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Started by FullOfFail, January 18, 2012, 05:54:59 PM

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Since today alot of websites are blacking out today, I just wanted to get everybody's opinion on this bill. Do you think this law will affect us hackers? We're always sure not to link to roms and such, but this bill is so broad that we may over-look something.

Furthermore, do you even think this bill will in any way, shape or form prevent piracy? I don't. I think it's just going to make piracy and mirroring much worse. I don't think the Government understands the nature of the Internet, close 1 site, 50 duplicates pop up, close those 50 and it'll be thousands. Everybody knows once something is on the Internet, it's here to stay. That's why you have to be careful about revealing personal information.

Anyway, thoughts?


It's a stupid act that will take down useful sites located in the US (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc.) and make anyone who has ever uploaded copy-written content a criminal for up to five years in jail.

Some of the big agencies that support SOPA/PIPA are the same people who supplied us with the tools to pirate.

Piracy is, in fact, useful.

Piracy doesn't hurt businesses as much as people say it does.

They'll fuck the internet over, essentially.


It's the US version of Red China's internet! WOOOO


That bill is stupid. It wont work. Whoever thought it would work is just pathetic.
This is like sueing Macdonalds because someone was eating a cheeseburger while they robbed a bank.

Regarding the community, I'm sure it would also affect us, since even though all of our content is our own (patches only contain changes), some idiot will come along and say "nonono you dont have permission to do this go away".
Though, if that happens, I say we just go all out, contact nintendo and ask for permission to use content from the old Metroid games, just to shove it in SOPAs face. If Nintendo says no, then... so what? can't get much worse with SOPA around.

That said, the site might get pulled down by SOPA, but as we've discussed before, they can never kill the IRC channel, regardless of what we talk about / share. Metconst will live on, one way or another.


America should just get the fuck out.



It's also no doubt like a load of other important topics, in that the decisions being made are made by grey-haired buffons, who have no idea what the hell they're talking about.  "Piracy is bad.  Mmkay?"  That's all I hear. :stern:


Defend our freedom to share (or why SOPA is a bad idea)

sums up my feelings about SOPA. Also, 50+ year olds in Congress probably DO NOT EVEN USE the internet.


The way I look at it is trying to separate the internet into countries. If you think about it, the internet actually brings countries together due to its users being able to communicate and share views with those outside of our homes. Besides, piracy exists, and it always will. It will just become less obvious and and more difficult to get. It'll go underground. Like FoF said, kill 1, 50 more appear. Kill 50, thousands exist. It's not impossible to censor the internet, but very impractical. Let's also not forget infringing the American people's First Amendment.

I believe this isn't going to happen, but I can't say for sure it won't. Just seems impractical due to how many companies and people are opposing it.


Quote from: person701 on January 18, 2012, 07:38:57 PM
Just seems impractical due to how many companies and people are opposing it.

The only chance we have from not getting it passed is from the big companies that oppose it. The question is can it out-compete the big corporations that DO support it. The government doesn't give a damn how the average person feels, they've made that quite clear in the past. You know how people are always talking about the Illuminati and such? Well, that might have some truth to it. It's the lobbyists that dictate laws in this country, our politicians are just mere puppets. The question really is which corporation is willing to shove their hand up the puppets ass the furthest.


SOPA and PIPA are pretty much dead now. But they were actually just a Red Herring.
What we should be concerned about right now is ACTA, and if this passes, SOPA and PIPA can easily be revived and combine onto ACTA.

What Is ACTA ?

As for the whole Megaupload thing... Here's a bit of scary information. Listen carefully.
MegaUpload Dangerous Secrets affect YOU, Mike Mozart JeepersMedia ACTA / PIPA / SOPA


SOPA and PIPA are dead because they were completely ridiculous and vague, and anything that sounds like it (ACTA, for example) will probably also die when it is brought to the attention of whoever is signing it. I do agree that there will be more attempts in the future to get something of this nature to pass, and eventually they will come up with a good idea for it.

The second video is toolbag central. That guy is annoying, and a lot of the statistics he spewed in his random babbling were actually incorrect, or misquoted (I've been to prison in the US, I should know how it works). Minors cannot be executed like he said with his giant yellow text box, and the text behind it clearly stated executed for crimes committed as minors (meaning they are no longer minors) and the only reason one would be executed for that is murder. You kill someone when you're 16, there's a chance you could be executed at 20 for it. Most people in prison who ARE able to work OUTSIDE of prison in what they call work release (where he talks about making .25 an hour), is a privilege only given to inmates that are near the end of their sentence, and they generally make multiple times what they would make working a job inside the prison. They jump for an opportunity like that because it gets them out of the prison (at least temporarily), and it keeps them occupied.


Quote from: Qactis on January 25, 2012, 04:03:39 AM
SOPA and PIPA are dead because they were completely ridiculous and vague, and anything that sounds like it (ACTA, for example) will probably also die when it is brought to the attention of whoever is signing it. I do agree that there will be more attempts in the future to get something of this nature to pass, and eventually they will come up with a good idea for it.

I don't know whether it's truly scare tactics or not, but ACTA has been in effect behind closed doors longer that SOPA and PIPA, and it's international. Personally, I don't believe any of this shit will pass. It makes me curious why this garbage is even being presented. Are they trying to deter us from something bigger that we're not seeing? I dunno, I just posted that because I felt like it. It's no different than making a post about SOPA 2 months ago. I could be very wrong, or so could that rambling guy. Either way, I sit on the fence and listen to both the feverishly devout alex jonesque vloggers and sip at my tea reading the Washington Post.


lol cheers. I'm looking at this like I look at 2012 and Y2K, another scare to get everyone hyped up and pissing themselves in fear. Someone out there is rubbing his hands together and chuckling to himself.


