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Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 10:44:44 PM

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I need a second opinion on this.

Since Red Crat never gets any love, I wanted to show it some. But, I honestly can't decide if it looks right or not. It doesn't look terrible, but something about the contrast between gold and red seems too much. Thoughts/Suggestions?


I really like the gold palette, it looks pretty awesome. That red though, it needs toning down a lot IMO, it's not that the colour is bad but it's just so bright and doesn't look good for the tiles. I think a more purpley-red would look better, just not something so blinding in your face.

The Monster of Surrealton

Can never go wrong with red Crateria. *Raises flame shield*

I like the hot look. Is there some way to make a red lighting effect to go with it in-game?


Quote from: Jordan5 on March 13, 2014, 04:42:55 PMI really like the gold palette, it looks pretty awesome. That red though, it needs toning down a lot IMO, it's not that the colour is bad but it's just so bright
This. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on March 13, 2014, 11:37:37 AM
You need a room that's at least two scroll areas wide, and it only works opening a door on the left-hand side by shooting off the right-hand side.
Unfortunately I don't have a video of this in my possession, but I have managed a wrap around in the upper Norfair save station by the elevator. How? I've no idea. Interesting? Certainly caught my attention when it happened.

Quote from: FullOfFail on March 13, 2014, 03:47:16 PM
I need a second opinion on this.

Since Red Crat never gets any love, I wanted to show it some. But, I honestly can't decide if it looks right or not. It doesn't look terrible, but something about the contrast between gold and red seems too much. Thoughts/Suggestions?

-Image snip-
The gold looks great, as everyone else has said. The red in the foreground, however, seems way to vibrant to me though the background red seems fine.


The red palette needs more contrast; The darkest colours need to be way way way darker. Furthermore I'd recommend adding in a slight tint of green in the brightest colours in order to better bring in the concept of light to the tiles.

Also, what do you mean, I used red crateria fairly recently in Darkness return! :P


Quote from: person701 on March 13, 2014, 06:41:38 PMI have managed a wrap around in the upper Norfair save station
I've just tested this, and you are correct.  I don't think we really tested single-width rooms, because there's no point, since you can just run over there, which would be quicker. :razz:

I did the wraparound you mentioned numerous times, and tested other rooms of the same width.  They all work as long as the door is on the far edge of the room (in SMILE), and you shoot off the far edge on the other side.


Thanks for the feedback guys, but I just wanted to mention the reason the red is so bright is because ingame I have a darkness setting like such:


It's a double-edged sword though, because the gold doesn't look as good, so maybe I should reconsider the FX1 and manually darken it instead. I'll make a back-up and see what that looks like.

Quote from: Crys on March 13, 2014, 06:47:56 PM
Also, what do you mean, I used red crateria fairly recently in Darkness return! :P

True, but I also remember people criticizing you over using it. Which is fair, the original palette does need some work, which is what I'm trying to figure out now.


IMO, FullOfFail, your Red Crat should be perfect for a hack who takes place on Mars...


That's one small step for man, one giant leap for community.


Black Falcon

So.. I do not see a difference to the normal SMILE JX, besides the fact that your level data is in bank 00 and Layer1_2 was renamed into FX0 setup code.
I don't get it. :(


This is just a guess, but:

It's not bank $00, it's technically bank $100.
JAM added support for the rom type Exlorom. It's very similar to Lorom, but the memory mapping allows for rom sizes greater than 4MB, by using the lower memory to access the higher banks. IIRC Exlorom allows filesizes up to 6MB, and Exhirom allows up to 8MB.

That said, I doubt hardly anyone will be using Exlorom, because not a lot of emulators actually have the memory mapping built in to read those roms (real hardware DOES however). There's VERY few hacks of any game that actually use Exlorom or Exhirom. There's one hack of Star Ocean which uses Exlorom, but you'd be hard pressed to find an emulator that'll run it.

Exlorom is pretty cool though. I haven't tested running code from banks $00 - $3F, but I'm guessing they would act the same as $C0 - $FF. I only use the extra banks for graphics and level data, but I guess that's all anyone will use it for anyway.


Yes, as Scyzer said. I did a small exploration before applying this feature.
Data in new banks can be used for Level Data or for new Graphics Sets. Or for music. However, not for the code. You simply can't jump to $008000, for example (or maybe, it's because of emulator I used. Need to try Snes9X). But I think, if you REALLY will need a lot of place for the code, banks $E0..FF can be used.

As for the space, up to 8Mb can be used for ExLoROM. I've tested it. Banks from $00 to $7D can be added. $7E and $7F are obviously used for the RAM. You can add them, but can't access. =) Command JMP $7FFB00 will jump to the RAM and then the game will try to execute code there. =) Good if 7F:FB00 is 6B.

And there are emulators that supporting this format. Special build of ZSNES (which works flawlessly even on my Christina), Snes9X (versions over 1.39.3) and bsnes. But the last one uses too many resourses.


Quote from: JAM on March 14, 2014, 07:10:10 PM
As for the space, up to 8Mb can be used for ExLoROM. I've tested it. Banks from $00 to $7D can be added. $7E and $7F are obviously used for the RAM. You can add them, but can't access. =) Command JMP $7FFB00 will jump to the RAM and then the game will try to execute code there. =) Good if 7F:FB00 is 6B.

Oh it is 8MB then. I only use 6MB and I probably won't even need that.
Also, bank $70 is used for SRAM, but IIRC that only uses the low address anyway, so reading from ROM bank $70 should work fine and there was really no reason to bring this up...  :bounce:

On another note, watch out for the checksum calculator if you put one in JX. RF just doesn't want to get the right checksum for Exlorom for me :S


Just out of curiosity: What do JX and RF stand for / represent? :^_^:


I love how 3 people here all started showing fusion stuff at the same time.
Anywho, Dooooors


The flashing door is a nice effect.  I suspect there are others who'd like to create some animation to use instead of doors too.



If that's aimed at me, I was referring to tiles, to have some kind of looping animation replace the door caps.


Quote from: Crys on March 16, 2014, 06:30:54 AM
Palette animation or tile animation?
It would very likely be a palette glow/animation. If he was changing the tiles, I would reach through my computer screen and punch Quote in the face, because that would be a waste of palette space and CRE tilesheet / tiletable space.

In other news, I did a thing.

You can undo / redo in each room up to 16 times. I could add more of course, but really, it's just for those accidental times that you drag the mouse over all your hard work. Also works with Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y cause why not?


Yes its a simple glow routine I set up for the doors that follows fusion almost exactly.


Quote from: Scyzer on March 16, 2014, 11:40:11 AM
Quote from: Crys on March 16, 2014, 06:30:54 AM
Palette animation or tile animation?
If he was changing the tiles, I would reach through my computer screen and punch Quote in the face, because that would be a waste of palette space and CRE tilesheet / tiletable space.
Punish punch me then =)
Used some of CRE space, but palettes are vanilla.

Multi shot door
As usual, save as *.avi


And then you finally get inside...

...and it's just a missile expansion. :yay:


Black Falcon

Quote from: Scyzer on March 16, 2014, 11:40:11 AM
In other news, I did a thing.

You can undo / redo in each room up to 16 times. I could add more of course, but really, it's just for those accidental times that you drag the mouse over all your hard work. Also works with Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y cause why not?