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On Forum Rating Systems

Started by silverpaw84, October 06, 2011, 10:17:39 PM

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Quote from: Quietus on October 06, 2011, 05:00:30 PM
It also doesn't really work when it's automatically embedded in another page.
-edit- BTW, This ^
Being that this is the youtube topix, it gave me the idea:

If there is a way to implement a thumbs up/down, +1, like, etc. system to the forums, Id like to see it. Theres quite a few forums that id like to silently agree with people on without having to post what they said in quotes and say either nothing at all or "this"


Quote from: silverpaw84 on October 06, 2011, 10:17:39 PM
If there is a way to implement a thumbs up/down, +1, like, etc. system to the forums, Id like to see it. Theres quite a few forums that id like to silently agree with people on without having to post what they said in quotes and say either nothing at all or "this"




Quote from: silverpaw84-FOR THE ADMINS-
If there is a way to implement a thumbs up/down, +1, like, etc. system to the forums, Id like to see it.
Yes, there is. No, we don't use it. Why? Because this isn't a popularity contest about who makes the better posts, it's a work forum for communication between the creators and the appreciators. If someone said something you wanted to say, better luck next time. If perhaps they didn't word it as properly as you'd have liked or you have something new to add, say it better. "Me too" posts are discouraged here.


Quote from: silverpaw84 on October 06, 2011, 10:17:39 PM
If there is a way to implement a thumbs up/down, +1, like, etc. system to the forums, Id like to see it. Theres quite a few forums that id like to silently agree with people on without having to post what they said in quotes and say either nothing at all or "this"
What, are we Facebook now?


I too agree about NOT having this sort of feature.  However, I'll try and say so with a little courtesy...


I don't really see a need for such a system here. You might get a thumbs up, or down, here or there, but that wouldn't really affect much. I also wouldn't want to see this site turn into a "thumbs up if  - insert the obvious"  spam-fest.

Speaking in general; Ratings may temporarily boost your ego, but they don't really serve much purpose other than that in the hacking realm. If you make something significant, it will speak for itself, and you'll get recognition from your colleagues - regardless.

The only thing we ever would have the need to rate, is pertaining to our hacks. And we already have that, it's the Room of the Week contest. Even there, it's not really the ratings that are ultimately important, it's the constructive-criticism from the feed-back. The realization of any faults you may have as a designer, and trying to overcome them. Atleast that's how I perceive it.

Thumbs up if you agree


Quote from: Quietus on October 07, 2011, 04:37:56 AM
I'll try and say so with a little courtesy...
Thank you for that

It was just an idea guys, jeez, its not about egos or being popular. Also, i didnt start this topic, please remove it


Quote from: silverpaw84Also, i didnt start this topic, please remove it
Technically, you did. I just split it from the Youtube topic since it got quite a few replies and so as to keep from derailing the video posting.