Indeed mate, it's just another scare tactic, however there has been quite a drastic shift in this whole mess. Megaupload.
Now a shitload of other file hosting sites are having a shite in their pants and closing themselves down.
Bullshit or not, it's send shivers down the spines making lots of services we use awol.
The only thing that will get me buggered is if isohunt/bittorrent/slsk/etc goes ghost.

This isn't really off topic but oh what the hell.. funny shite nonetheless..
All these Ron Paul 2012 blokes, like really, seriously, they people that know the whole puppet routine..
What suddenly makes them think a well meant politician can do shit all? It really makes me laugh cause it makes these anonfags seem like idiots.
If the president isn't compliant with being a face/voice to the corporate puppeteers, they're simply ignored/not elected/assassinated.
Given the general human awakening, assassination is out of the question because we would recognize the martyrdom of such an act.
Therefore there is only false messiahs, or prats in general pretending to run the show.


Nu Zalem

I've said this many a times already, but any person/people/thing(s) that attempt to put shackles on people whether it be directly or indirectly should never be tolerated. Even with SOPA/PIPA not passing and ACTA rearing its ugly head (I could've sworn that was dead and buried until itsblah told me otherwise), it amazes me that only a few seem willing to do anything about it. If this was 300 or so years ago all of the people promoting such trash would probably be executed...why are these people not being tossed into a woodchipper for presenting such atrocious bills such as ACTA, NDAA, etc.!? I'm more or less tired of speaking/typing/thinking about it at this point. Sadly, until the human race can get its act together, vile things that seek to decimate our species like ACTA/SOPA/PIPA/NDAA will never ever go away. When I say "something" I mean take action in a way that takes one out of his/her comfort zone and inspire others to do the same to make a change that could be severely catastrophic at first, but much better for mankind in the long run. Ideas and philosophies such as "The Venus Project" and the "Ubuntu Philosophy" come to mind here for me.

With all that said I guess the real question is...what's stopping us from stomping all over the top 1%, their puppets, and their frivolous laws? I feel like we as a collective of people can pick ourselves up enough to do something truly marvelous in an effort to move forward (I'm going in circles at this point I know, but I have to drive it home). I believe we have the capacity to actually care, educate, share concerns, etc. for each other on a major scale...I feel like we have to because we're all we got. I guarantee you all the top 1% won't do this as they're constantly making retarded laws and then breaking them themselves as the giant hypocrites they are. I'm done for now...sorry for the rant (I'm usually not apologetic) I just wanted to assert my stance on the whole thing since I bothered to log in.


Theres no money being made from this. If you heard this from youtube its most definately a lie. Youtube cant do or say shit because you can repost. I havent watched the vid cause im on this slow ass wii but i garuntee there is no personal info on the person who made the vid. It reminds me of that Illuminati bull shit. World take over could have been happened but we remain... If anyones close to the maker of this site, inform him to put the rights up. then its all gucci.


NuZ, the whole NDAA thing is a total outrage, however we haven't seen the extent of its implementation yet. Those protesters that were detained during their first amendment weren't taken off to some FEMA camp, they showed up 12-24 hours later to resume protests and say they were treated poorly. So yes, it's a terrible law, but the way the NDAA has been built up, they're aware of this and even though they'll practice it on protesters, there's no indefinite long term detention... yet.

btw great to see you again old friend :)
If you ever wanna hang out, I'm SELain on slsk.
You know my email so yeah. Missed you mate.

Nu Zalem

Quote from: Digital_Mantra on January 25, 2012, 04:48:50 AM
NuZ, the whole NDAA thing is a total outrage, however we haven't seen the extent of its implementation yet. Those protesters that were detained during their first amendment weren't taken off to some FEMA camp, they showed up 12-24 hours later to resume protests and say they were treated poorly. So yes, it's a terrible law, but the way the NDAA has been built up, they're aware of this and even though they'll practice it on protesters, there's no indefinite long term detention... yet.

btw great to see you again old friend :)
If you ever wanna hang out, I'm SELain on slsk.
You know my email so yeah. Missed you mate.

I just hopped on. You weren't available. I'll open the program though. It has been too long my friend.


As much as I'd like to just brush this off as a mere conspiracy, it's obviously not. I do however think it'd be irrational, or impractical rather, to think they'll sue each and every individual whomever downloaded a song in their entire life. But all the media sharing sites will definitely get shut down. The laws are already set in motion for this to occur, but these newer laws just simply want to make it happen on a much more massive scale, and do away with those miniscule things like 'rights' and 'trials'. They want to shut your site down, empty your bank-account, and throw you in prison for life all in the same day.


Will this new privacy - copy right BS remove this site and all the patches? if anyone knows i got all day to learn.


For one thing, it hasn't passed. (If anyone follows Maddox' advice, it should never do so, either.) For the second, it would probably depend on if or when they decided to come after us.


Nintendo is within their power to do something about this site and hasn't, probably because they don't care enough (though it is their policy to care about something like this). I doubt anything will ever be done about this site considering the size of it, and small amount of traffic it gets.


ACTA Passed y'all

super nintendo hacker

-snippity snip snip-