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General Projects Screenshots/Vids Thread

Started by Zhs2, May 15, 2009, 10:44:44 PM

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Also, this is the internet, so we are all male unless expressly stated.  And once stated, everyone targets the user as a possible love interest, because we're all horny, sex-starved maniacs. :nod:



Could be interesting, particularly in boss fights, where it could be the only thing that will damage the boss, and you only have one shot.  You then have a timer before you can fire again.  Survive!


*deleted post*


I was going to say 'Phazon?', but I watched it again, and noticed the change. :^_^:

Another potential use for it could be to have it constantly drain energy, so that in small doses, it can be used regularly, but unloading on bosses would leave you very vulnerable.


it originally worked that way actually [I would post the video of that, but :effort:], but then I decided to make it as close to mp3 as possible.
As it is there is a bug with the health system. It works perfectly, as long as I don't include the invincibility. Not sure why, but it likely has to do with how the debug invincibility works.
For the record, if I were to work on it now an days, I would remake it into a much more organized peice of asm, and I could add a ton of new stuff like a little gfx effect when you turn it on/off.
Another problem I had with the asm when making it (might be able to fix it now, haven't given it any thought though) was the turning it on/off system. I had it so that holding item cancel for a second or two turns it on (like in mp3) but I couldn't get it to do the same for turning off.

Anywho, I might make the asm available one day, but it's suuuuuuper messy and totally uncommented so it'd be a huge pain to work with.


*deleted post*


I got bored...

So I decided to make Ceres editable.


Black Falcon

This is like a dream come true.
Being able to edit Ceres and a much more organized SMILE.
Can't wait to use it!  :yay:

Maybe some day people can add custom mode 7 rooms, too!
So awesome!


*deleted post*


And that's why we love you, Scyzer. :yay:

Was it anything technically difficult in the end, or just laborious?


The level design format for Ceres was so far removed from the rest of the level formats in Super Metroid that, in Jathys' own words, "it'd just be easier to overwrite them with your own level data." I guess Scyzer just went ahead and tackled that particular hurdle (or in her words, plowed right through it.)


Either way, impressive stuff.  Now we need a new 'impossible' goal to whinge about. :^_^:


*deleted post*


That's not exactly what I was thinking, as that'd be something outside of what would be considered as editing Super Metroid, but there's no harm in having other dreams.



Samus can too but nobody ever uses that option.



Hey, you may not know about my future fangame (in General Hack Ideas), but to the people who do, I've got the in-game maps done! Their not much, though I kind of like them!

1. The Planet (UCB1)

2. Norion Base

I hope ImageShack hasn't failed me once again. :razz:

If it hasn't, still, how do (would) you like them? If they showed up, leave comments below. Thank you!


They do show up, but lots of people (like me) are lazy, and don't like to click.  We like them in our faces!  To do so, click on the right-hand side of the imageshack page to get your links, copy the direct link, and then paste it here between image tags, like so:


...and they should show up properly without people having to do any excessive work, like click their mouse once. :razz:

It should then appear like so (I've also spoilered it to save some space!):


Quote from: Quietus on June 10, 2013, 10:54:50 AM
They do show up, but lots of people (like me) are lazy, and don't like to click.  We like them in our faces!  To do so, click on the right-hand side of the imageshack page to get your links, copy the direct link, and then paste it here between image tags, like so:


...and they should show up properly without people having to do any excessive work, like click their mouse once. :razz:

It should then appear like so (I've also spoilered it to save some space!):

Alright, lemme try that!

Planet UCB1:


Do they look good?



Switching from point lighting to directional lighting + pesky diagonal walls + other minor problems =


That takes me back to my UnrealEd hall of mirrors days. :^_^:

Zero One

Quote from: Quietus on June 10, 2013, 06:54:12 PM
That takes me back to my UnrealEd hall of mirrors days. :^_^:

Or misaligning a portal-antiportal pair of surfaces.