file compare feature in SMILE.

I've fixed percentage screen for you, but now I've noticed that it counts wrong. I mean, collecting 100% doesn't display 100% when you finish the game. Contact me via PM if you want the right percentage calculation.

As for freezing, do the following:
1. Go to 5F1D6 and change DE to 01
2. Go to 5F1F8 and change DC to 9D


Great, thanks JAM. You give me a idea, fix the patch and create a 1.2 version. You're right, the first 1.0 version was created for unheadered patch and I don't remember what I do wrong with hex to crash percentage screen. I have not actually much time to see it, but I will probably send to you a message soon, thanks again for your help. Calculation will be different between 1.2 and 2.0, I'm working on 2.0 actually and it including a new missile pack, a new rocket, a new explosive and an new medical pack.

See you later  :^_^:   


Map in progress for 2.0.
Rooms indicated in red and blue are completly new.
Warning ! Updates of 6th Floor will be not included on this map, I really want to keep the secret until v2.0


Map last update : July 12, 2012


Sounds cool.
Honestly, I was somewhat afraid this new version would be too different from the very first release, adding too much unneeded stuff ^^. As long as you're adding some rooms, enemies and doing some polishing, I don't see a problem here.
Anyway, keep up the good work.  :^_^:


Don't be afraid, consider 2.0 like an extension of the first hack. I spoke about v2.0 to a friend, i told to me that is very important to keep the atmosphere of the original hack. Few peoples complain about palettes for example, I don't think I will change it, I worked a lot on it, unless peoples said to what is really wrong with it, but I going out of subject... :)
Hey Metaquarius, I'd posted picture about a concept on "out of order" red elevator few weeks ago. Nobody replies to it. Yes I know, posting to ask point of views is not really appreciated on MetConst, but it should be nice if you, for example, give your opinion on it. Me too, I don't want to break atmosphere of Darkholme hack.  :^_^:   


You can post to ask points of view on a work in progress, not a concept. I don't think anyone will begrudge you flinging a few work ideas around in your hack topic since you've already given us content to base our opinions on. :^_^:

As for the concept of an out-of-order elevator, seems like a cool idea to me. It's a creepy atmosphere. Creepy things will happen.


Thanks, I feel relieved :)

I have another technical question : how can I change flash suit palette, I mean the special flash effect happening when you pick up suit items, because it should be nice to make match flash and suit colors. (I believe that someone already made it, in Eris I think so)?


Quote from: Cloud12 on June 05, 2012, 03:25:31 PM
Hey Metaquarius, I'd posted picture about a concept on "out of order" red elevator few weeks ago. Nobody replies to it. Yes I know, posting to ask point of views is not really appreciated on MetConst, but it should be nice if you, for example, give your opinion on it. Me too, I don't want to break atmosphere of Darkholme hack.  :^_^:   
Yeah, that elevator idea is a good one... cuz 5th floor stairs are so freakin tiresome ^^.  :lol:


Cool, that proves that I'm on the good way. :)


Quote from: Cloud12 on June 06, 2012, 04:11:28 AM
I have another technical question : how can I change flash suit palette, I mean the special flash effect happening when you pick up suit items, because it should be nice to make match flash and suit colors. (I believe that someone already made it, in Eris I think so)?
I've found the offsets long time ago, but the values are... strange. Don't sure what exactly to change to get the certain color. I will try to play with values...

Silver Skree

Quote from: JAM on June 07, 2012, 12:57:10 AMthe values are... strange. Don't sure what exactly to change to get the certain color.
You've probably already thought of this, but just to make sure... When you found the byte for a color, did you remember to treat it as XRRRRRGGGGGBBBBB? Another possibility is that it could have been acting like a pointer, which I believe is how Palette Blends work. I doubt that's the case, though. I'm just spitballing.