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Super Metroid Python

Started by CA9000, May 24, 2013, 07:15:35 PM

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This is my Newly started project of a new hack called Super Metroid - Python.
My goal is to make the hack a fun and simple hack and also have a great look in the design and the enviorment, and the game won't be hard at all so skills like wall-jump or other things should not be needed to complete the game! :)

This is the landingsite so far, may get improved later but well see! :)


Awesome! I've been waiting for a new hack to play!

Now how about you go start making the fucking hack instead of making a useless post saying you thought of one. This is not gamefaqs.


I am working on it, the landing zone is already finished (that took like a whole day) and i am just starting and think of ides of how the next room should look :)


This is my post to tell you that you clearly haven't read the rules - namely, that you have like zero proof of progress in the sense of screenshots or videos. This topic will be locked in two days time if you don't come forth with any.

Also god damn Scyzer, you're a fucking piranha.


Im am trying to figure out how to add a picture, but that is not easy becuse i just created my account here for like 20 min ago, so a little help would be nice


Welcome to the internet. If you have a Dropbox, you can put screenshots into the public folder and get a public link for them. Otherwise you can get an account for image hosting at several places: imageshack, photobucket, majhost, the list goes on and on. Once you have your images hosted somewhere, they are to be placed in [img] tags in any post (most preferably the first.) Good luck!


Oh nice thx, i will do it right away! :D


Clearly, yes, he should have read the rules and it is somewhat common knowledge to know how to post an image on a board - and I'm sure you probably get 'n00bs' a lot, but don't you think it would have been a bit nicer to just be like Zhs2? >>


I can be nice. I choose not to be nice to new people. It separates the idiot 10-year olds who weren't even cum in their dad's balls when SM was released from the people who truly love the game and are serious about recreating it in their own way.
We get far too many children who post useless topics along the lines of "Heyy I'm making a new hack you should all worship me even though I haven't even started yet BTW what is SMILE?" Though usually their spelling/grammar is not up to those standards.


Where "far too many", to me, is an exaggeration. To Scyzer, though, it probably translates to "any at all". However, I cannot disagree with the notion of people posting their hack topics too early. If you want to wow people, you need something to show for it first!


Makes sense.

And, wow, I've spent far too much time on forums where cursing isn't allowed. Seeing Scyzer's post is a breath of fresh air!

BTW, TC, there's a door floating in the air by that Chozo statue. . . kinda bugging me.


While we don't really care for constant cursing in every sentence, the occasional word doesn't matter. The forum has a curse word filter which is defaulted to on for new accounts iirc.


Scyzer fucking hit the hammer on the fucking nail.
Fuckin' new threads from kids before the era we hold fucking dear, posting a thread about a new fucking hack in the works with nothing but a goddamn mother fucking landing site.
Jesus fucking Christ!


Got to love the community...


I'll try to fill you in a bit, metconst just has it's own ways of doing things that aren't really listed.

Basically, these days, most dedicated hackers don't even make threads until after they've finished the hack completely. Then after it's release, the community will both praise and critique it simultaneously. There's plenty of hacks that you don't even know exist other than talking to other members personally about it. Back in '08, '09, etc, it was more common to have WIP threads, but most of those ended up dead, or are still in WIP form indefinitely. We've just had so many people come, post 1 image of a hack they've been working on for a day, and disappear forever. That's just not how we operate, we've been talking to eachother daily for years.

Just trying to clarify why people are being so blunt with you right off the bat.


Quote from: CA9000 on May 25, 2013, 05:13:36 AM
Got to love the community...
Yeah it's pretty shit, welcome to #Metconst
Join IRC for even higher levels of fun talking about things! :D

On an unrelated note, lashing out on new people like you did Scyzer serves no point what-so-ever. Saying it is to weed out the none dedicated is pretty darn stupid since there is no way of knowing if someone will stick to this when they first start out or not. Fuck man, my first shit was similar to this when I first started out. It's better to hold a reasonable argument instead, a la zeke style.

CA: I do see you have some sort of idea of where you're going with this in terms of design and you do seem to at least grasp the basics of BTS placement. Do keep in mind that you need inverted squares for the slopes in the celling too, otherwise you will stop when jumping into a slope. :p
Anyhow, I recommend mixing up the palette if you plan on mixing the CRE pipes with the area GFX pipes as they stick out like sore thumb ATM.


Thx cryz, ill think about that i the future, i have just made the room as i think it would be nice but improvements should come when i have finished most of the design first. and yeah I'm pretty new to smile editing but i have played the original game since 1994 when it came out so i really love the game and i thought it would be nice to announce that i am working on something on my own, but clearly if you do that and show a little work that i have done, then they are just flaming on you and telling you that you are a 10 year old kid and shit


Actually, it does pretty well to weed out the non-dedicated, in my opinion, because usually people who finish hacks don't make topics about them after their first room. Nothing against you, CA9000, and far be it from me to tell you to stop hacking, but I'm not gonna lie, I do get pretty tired of seeing all these threads with "Hey guys, just started my full hack, Crateria is at 1% completion, here's a screenshot." The screenshot in question being (usually) a barely editted room. It just doesn't put out a good first impression, because (here's where the "far be it from me to tell you to stop hacking" part comes in) I'm 99.9% sure you will never finish this hack. I know from personal experience not to make a thread about a hack until you're very close to finishing it, or you have some kind of mental disorder that makes you incapable of dropping projects.


You're allowed to ask questions. That's what the Engine Works is for. However, people usually frown on you for not having a bunch of work done before posting your hack topic because people came in before you and raised the bar! I know it might be tough to meet and it might be a pain in the ass to live with this social stigma when all you want is feedback, but most of the community attitude is a self-serve sort of situation: it's easy enough to read a guide and figure out what goes where what with the numerous documents we have on hand, and there's really not an excuse for a just-started hack topic aside from wanting the attention. You've certainly earned your hazing (though it's wrong of Scyzer to give it and DMan to build on it,) and I hope you've at least learned from it.


Personally, I consider feedback what the Screenshots/Videos thread or RotW (THAT TOPIC NOBODY EVER POSTS IN :fukken:) is for, or the General Hack Ideas thread for idea feedback. I don't think you really need a whole hack thread just for feedback.


I did not notice this had since gained a lock. Ah well, probably for the better - CA9000, please feel free to PM me if you make a bunch more progress and want to post it in here.