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Super Metroid: Fear

Started by MetroidMst, August 02, 2009, 06:20:37 PM

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Quote from: MetroidMst on January 26, 2013, 12:15:44 AMThere are items everywhere, and anyone who collects 100% is a freak of nature and should probably be caught and studied. (I'm looking at you Quietus...)


MM has graciously allowed me to post some of my handiwork as far as level design goes. I wonder if people will notice that once in a while, a certain area or subsection may feel like it had a different builder... anyway, I wanted to post something about Fear, as it is reaching its' 4th anniversary.


I can't specifically tell you how much longer the wait is going to be, there's so much left to be done we're kinda clueless ourselves. Over the past 4 years there have been some long (multiple month) periods of little activity, mostly just moderate level, and a few moments of intense work. But the truth is, I want this done. I'm worried that the level design, while a ways from completion, is relatively so much farther along than the ASM side. To that end I've worked to knock out a few of the custom ASM challenges recently, and yet every time I do I can't forget that there are yet even bigger projects to tackle. The ASM is scary in this hack, believe me. I'm going to have to work hard to avoid having a huge period of time at the end where MM has done all he can and has nothing to do but sit on it while I still have months worth of work left...


Quote from: Shadow96 on January 26, 2013, 11:32:39 AM
didn't need to :P

LOL, and here I thought that was just an underline with the intention of showing nothing as a release date. :)

Still thinking this may be the coolest SM hack ever made, and hoping we really do get to see its release eventually.



That looks like the old X-Ray Icon in the bottom right-hand corner. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on May 02, 2013, 11:47:46 AM
That looks like the old X-Ray Icon in the bottom right-hand corner. :^_^:

Yep, maybe a clue for this room :)


And the orb looks like the "monster-in-a-box" from Super Mario RPG?


Quote from: Cloud13 on May 02, 2013, 12:27:34 PM
Quote from: Quietus on May 02, 2013, 11:47:46 AM
That looks like the old X-Ray Icon in the bottom right-hand corner. :^_^:

Yep, maybe a clue for this room :)

Didn't he remove X-ray from this hack though?


darn good looking room, but I can't help feel that it's doing something that was interesting about phazon hack. The rooms with the xray symbol were a cool part of the hack, so this feels a little like copying it.

Also, because I'm too lazy to quote him, I shall reiterate the point. I thought you took xray out?


i think the x-ray item was changed into a shinespark item, so maybe the icon is there to nudge you in the right direction.

Basically saying, 'hey, remember x-ray? nah, use the SS here.'

EDIT: I could very well be wrong though.


In case nobody has heard (or if Mst hasn't said anything), I will be doing another Fear preview stream this Saturday, the 25th. I'll go live around 10pm EST and you can find the link to my stream in my signature or here. It'll likely be around 20-30 minutes in length and I believe that Mst will be accompanying me via Skype. See you then.

Or maybe "see you then?"


Thanks for posting the link.  Not all of us have signatures visible. :^_^:

Also, I'm not sure if I want to spoil anything before Fear's release.  Hmm, do I, don't I... :neutral:


Let me put you at ease Quietus. While you will obviously be seeing some things of Fear not seen before, the little bit(s) going to be, and may be, seen are not that spoiler-y. For one, one bit under consideration has already been featured in two of my own videos. Another bit has been in RotW before, so you will just be seeing a slight adjustment to the level and the glows and stuff in effect. Another spot being considered for showing off will almost definitely prove very. . . Interesting in the final version.

There is one thing that would be spoilerish of a boss of sorts. But I believe it will serve more as a livestreamed teaser of sorts more than anything that spoils it. (Without any editing and crazy people talking.)


In that case, I may well calculate what time that'll be in little ol' England, and join you guys...

Holy moly, that's 04:00.  Since that's the case, I'm gonna have to miss it. :sad:

(On a slightly selfish note, these things are probably always best done around midday at the weekend, since you then enable everybody in the States and all of Europe to view it, and I suspect that would cover the large majority of our users)


Quote from: Quietus on May 21, 2013, 07:07:28 PM(On a slightly selfish note, these things are probably always best done around midday at the weekend, since you then enable everybody in the States and all of Europe to view it, and I suspect that would cover the large majority of our users)
Not selfish at all. I hadn't considered the fact that there may be people in Europe wanting to get a taste of candy as well when I suggested a time (which Mst agreed with, likely in a similar mindset to mine). My fault. Mst and I shall re-discuss a time I suppose.


* Quietus crosses his fingers and toes.


Alright, so here's the planned re-schedule: Friday the 31st, 4pm EST. I wanted to give people some fair warning ahead of time (and I also forgot that I was busy this Saturday <_<), so this should give plenty of time. Again, you can find my stream here.


Well, I'm sure I can manage 22:00.  Unless something crops up, I should be able to fetch my slippers and pipe to join you guys.


Either way, doesn't Twitch save streams, too? That way everyone would be able to join in, albeit less interactively.


While that is true, the more people can be interactive, the better time everyone will have. (Like the community speedrun. Much fun with 30 people in a Skype call. (OH NO! The resources Zeke!)) So yes, there will most likely be a way to watch it after the fact, it is still fun to join in if possible.

Vismund Cygnus

Midday Saturday? Hmmmmm. I hope I can see this.


Also, if Person should happen to die a miserable death, we get to see it live. :heheh:


Whose bitch will he become this time? (Also, MetroidMst is mad.)


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on May 23, 2013, 02:32:32 AM
Midday Saturday? Hmmmmm. I hope I can see this.
Friday, Friday. (Geddan!) Of course, being in that weird upside down place, it will most likely be Saturday for you, but that is besides the point. (Unless of course that is what you meant, but I don't want there to be any confusion just in case.)


Quote from: SirAileron on May 22, 2013, 11:48:49 PM
Either way, doesn't Twitch save streams, too? That way everyone would be able to join in, albeit less interactively.
Yes, twitch does save past streams, but unless I opt to "save them forever," the recording will be deleted within a few weeks. Either way, it is likely I will upload this to Youtube providing Twitch has fixed their uploader by then (since I find Youtube is a faster site and has more content about the hacking community).

Quote from: Quietus on May 23, 2013, 05:36:42 AM
Also, if Person should happen to die a miserable death, we get to see it live. :heheh:
It is very likely and anyone wanting to play Fear will thank me for dying miserably. No promises on how I will act however.

Quote from: Zhs2 on May 23, 2013, 05:44:46 AM
Whose bitches will he become this time? (Also, MetroidMst is mad.)
Tune in and find out! :portal: :awesome: