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General Projects Screenshots/Vids Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 10:44:44 PM

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Soooo, since I can't have it out for the start of April like I hoped for (school got really busy), I figured I'd at least give a preview of sorts. So uh, here's an area (minus the enemies, will put those in when I finish the level design I still have left).


Nice Quote! I've been out of the loop, so... Is that a Fusion hack with SM music (Less likely, since the only editor for Metroid Fusion SUCKS), or a Super Metroid hack with Zero Mission graphics (Would be very cool, and would DEFINITELY play it)?


I thought I was looking at a fusion hack first. >_>


Nice work, Quote.  If I had to grumble, it'd be that some of the room transitions seem a little jarring, with one tileset suddenly becoming another.


Quote from: M1CR0H4CK3R on April 02, 2014, 07:26:32 PM
Nice Quote! I've been out of the loop, so... Is that a Fusion hack with SM music (Less likely, since the only editor for Metroid Fusion SUCKS), or a Super Metroid hack with Zero Mission graphics (Would be very cool, and would DEFINITELY play it)?

Thanks! It's most deffinitly a super metroid hack lol but it doesn't have zero mission gfx. The jungle tileset is custom and the bog tileset is mostly super metroid with a bit of castlevania.



Quote from: Quote58 on April 02, 2014, 08:40:57 PM
it doesn't have zero mission gfx.

Sorry, I meant Fusion GFX, and was referring to the HUD. I was tired when I typed that up. :/ Also, is there still going to be a map on the pause screen? No map in the top-right corner makes things a little iffy, in my opinion.


I actually don't miss the minimap at all.  It showed so little that I never looked at it anyway.  I would imagine that the main map has been left in, however. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on March 15, 2014, 11:55:13 AM
Just out of curiosity: What do JX and RF stand for / represent? :^_^:
I think JX means 'not by Jathys', but I have no clue what RF stands for... :/


So, I've been here a bit, hovered around and dabbled in SMILE. I am working on something, but it's my learning curve, and not making a new hack topic to create any new hack coming interest. Anyways, I'm progressing fairly well I feel, I've edited a lot of Crateria, and would like some opinions on some rooms please. They're nothing graphically amazing at all, but a lot of though is being put into playability and routes taken. So far all rooms edited so far are connected, mapped, and BTS checked. Progress is very slow - often spending an hour or so perusing rooms to edit and come up with new ideas but not actually getting anything done. I'm rambling, here are some screen shots. Thanks guys


















I'll critique the rooms for you in their respective order.  I've broken the list up a bit, so it's not so much of an eyesore. :neutral:

1, The tiles look basic, and has a style clash with the door tubes.  Also, the swirls on the ends don't look like they join quite right with the main blocks.
2, I like the outer rock tiles, though the pattern is repetitious.  Also, blocks (not ramps) in front of doors does nothing but break flow.  Consider ramping it, like on the left.
3, Major style clash.  The bottom part of the room looks pretty good, but the top looks absurdly basic in comparison.  Long falling tubes don't seem to serve a purpose, and could have been shorter, yet achieved the same effect.  Also, lots of very angular terrain.
4, Looks OK, but very angular.  Also, for BTS, ensure you use a square BTS block underneath gaps where you have an inverted ramp above, or players can get stuck in the floor by unmorphing.

5, Not much to see here - it's very basic.
6, Again, very angular.  I'm not sure what you did with the plants, but they look like Spectrum graphics. :heheh:
7, You should raise the level of the spikes in the top left-hand corner, and use either the platform spikes or the floor spikes, not both.  As it is, any player falling down could easily get stuck underneath the platforms, and lose tonnes of health for a relatively minor mistake.
8, Much better terrain variation here.  Again, be careful of players getting stuck in floors below inverted ramps.

9, The grass sticks out like a sore thumb here.  It looks doubly bad for ending so abruptly against the rock.
10, Couldn't think of much here - it's very square. :^_^:
11, Not a bad room.  The purple CRE at the top could possibly be changed.  It doesn't seem to serve a purpose beyond 'just because', and doesn't achieve anything that a simple platform wouldn't.  Don't kill flow without a reason.
12, Not much to comment on here.  Random piping could maybe be toned down a bit.  The odd bit here and there doesn't hurt, but when it just loops for the sake of looping, it starts to look odd.

13, A lot of long, straight edges here.  Remembering that it's supposed to be rock, any more than about three or four tiles starts to look artificial.
14, A lot of long straights and right angles, which could all be reworked.  Spikes sitting in normal tiles look really odd without some kind of edging.  Also, you seem to have a lot of the rock formations at the top 'just because'.  Sometimes you can get away with it, but other times it just makes them stand out as being odd.
15, Try and vary shapes and sizes of platforms and ledges, so they avoid looking copied and pasted.
16, Lots of straights again.  Also, avoid having ramps go straight up to doors, as it's possible to glitch through them while speedballing.

I hope some of that helps. :^_^:


Level design looks okay-ish. But the scenario for all the rooms look like shit. I suggest putting at least some more time in making sure the rooms look cool and interesting for the player rather than just "functional", since, well, that's what your room are currently.


Thanks for your critiques guys. Quietus, regarding getting stuck, I 've made sure with BTS that Samus won't get stuck or can at least remorph. Crys, I have thought a bit about purpose, some of these rooms are intended for speed boost puzzles.

Anyway, I'll take all points on board, thanks :)


That's beside the point, actually. How a room looks and what tile data it has are two very different things.


So in irc earlier today Smileuser96 was like hey, someone should make phantoon into an elephant. I accepted the challenge and thanks to Tilemolester, a picture of an elephant's face, and a few minutes I'll never get back, you can now all enjoy Elephantoon


Oh, how I yearn for pachyderm.  No more pro bosses; Samus got Proboscis. :cool:


My soul died when I saw that.
Edit: So apparently somebody deleted that video with Sega Genesis SM remixes. Now I am really pissed >.<

Vismund Cygnus

I enter Room of the Week a lot, but I don'r really show off what I'm actually doing like, ever.
So here's a thing I did today that took way longer than it should have because I broke it and it took me 2 hours just to restore it to its original state because I'm stupid and didn't make backups for reasons.


Is the foreground moving in parallax faster than the camera?

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Kitsune_Phoenix on May 14, 2014, 03:11:03 AM
Is the foreground moving in parallax faster than the camera?
Close. It's actually the background moving slower than the camera (using the scrolling background feature in SMILE), however by having the tiles on layer 1 pass over the sprite layer and designing the room so it appears Samus is walking on the background layer 2 tiles, giving off the illusion that the room is moving ahead of where Samus is. It's a neat trick and looks good if done properly. I like to think I did okay.
[spoiler=For example, here's what it looks like in SMILE]
[spoiler=Layer 1][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Layer 2][/spoiler]
[spoiler=All together!][/spoiler]

Silver Skree

I love that trick. I actually used it in a room in Sigma++, too. I think DMan was the first to use it, which is why there's a silly little sign for him in that room.

The only disadvantage is that it's very, very hard to do room layouts other than flat hallways using that trick, since Samus is still colliding with the foreground which appears to scroll faster than what she's moving through.

Vismund Cygnus

It's not so much hard to do a slope, as it is tedious. It's gotta be very precise and the background can't scroll too fast or it throws off the illusion.
[spoiler=Mind the tiling error, I made it while I was doing this][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Here's what it looks like in SMILE][/spoiler]
An interesting effect, for sure. It's a really neat little trick that can boost a room's aesthetic.


Looking more de-lush-ious by the minute, Vismund. :^_^:

Black Falcon

Time to wipe some dust off this thread:
This is actual ingame music I made by converting wav samples into brr, then import them into the ROM.
Channels used: 4, which means there's nothing that gets cut by sound effects such as screw attack or charge beam.  :^_^: