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Super Metroid: Fear

Started by MetroidMst, August 02, 2009, 06:20:37 PM

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I agree. I suck at grappling D: There's no way I'd be able to do something like that without several safe zones where I can savestate, and I rarely use savestates except in really hard areas.

It also boggles me to see you telling him that over the net :S


Don't want to discourage you, but I agree with the others here.  I think that a lot of people don't enjoy grappling at all.  One or two swings over a pit of sorts, with an obvious row of grapple blocks is fair enough, but any kind of challenge like those vids will put a whole bunch of people off.

Black Falcon

I like those grapple challenges TBH. They look hard but doable.
(> implying me loves swinging around with grapple beam.)
But that's just me, so I suggest using those grapple challenges only if you wanna get 100%,
ie swinging to items which aren't needed normally (maybe a special beam or something like that, you know).
Too much grappling within the normal gameplay route ruins it, really.
A large variety of different challenges is the key to keep up the fun in your hack! :wink:


Nothing along the lines of Exia. I did put in a safe zone in what I consider to be the only challenging room. I will be making small adjustments as I go along as I don't want it to be too hard for the average player/grappler, but I'm not going to remove all the challange from it.

I do like the idea of needing to do it for %100 though.


I love the grapple beam and rooms that make you use it, as long as they aren't over a pit of lava (fall=die). With that said, those rooms look awesome :D


I'm in the group of poor grapplers. My suggestion: Only use these harder grapple sessions for shortcuts and 100%, maybe have 1 semi-difficult grapple section just after the grapple beam.


I am very much looking forward to this.  Also, that music that's playing in your grapple video is sweet... please tell me it'll be in the hack.


Many seem to have forgoten one of my new items that allows shine-sparking with no running required, thereby making many Grapple sections skipable if you have collected enough Etanks. This won't work for every room, but it will make a few rather easy. Besides, Grappling is like IBJing, just takes a little time to get used to.

But I am still tweaking rooms to make them easier than what they were. Only one left I'm not entirely happy with.

[spoiler=New HUD][/spoiler]
So I asked Black_Falcon about a glitch involved with his HUD, and he did all this extra stuff too besides fix the glitch.
Beam Counter
Charge Bar
Four digit Energy Display (Allows for removal of Reserve Tanks while being able to add more Energy Tanks without glitches.)
Cool Down/Countdown Timer
Grapple Range
Bomb drop meter
Shine Spark Countdown Timer

Very pleased and happy with this. Probably the coolest thing I've seen yet.

Prime Hunter

Personally, I love the grapple beam, so I have no problems with grapple sections all over the place. (Well, within reason.) Pretty sure that all of those sections in that trailer aren't going to be right next to each other if I had to guess, so in the end it may not be as bad as everyone is thinking.

Anyway, that new HUD is pretty cool for the most part. I find those countdown timers a little distracting, (as well as what looks to be the charge bar when firing the power beam) but seeing as I was focusing on the HUD more than I probably would when playing it may not be as bad in-game either.

Still, will be interesting to see everything come together once this is finished.


is this still a demo or is it finished yet


Demo still. Progress is as follows;

Level design: %90
ASM: %30
Testing: In Progress

So as you can see one of the two major elements left is almosed finished. The ASM will take a while, but I am feeling very confident about a release later this year.

Of course there will be a testing period too, since I'm a perfectionist I want it done right the first time. Needing a version 1.01 is a failure to me and I have no intentions of needing that.

BTW, the actual hack will appear in the completed stuff board.


Quote from: MetroidMst on January 19, 2011, 08:20:19 PMLevel design: %90
This is good.
Quote from: MetroidMst on January 19, 2011, 08:20:19 PMI'm a perfectionist I want it done right the first time. Needing a version 1.01 is a failure to me and I have no intentions of needing that.
You know somebody will find a permastuck... :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus
Quote from: MetroidMst on January 19, 2011, 08:20:19 PMI'm a perfectionist I want it done right the first time. Needing a version 1.01 is a failure to me and I have no intentions of needing that.
You know somebody will find a permastuck... :^_^:
More than likely it will be someone who abused Super Metroid glitches and then reported the results in the topic.


Nah.  It's usually a one-way gate, or a grey door, or something like that.  Or maybe a two tile gap prior to Morph, but I doubt that of anybody here. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on January 21, 2011, 06:12:08 AM
Or maybe a two tile gap prior to Morph,
Already done with that, especially since you get the item 30 seconds into the game.



Quote from: MetroidMst on January 21, 2011, 06:31:16 AM
Quote from: Quietus on January 21, 2011, 06:12:08 AM
Or maybe a two tile gap prior to Morph,
Already done with that, especially since you get the item 30 seconds into the game.

I'm seriously looking forward to this one more than any other SM hack at this point. Everything I've seen so far has made me want to see more. :)


*EDIT*: Are you wanting beta testers, by any chance? Or are you just gonna hit us with awesomeness one random day? ;)


Quote from: VideoGeemer on March 14, 2011, 07:38:48 AM
Or are you just gonna hit us with awesomeness one random day? ;)
This. I have plenty of testers already, and by the looks of things they should get ready in the next couple of months for some serious work. For everyone else, one random day will be a great day. (Well, hopefully.)


thiss gonna be epic.  love the freak alien look this hack had. looking forward for the release :D


Teaser looks cool, but I feel you didn't show the coolest areas.

LOLing at the "Level design - 90%" posted in January, the figure is still probably around 90%, but not for lack of adding things.


Not really any real "progress" to mention, but that usually means I'm getting somewhere compared to where it used to be. There is going to be some extra stuff added in that I wasn't expecting before though. One item in particular is getting an "upgrade." Other than that work continues on custom musics, and level design is still approaching the finish line slowly.

I can say for a certainty that Fear will not be released this year. But I do have a date in mind. That shall be kept between me and my closest confidants.


I'm lovin' the hack man! 4 digit energy, woah!


Running out of room in $8F, so if I appear to be losing my sanity, cleaning up and organizing the mess to free up space is why.

Mr K

Loved the final teaser video, Looking foward to the final release and those areas on the video looked pretty awesome. Seems to be alot of metroids poping out of no were......Gonna need me some save states for this one.