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Dark Metroid; A first hack

Started by Corruptor, February 11, 2012, 10:03:50 PM

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Quote from: Webber1900 on March 16, 2012, 11:56:07 PM
You should always credit others people work that you are using, it's just the right thing to do. If you don't then you should expect complaints. On topic though I hope that your re-vamped Landing Site will surpass your old one.
That's what I thought, and so I have done this, and the landing site is mostly created, but I'm still not quite liking how its looking.


How do I get the tiles that I place after pressing f1, to show up? They're not showing up. Also, can anyone tell me where in the hex editor I edit the physics so you keep your speed when falling off ledges onto the ground and from jumping? I looked in the hex list, but didn't find anything, until I came to the speed booster, and It might only work for the speed booster.


That means that one of the default backgrounds is being used for Layer 2, and you need to remove it and add your own to edit it properly.  After one quick search, I found this, which should help you.  You may also want to check under 'Strange Rooms' in the Moonedit FAQ.

As for the speed-keeping thing, yes, it's the ones under Speed Booster.


Quote from: Quietus on March 31, 2012, 03:30:08 PM
That means that one of the default backgrounds is being used for Layer 2, and you need to remove it and add your own to edit it properly.  After one quick search, I found this, which should help you.  You may also want to check under 'Strange Rooms' in the Moonedit FAQ.

As for the speed-keeping thing, yes, it's the ones under Speed Booster.
Ya know, I'd seen that post before, just forgot about it. Thx Quietus.
EDIT: And I missed one of the parts to stop the speed loss when you fall, so thats why. Thx again


Even worse is the fact that I searched, despite it being in my own document. :eyeroll:


Heh, I know how you feel, its like you look, but the whole time, its right in your face.  :lol:
EDIT: what format do you use to change the image so it shows up on the site to save you from having to click on the link?


Here's my landing site, updated, I think it looks far better than the last one I made, how about you guys? The grass looks dead too.


It is looking rather nice. You still have some slope BTS where you don't need them, and you have some funky thing going on with your BTS in the top right section.


Quote from: MetroidMst on April 03, 2012, 01:01:00 PM
It is looking rather nice. You still have some slope BTS where you don't need them, and you have some funky thing going on with your BTS in the top right section.
They were slopes orginally, and when I changed them to air tiles those numbers popped up.


Then the reason for the numbers is because the slopes would be those numbers. Just hover your pointer over the tile and hit zero twice to set it to normal.


Quote from: Corruptor on April 03, 2012, 12:56:17 PM
Here's my landing site, updated, I think it looks far better than the last one I made, how about you guys? The grass looks dead too.
it looks much better, but they key to a successful landing site, or any other room, is refine, refine, refine.
it looks good, but the grass would look better as a greenish-brown, instead of orange.


Of course, it could always be an alien world, and the grass can be whatever colour you like, providing it blends fairly well with everything else. :^_^:



Hows this then? >:)  :yay: EDIT: it IS an alien world. it could NOT be Earth, there's grass on the ceiling! :D


grrrrr, I can't edit my suit palette's now. I was editing my first one just fine, then I try to edit the Varia and boom. It won't let me edit them :P. Can anyone tell me if theres some sort of way that you're able to lock suit editing....or unlock it or if it never happened and I'm just being a newbie, and I'm doing something wrong.
EDIT: it was just SMILE acting up :P, like when I click a part of Samus' suit and it "clicks" on a entirely different part and I couldn't edit the part I wanted to edit for a while, so yea :P.


I'd recommend exporting the suit palettes once you're done with them


I know that this might not be the right place for this question, but what is the definition of a PLM?


What does PLM stand for? Post-Load Modifications, if I'm not mistaken.


Basically, some code that runs shortly after a room loads, and uses graphics from either the CRE or Scenery


I've got another question, why is that, when ever I mess with a elevator room, while in testing, I start seeing duplicate tiles? Is that supposed to happen? how can I fix it?EDIT: Am I being too ambiguous? Should I be more specific?


Quote from: Corruptor on May 16, 2012, 10:42:05 PM
I've got another question, why is that, when ever I mess with a elevator room, while in testing, I start seeing duplicate tiles? Is that supposed to happen? how can I fix it?EDIT: Am I being too ambiguous? Should I be more specific?
Hey can anybody help me here?


Show us a picture. I'm not sure, but I think is about a scroll problem (must turn to green scroll), or a code error if the elevator is growing up in a room. In the elevator text, it's scpecified that "0240" is a common value. The "2" is for your Y scroll respawn when you go up into a room. I dont know if my tip is very useful, maybe if you post a picture we can see your problem :)

PS : where I'm from, it's 4:46 AM, so sorry but I go to the bed, I will check tomorrow if you had find a solution


I AM being too ambiguous, the tiles duplicate themselves, but are not solid, and it only seems to happen whenever I mess with a elevator or a enemies DNA, although I'm pretty sure it's the elevator. Pausing the game will fix this duplicate tile glitch until you enter a new scroll area, and you start seeing them. I also have a green sky scrolling glitch, just green lines scrolling, and I have tried to fix them.EDIT: I have FINALLY finished setting up samus' starting position in the beginning of the game.


Sorry, I'm not sure to understand. Your problem is fixed when you had change Samus's position?


No, that EDIT was put there to tell you I finally put Samus' start in the right spot for when I start the game, or save in my ship.


[spoiler]I got the bomb Torzio to react to me picking up the morphball![/spoiler] Now that this is done I would like to address another problem. Notice in the video how the palette's and such duplicate themselves, this is not a door glitch, because all of my doors are set to a red scroll. There is no reason for it to be glitching like this, except for the fact that I screwed with some of the palette's. I posted this problem in the engine works, but Zero One's solution did not seem to work, as when I screwed with one of the palettes in Criteria, it started duplicating itself. But, it was the only tile that did this, up until I went into the elevator room that leads into red brinstar near where you leave to go to the Wrecked ship.
Dark Metroid Morphball Torzio