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Dark Metroid; A first hack

Started by Corruptor, February 11, 2012, 10:03:50 PM

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Here is My current progress, I will rename the world's, should I have the need to, which I likely will.
Criteria: Not started
Brinstar: Not Started
Norfair: Not started
Maridia: Not started
Wrecked ship: Not started
Tourian: Not started
I will give a video teaser when enough of the worlds Criteria are Partially finished

I give credit to these people whom which I used some of their patches:
Black Falcon


Black Soldier

Quote from: Valiant Breeze on February 12, 2012, 11:05:35 AM
Quote from: Hazard Remiix on February 12, 2012, 11:00:58 AM
240p T_T

Does he really need to upload 1080p for a quick video, darling?
480p would have been nice. 240p (and to a lesser extent, 360p) is crap for anything on YouTube.


Believe it or not, we do not need to see you choosing your controls. You should've started recording the video after setting everything up.

Hazard Remiix

Quote from: Valiant Breeze on February 12, 2012, 11:05:35 AM
Quote from: Hazard Remiix on February 12, 2012, 11:00:58 AM
240p T_T

Does he really need to upload 1080p for a quick video, darling?

Well at least 480, Like BS said, Anything lower than 360p looks like your recorded it with a potato.


I can clearly see the level design in the quality provided in the video, if you can't then there is a problem with your eyes, not the video.

As for actually saying something constructive, Corruptor: Please work on your tiling, it was pretty horrible. Study the way tiles are aligned in game and work from that. There is nothing bad with being creative, but be sure it looks good and not terrible.


Quote from: Hazard Remiix on February 12, 2012, 11:00:58 AM
240p T_T
sorry, if you want to recommend a better video recorder for me, then do it, I'll get it, and I'll use it. This video is rather old, and I haven't had too many chances to work on this project, and I wish someone would tell me why that one room glitches at the end of the video, that was the first point of this post, so I could provide a better sight of what I've got so far.
Quote from: Crys on February 16, 2012, 08:11:08 PM
I can clearly see the level design in the quality provided in the video, if you can't then there is a problem with your eyes, not the video.

As for actually saying something constructive, Corruptor: Please work on your tiling, it was pretty horrible. Study the way tiles are aligned in game and work from that. There is nothing bad with being creative, but be sure it looks good and not terrible.
is it REALLY that bad?! Well, I am a newbie, please cut me a break, and I'll work on it, I don't know what you'd rather have it look like though, give me a small sample or idea, perhaps? Or at least tell me where the tile is bad, specifically, rather than just saying "everywhere," that is, if its really THAT bad.
Specify the worse tile errors, and I will attempt to recreate the room. (I think I got more kind comments in the newbies corner, lol, but I don't care, here I can become better thanks to all your evil criticism)EDIT:HINT:did ANYBODY see the "HELP" word at the last word of my first post?! Or did you all just care more about the tiling errors and the video quality?!

Mr K

Video seemed fine to me O.o lol :lol: And as for tiling, They could use a bit of reworking. But its not horrible lol, The purple Grates (i know thats not what they are but thats what i call them) Don't seem like they connect properly maybe try making them join together a bit neater. Also with your ground tiles they look somewhat unnatural. Try using a darker colour to add a dark shadowing effect. And use more slopes but make sure they line up properly so you don't have trouble walking up and down them. But all in all i like the theme good luck with your project, And hope to see more updates from you.

EDIT: Another thing i forgot to mention, I have never really been a fan of dark clouds overshadowing the foreground.


Quote from: chyrak on February 17, 2012, 01:12:38 PM
Video seemed fine to me O.o lol :lol: And as for tiling, They could use a bit of reworking. But its not horrible lol, The purple Grates (i know thats not what they are but thats what i call them) Don't seem like they connect properly maybe try making them join together a bit neater. Also with your ground tiles they look somewhat unnatural. Try using a darker colour to add a dark shadowing effect. And use more slopes but make sure they line up properly so you don't have trouble walking up and down them. But all in all i like the theme good luck with your project, And hope to see more updates from you.

EDIT: Another thing i forgot to mention, I have never really been a fan of dark clouds overshadowing the foreground.
Thanks, that's what I needed to hear to make it look better, I'll see what I can do, but whats so wrong with dark clouds overshadowing the foreground?
*update Incoming soon* But can I fix that one room, the wrecked ship looks horrible in terms of tiling right now
Edit:I fixed those slope and some tiling errors, so don't worry about those, I can show a update, I just need to know whats wrong with the room.


Hi. I was going to post a while ago, but I'm lazy, so here we go.
the general layout isn't terrible. But you're missing a lot of little things.
so first, tiling errors. There's a lot.
this is important, people notice, and it looks very shoty.
Way too bright.
feels very incomplete. End the pipes, they just look odd like that.
This leads into the next thing. your palettes. The ground palette is very faded. it feels like all the colours in the palette are only ever so slightly different. This is bad. It looks unnatural and unappealing.
you need variation in your palettes. all your purple tiles are way too purple. On top of that, there's little variation, if any, in the purple.
What's wrong with fog? nothing, if used sparingly, and in the right rooms. You don't want it everywhere.
The glitchy room, are you refering to the background? If so, I think I know what's wrong.
If you're going to use the scrolling sky background and just have it stay in one place without being shoved to the right,
go to background editor, bg/layer 2 scrolling, and switch the x and y axis scrolling to zero.
Well I hope it helped. Anyway, good luck.

