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Super Metroid: Ordeal

Started by Parabox, August 22, 2009, 09:44:39 AM

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I'm am going to make a hack. Finally some inspiration hit me. Bla bla bla emotional speach shit.

Super Metroid: Ordeal

Mission File 704775027
Objective: Stop meteor from crashing into Norion by blowing it up from the core.
Time limit: 3 hours

[spoiler]Surface- Replaces Crateria. Will have some invisible water for low-grav areas.
Vegetation- Replaces Brinstar. The first area to encounter life. Filled with growth.
Hull- Replaces Norfair. Heated because of friction.
Rear- Replaces Maridia. Cooled because it's the opposite of the Hull.
Base- Space Pirates galore.
Core- The core of the meteor, filled with technology.[/spoiler]
I'll have to do some custom graphics, nothing hard. Reason the items since this is a meteor/[spoiler]Space Pirate Ship[/spoiler]. Maybe some hex-text editing. Probably a little ASM. I'll also have to learn alot of basic things  :lol:.

- BOXZOOMER out  :icon_cool:!



As usual, we're here to help. You might find a lot of the "basic stuff" in my guide in the documents section. IDK specifically what you're looking for though.


Quote from: Crys on August 22, 2009, 10:47:52 AM
Pics or it didn't happened.
Yeah, this. Unless you give us some content, I'm going to have to move this to the ideas thread.


I hate your moddy meddling, Bloodsonic...


You're not forced to be here. When you are at an place that is not your own then you should follow the rules there. It's common knowledge.

Plus, you can't prove you have done anything you claim with simply words.


I'm sorry DekuKnight but I'm going to have to lock this thread as you've failed to show any progress other than the light bulb that flickered in your head to make a hack. But worry not my friend, I'm not a douchebag mod, feel free to PM a mod or myself once you have some screenshots and I'll gladly unlock this thread.