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General Projects Screenshots/Vids Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 10:44:44 PM

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It's looking great, Scooterboot. A few things of note:

I agree with FPzero about the noise for blocks breaking, but I'd add the same for wall-jumping. The sound seems too intrusive when you're jumping all over the place. Maybe just lowering the in-game volume of the effect may be enough..?
I love the water spraying when you somersault after leaving the water.
Spiderball could do with its speed being increased. Perhaps acceleration? As it is now, moving any distance would be painfully slow.


Quote from: FPzero on December 16, 2016, 10:37:38 AM
Oh man I'm real excited to see you're still working on this! After so many months without hearing anything I was worried it had been put aside. Everything looks great of what you showed us. What's your general progress with the engine? Movement and mechanics appear to be close to finished if not already. Has there been any progress on enemy AI, item pickups or things like that?

If I had one very minor criticism, the constant breaking sound effect when you shinesparked through a large row of speed booster blocks felt out of place. Is there any way to slow down the sound effect frequency to something more like the original super metroid just so there isn't so much breaking noise in the audio when you're shinesparking? If not, as I said it's a very minor complaint.
Movement and mechanics are almost finished. Once I work out all of the kinks and bugs with them, enemy AI and item pickups are going to be the next step.
Quote from: Quietus on December 16, 2016, 01:25:32 PM
It's looking great, Scooterboot. A few things of note:

I agree with FPzero about the noise for blocks breaking, but I'd add the same for wall-jumping. The sound seems too intrusive when you're jumping all over the place. Maybe just lowering the in-game volume of the effect may be enough..?
I love the water spraying when you somersault after leaving the water.
Spiderball could do with its speed being increased. Perhaps acceleration? As it is now, moving any distance would be painfully slow.
SM's sound engine and GameMaker's sound engine work very differently (as far as I know). Not saying it's impossible to do what you're both suggesting, it's just that I'd kinda have to do some hackish stuff to do it right. I can, however, make the volume lower with each consecutive break sound that plays (should sound much smoother if I do it right). As for walljump, I'm not exactly sure where I got the sound effect for that. I think I ripped it from Project Base? I'll either lower the volume or change it to the normal landing sound effect (which is what I believe vanilla SM uses).

I guess Spider Ball could move faster. Though, to be fair, it is basically the same speed as it is in AM2R. As it stands, it moves 1 pixel per frame, which is the easiest to calculate for collision, but I may be able speed it up slightly (possibly 1.5 pixels, because I remember trying 2 pixels in its early stages and it moved a bit too fast).


The engine looks great, and I really like what I see. I'm loving that silky smooth 60fps, keep up the awesome work!


Fixed the block breaking audio, I think. Physix gave me a tip on how to make it work, and I nearly face-palmed at how easy it was to do.

Zero One


This has been my project for most of today. (Thanks Smiley for helping me with Geiger's Debugger for the first time!)


I like how it forces you to not actually use speed booster, nice change-up. It also seemed just long enough to let you out of there without dying.


Unless it's easy enough to jump out of the lava, you could possibly increase the delay before the rising starts. It seemed like you hit the roadblock, and started jumping up the shaft immediately, and the lava was right on your heels at the start. Players (assuming they haven't seen the video) would hit the roadblock, and before they know what's happening, they'd be sizzling.


So, I've been working on a thing this last week, and have made decent progress. I forgot to post it here the other day when I made the video, so I figured I'd do that now.

For those not in the know, this is MUGEN, which is basically a fighting game simulator, where there are thousands of different characters, and you can make your own if you so desire. I still have quite a bit of work to do, but its coming along.

A few specifics to mention: Sans has 1 hp, 1 atk, and 1 def, similarly to his appearance in Undertale which I am trying to recreate as much as possible here. He doesn't take actual damage, instead when he gets hit the attack misses, he teleports behind the opponent and his special meter depletes. Once he runs out, hes vulnerable and can be killed in one hit. Each action he does lowers the bar, and he begins to sweat as it gets lower and lower. Getting hit lowers the bar quite a bit, but you can proactively dodge attacks with a teleport (replaces dash).