Edit: woops, forgot one
tis as chryak said, they look very out of place.

Mr K

Some updated pics of those slopes would be nice to see, Glad to hear you have made some progress. And as for the whole (fog/Dark clouds) thing its as shadow said, Don't use them everywere, And to be honest i have always prefered to have outside areas clear with a nice background and darker tiles. Also the fog is great for creating very erie lower levels. For example imagine this, Your in a room with a few enimies everything seems normal then you go through the door at the end and BAM  :whoa: music stops...dark enimies...fog....makes for good suspense.  :cool: . Another thing i noticed at the near end of your video is those random grey corner pipes, Look a little out of place to me. Lastly just something i wanted to say, I have always thought purple and dark green go together quite well.

EDIT: Another thing you know when you get the x-ray visor at the very begining of the video and it leaves that circle of nothingness in the purple grate, For some reason that really annoys me lol.  :lol:


I must say if you know you have tiling errors (or just know that you PROBABLY have tiling errors), using the X-ray is just going to let everyone know this in a really obvious and embarrassing way. You only want to use your x-ray in a trailer to show off something players might not notice in the hack


thx shadow, but it didn't help to fix the room, and I really must fix the purple if its too purple.....what color would you rather have it be? Qactis has a great point...   :<_<: but I wanted to show the background better. Grey corner pipes are, indeed out of place, but I don't know how to change only the texture or color of the pipe without changing the color of a bunch of tiles with it. Someone's already mentioned another way to fix it.
Also: point out that "circle of nothingness in the purple grate...


In your first picture in post #10, you are collecting the X-ray Scope.  Since this is in layer one, once it has been collected, the diagonal beam / strut thingie has a hole in it. (In the Chozo statue's hand)


yeah, got rid of the thing over the X-ray, permanently, would green look better instead of purple? or a dark red, or a dark-grey? BTW, I made the criteria landscape a lot darker like Shadow96 said. Someone provided another possible solution to fix that room, but the newbie's corner, as you know, was deleted.


Nobody is complaining about you using purple.  Purple is fine.  It's just that your purple is super-mega-ultra-PURPLE!  Tone it down, and it'll probably be fine.

Mr K

Super-Mega-Ultra... that made me smile for some reason  :grin: , But yeah Quietus is right purple is fine. Just tone it down as she said also be cool to see some new screens of the darker tiles.


Quote from: chyrak on February 27, 2012, 04:20:34 PM
Super-Mega-Ultra... that made me smile for some reason  :grin: , But yeah Quietus is right purple is fine. Just tone it down as she said also be cool to see some new screens of the darker tiles.
Lol Super-Mega-Ultra...wait...hold on a second? SHE? (do you have a social part of this site that you people all go to, I'm just wondering how Chyrak knows, thats why I'm surprised.) Again, no one has given me a possible way to fix that one room, and I made the tiles a grey like the criteria palette's, which are also darker. The room 7948C is the room which glitches every time I move into it. Help?
EDIT: I meant to say, no one has given me another option/possible way to fix that one room. Also, anyone know a good recorder for a better quality, that can use voice recorder or can be turned off if needed?


Got a picture of the new landing site! Well, not really all that new... Just recolored, and the tiles are a little re-arranged. I use image shack, is that a problem?
Dark Metroid landing site, I've never uploaded a image before, and I know there's a better image hosting site than this one, which would allow for scroll boxes.


looks MUCH MUCH MUCH better.

keep it up!


Quote from: passarbye on March 02, 2012, 11:45:45 PM
looks MUCH MUCH MUCH better.

keep it up!
Thanks a lot! But still, I wish to provide people with a better image than the one I've put up, does anyone know a better site, I've seen images with scroll boxes on other pages, and I wish I could do the same, so people could see it better, and tell me what is and isn't wrong with it...or what is and isn't right.

Mr K

Hey man thats looking great now. And for uploading pictures I use tinypic which is quite good. Also about her being female....well thats what it sais on her profile lol. So anyway about the room, Numbers correspond to photo. (1) I'm not sure if you missed this or it was intentional but did you want this as a slope to? (2) The vegitation is identicle on all these platforms maybe try and mirror them horizontaly for a couple of them. (3) Looks like a tiling error. (4) This space looks very plain add some vegitation maybe?

Zero One

Personally, I use Dropbox for my screenshots and stuff.

Room-wise, it is FAR too straight. With a tileset like Crateria, you need to have variation and lots of it. A good rule of thumb is no more than 3-5 straight tiles before you hit a slope. Check how Crateria looks in the original, or in other people's hacks. You'll see lots of variation in the rock.