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General Projects Screenshots/Vids Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 10:44:44 PM

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That is really spiffy sadi, I want to create a mock up in paint of want I think would look good with my HUD...


Pretty impressive sadiztyk, but something about the mini map disturbs me :\


Quote from: JamieWebb16 on July 15, 2011, 07:43:57 PM
Pretty impressive sadiztyk, but something about the mini map disturbs me :\

I fixed the minimap, but didn't bother redoing the area maps (since I've only used this rom to make the HUD, and it's not the rom it's going into). I had to reorganise the GFX used by layer 3 to get the dropdown HUD to function properly; the minimap is actually displaying what the maps look like correctly though.

Quote from: Webber1900 on July 15, 2011, 06:23:35 PM
That is really spiffy sadi, I want to create a mock up in paint of want I think would look good with my HUD...

I made my mockups in TLP. Then I can easily draw graphics and rearrange them how I like. After that it's just getting them into the rom.


When I post the mock up, I want your opinion and help with the HUD, I plan on keeping the original vanilla HUD controls intact and just change the graphics and palette.


i have to post here. Webber1900 i like your HUD. it looks close too mine though, but that will happen i suppose if i keep getting my ideas from Metroid Prime. if you want my opinion i think you should ditch the boxes and go big.

edit:also i like the S-missile you should do the PB the same way


Here is my mock up:

I would love for my HUD to be quite similar to my mock up above.

Edit: Did some more changes to the mock up.

Black Falcon

Quote from: Sadiztyk on July 15, 2011, 04:56:30 PM
Well since everyone else was doing it
[spoiler=Here's my HUD]
Messing With The HUD
That's an awesome HUD you got there.
But since the dropdown bar fades in like message boxes, any layer 3 fx have to be disabled, which gets very annoying after awhile (that's why there's no powerbomb bubble animation in the vid).
Best way to avoid this would be using a sprite layer. Just look into the escape timer code to find out how it uses VRAM and OAM correctly (OAM = Object Attribute Memory, used to define VRAM offset, sprite position, size of sprite, layer etc. this is where sprite data gets stored.)
This way you don't need to work with gfx in Gameboy format.
Just look for free VRAM space in Kej's RAMmap.



I heard from someone that All of Samus's sprites are spread across addresses $DCE00h to $100200h except the dying sprites (D8200-D9600.) You can also edit the pause/weapon select Samus in basically the entire $1B0200h-$1B8200h bank; the ending Samus graphics are compressed, somewhere around $40000h.

Is this true?




That is friggin awesome Red-Monkey!   :cheers:  Is that just from editing like you described in your mode 7 thread in engine works?

I know it's possible to turn off the haze at the bottom (should be on the hex tweaks page somewhere), so I imagine it would be possible to turn off the glow as well.  Probably another hex tweak somewhere.  As to where, I have no idea.

Black Falcon

Quote from: Sadiztyk on July 16, 2011, 04:08:46 PM
[spoiler=Well actually....]
HUD Layer3 Test
And now I feel like a sad panda, because my HUD looks shitty and boring compared to this :/
I even wonder why you needed my asm file, because your HUD has little to nothing todo with it...


can we change the black box hud . in.. transparent? It is possible or not?


You no doubt can, but I recall somebody saying something about the top lines on the screen being garbled, so you'd need to look into that as well.

Quote from: Red-M0nk3y on July 16, 2011, 10:27:52 PMI mastered Mode 7
This is fantastic news, RM.  I'm now looking forward to some stunning intros from people.


later today i'll make the how to guide, it's easy. when it glitches the glitch points at were you make a mastake


Quote from: Damski on July 17, 2011, 08:03:27 AM
can we change the black box hud . in.. transparent? It is possible or not?
Quote from: Quietus on July 17, 2011, 08:37:41 AM
You no doubt can, but I recall somebody saying something about the top lines on the screen being garbled, so you'd need to look into that as well.

Transparent HUD

Silver Skree


Thanks, Sadiz.  Does that include the fixing of the top section, or was I imagining things when I said I'd read that? :O_o:


In horizontal rooms, layer1 draws like usual. In vertical rooms howveer you can see about 4-5 pixels of where the tilemap is being updated as the room scrolls up. The tiles aren't actually glitched or garbled, it's that you can see the tilemap getting updated. The game also does this when scrolling down, but if you look closely there is actually a small black bar along the bottom of the screen, which is what prevents you seeing this.


So, it should therefore be possible to create a patch that could shrink the bar by 50%, which would still cover the updating, but would allow you to see more of the screen?  It'd no doubt go in the 'before you start your hack' pile. :^_^:

Silver Skree

Was anyone else reminded of that one time when pressholdpressholdpressholdpressholdpressholdpressholdpressholdrunwithrunwithrunwithrunwithrunwithrunwithrunwithrunwithrunwith?


Nice sadi!

Metroid nest.  :whoa:




and who thinks people should make hacks slanted for kicks and giggles?