Currently, I have programmed standard bone attacks and gaster blasters, as seen in the video. Bones can be spawned on either side of the opponent, and the blasters can be spawned in eight directions. Only three of any of these can be on screen at a time, so as to limit Sans a bit. In addition, you are limited to: three small bones, two medium bones, one tall blue bone, and one blaster. Additionally, he does 'poison' damage, that builds up anytime the opponent is hit.

I plan on adding his throw and various 'supers', as well as multiple game over screens, introductions based on the round (using dialogue from Undertale), and a few other assorted things.

As its not finished, the damage and special meter costs aren't final and I plan on balancing them as well as I can for a character like this. As bullshit as Sans is, he should still be beatable.


^ Does that have anything to do with Metroid?

Now that you opened that door, though, I'll plug my recent MUGEN release: Jailbot


Quote from: altoiddealer on December 20, 2016, 06:56:20 PM
^ Does that have anything to do with Metroid?

Now that you opened that door, though, I'll plug my recent MUGEN release: Jailbot
I just watched the release video on this and I must say, this looks amazing! I never really got into MUGEN myself, but this looks really cool.


Quote from: passarbye on December 20, 2016, 08:21:10 PM
Quote from: altoiddealer on December 20, 2016, 06:56:20 PM
^ Does that have anything to do with Metroid?

Now that you opened that door, though, I'll plug my recent MUGEN release: Jailbot
I just watched the release video on this and I must say, this looks amazing! I never really got into MUGEN myself, but this looks really cool.
Thank you!  I spent an unbelievable amount of time creating him.  If you browse back in my channel, I actually spent a few months making a marriage proposal using my project as the medium.

Unfortunately, I don't think my wife would tolerate my taking up something so consuming as SM hacking, or else I'd try my hand at that  :lol:


Quote from: TobiMikami on December 20, 2016, 09:52:56 PM
Le Thermal Visor.
That the health bar is not properly centred at the top is bothering me more than it probably should.


Part of that is design flaw, part of it's Prime's original layout. It's actually slightly off-sides in the original game. The HUD mock cuts in and out at the same places it does in Prime, starting right at the beginning of the energy bar, tapering off a little past the 11th energy tank. The main issue is the fact that it's a 100 pixel bar for graphical accuracy, so the tanks had to be extended to 16 rather than Prime's traditional 14, and being the length of the bar itself, it was going to be off-sides to begin with. From the more technical stance, by keeping it the way it is, it allows me to not have to redraw and re-position the health system every time there's a visor change.


AI is looking pretty good now, need to add power bomb ability and bomb jumping. Will need it to solve basic puzzles :/
Next preview should be a fleshed out AI I'm so excited.


Project Base got Project Based? :shocking: It does indeed look nice.


Yes! Siblings for Hyper Metroid!

Looks like a halfhack but they're bold with their tiling no doubt. They have potential to grow!

interdpth: This looks really cool. With some polishing (make SA-X falling as a ball same speed/animation as the player, I thought it was using spider ball at first), you could have a really versatile enemy!

I'm imagining Metroid Fusion: Impossible now. This enemy is in every room in the game (besides bosses) from start to finish.


That planty Metroid goodness looks delicious. :^_^:


Quote from: RealRed on January 02, 2017, 01:11:44 PM
interdpth: This looks really cool. With some polishing (make SA-X falling as a ball same speed/animation as the player, I thought it was using spider ball at first), you could have a really versatile enemy!

I'm imagining Metroid Fusion: Impossible now. This enemy is in every room in the game (besides bosses) from start to finish.

Yeah, the half-hack will have patrolling SA-X at random points. Working on that after I do this puzzle solving part of the AI along with fixing the falling rate. I think I have a fix. But need to program bombs and bomb jumping. Woot.


Quote from: Lunaria on December 21, 2016, 07:45:56 AM
Quote from: TobiMikami on December 20, 2016, 09:52:56 PM
Le Thermal Visor.
That the health bar is not properly centred at the top is bothering me more than it probably should.

It's actually proper:


That jungle tiling is one of the best tiling I saw to date :o
Getting really close with Hyper