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Super Metroid: Fear

Started by MetroidMst, August 02, 2009, 06:20:37 PM

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Horror tactics are more effective when you use humor to break up the tension, thus increasing the impact of said horror tactics.

Maybe at the start of the self-destruct sequence (if there is one), it could say: "I cannot comprehend why every planet I visit must inevitably explode."


The level of quirkiness this hack offers as well as the count of ":D", ":)", and "Hi" you will all find in the backgrounds will humor you enough.


Quote from: Quietus on June 12, 2014, 07:54:42 PM
Okey dokey. :^_^:
Keyp your lame puns to yourself, please. :<_<:


All these key puns, and I am not even tempted to lock the topic!


*Continues to wait until 2032* :neutral:

I have not played the demo of it so, I intend to play it completely blind once done. (If I can still play it when it's released. Never know about life...) Anyway, good luck with SM Fear. :)

~ SpoOkyMagician


You probably could play the demo with very little consequence to the final hack. The beginning may share some similarities, however, by the time Fear is finally finished, you will have forgot all about that! Win win. Except for, you know, the pain of playing that demo and/or hack.


Anything interesting to share?  Perhaps a screenshot or 2?  :bounce:


[spoiler=Nothing Interesting][/spoiler]


 :lol: but really
[spoiler]that looks awesome![/spoiler]


*shrugs* ...Alright. I'll give it a try. Honestly, I have yet to play/finish a single SM hack. I find myself always watching you/others playing them. :nope: :neutral:

edit: From what I've played thusfar, it's pretty cool. One minor flaw I noticed at the start you may want to fix. (If not already...) Be 100% sure the morphball is got before going down that tunnel... I went down before getting it first time and I was permastuck... I could not morph in the passage to get though the next area or go back... Had to reset. I managed to kill bomb torizo but then I died a bit afterwords. I'll give it another try and edit as need be.

edit: So... I managed to finally return to the ship... I went back/to the elevator... and I enter a door? (Permastuck) Samus disappears...

edit: Maybe I am at the end of the demo? I cannot seem to make anymore progress from here. :\ Oh well. Still like it nonetheless.

edit: 6 Years old? That's probably why then... Oh well. *waits til 2032*

~ SpoOkyMagician


Yes. That is it. Which is why I said nothing will be hurt by playing it. (Other than you) Morph Ball thing has been fixed for some time now too. (I managed to fall in myself accidentally, so I figured that one out fast.)



Quote from: MetroidMst on July 20, 2014, 08:52:05 AM
What in the world are you up to now? :pale:


Quote from: person701 on July 20, 2014, 03:23:08 PM
What in the world are you up to now? :pale:

I've mentioned it in IRC before but Fear currently has 376 room entries and we're working on filling every last one. And we already know we need more before we're done!


For people to have perspective, what's the total from the original game?


Quote from: Quietus on July 20, 2014, 03:55:15 PM
For people to have perspective, what's the total from the original game?
259 about 110 more rooms in fear than the original


263 with a few unused :P


looks amazing..cant wait


I registered just to ask this, so i feel like a dick a little bit, but how close is fear to completion?


Is it still delayed until 2018 because of the new smile features?

Vismund Cygnus

Well, it's going to be released in 2032. Since Mst has been working on it for what, 6 years? We can assume that he will work on it at a steady pace for the next 18. With 24 years of development time, we can assume that 6 years of hard, consistent work means Fear is at about 25% completion. Hope this clarifies things for you!  :^_^:

Next time, read the rules before you post.
Quote from: Crimes
14. No begging - Seriously, guys. Stop begging for hacks/mods/demos/betas/screenshots/videos/GFX/ASM/other content. The creators will release content on their own time, and begging for content only serves to annoy and hinder progress even further. Don't do it.


Vis, you forgot the 90/10 rule; the first 90% takes 10% of the time and the last 10% takes 90% of the time. We can safely assume Fear is at least 60% complete. :^_^:


And that doesn't incorporate extentions caused by "that's cool - I'm adding that" or "meh, I'm not in love with that tileset any more.  Let's change it." :^_^:

And MetConst Contests...


Quietus, contests only take a week at most away from Fear. Nothing really lost, and still on time for 2032.