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[Mini -hack] Metroid Neon

Started by Blarget2, July 27, 2011, 12:32:13 AM

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This Hack is about 30% done.

STORY: Samus is sent to a planet to investigate a strange reading Near sr388. Scientist believe it to be a new life form emerging out of the ashes of their crashed space lab. What Samus finds, no one anticipated. A breach in the fabric of reality allowed Computer programs and organic life to combined into something monstrous; and it's Samus's job to find what caused it, and eliminate it.

Samus will gain unique abilities made by manifestations of the rift as she progresses through the planet.

mapping 25%
(starting area) Alpha 80%
Beta 8%
Gamma 2%


[spoiler]these show the difference between Alpha, Beta, and Gamma areas.





Thanks to Sadi for helping me with smile and hex edits.


The only thing that stood out for me (from the vid you posted) as possibly needing more work was the suit.  It sometimes felt like the yellow was wandering, and didn't seem to flow correctly.  However, I appreciate that suit edits are a pain in the rear. :neutral:


I really dig samus look, but the environments needs more detail, it can keep the feel without being this barren.


Eh wasn't really going for detail... but ill try i guess :/

and samus is staying the way she is because im not even going to think of touching them tiles....


I'm not talking about actually editing the tiles - more just redrawing the lines you've used.  It's just that the yellow seems to, erm...  Think of noise on a TV, with all of the 'snow' going on.  Hard to explain. :razz:


Quote from: Quietus on July 27, 2011, 10:43:55 AM
I'm not talking about actually editing the tiles - more just redrawing the lines you've used.  It's just that the yellow seems to, erm...  Think of noise on a TV, with all of the 'snow' going on.  Hard to explain. :razz:

i completely understand, but you must know why the noise exists, correct? some of the colors they used for Samus's middle shades are also used for her outlines, if i change them, i change the outline too. there is no easy way around the noise. its the same reason Samus is not completely connected by outline lines.... she has black holes :O

EDIT: @ crys, is this what you ment by detail?


You should make this is Norfair, and try to rearrange the glow from the FX1, it'd make it look more Neon-like.
the glow effect should be just a simple hex tweak, IIRC.

Have fun with this! (Also, mighty sexy tiles so far. ;D)


DarkSamus, that's what i plan to do for gamma. it will have the mother-brain equivalent.


When I saw your video posted elsewhere, I think I meant to post this:

Whatever you're doing, it looks freakin' awesome.


My only gripe thus far is lack of detail. I think you should use a lot more of that glowy clumped stuff in the walls, put it all over the place.


Quote from: Qactis on July 27, 2011, 10:42:16 PM
throw more of dat glowy clumped stuff in dem' walls, put it all over the place.

too much room data, will overwrite other rooms.


What BlackSnow said...


Some progress on the GFX.

these show the difference between Alpha, Beta, and Gamma areas.




also, i like the fact that this 1 tile makes all these cool swirl patterns.

questions, comments, thoughts?


Wow, that's really awesome!  :yay:

And the pattern is cool too.


This is a pretty interesting graphical concept. Time to rise up and defeat Skree's forgotten hack...


wow that's the exact theme i was looking for... binary in the walls WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT? :sad:

EDIT: might as well show off the main room....


Dude, that's seriously freakin' awesome. It looks like you're already doing this (and even if you're not) but, abuse multilayering MORE and then I'll need to clean off my screen. Still, it's looking pretty flashy. Especially with the music I happen to be listening to at the moment. :D


Something so simple can look so awesome. Keep it up blarget!


i was thinking for beta, i should just mix beta and gamma tiles. what do you guys think?

big image.



The old elevator shaft tiles look a bit out of place, but I'm sure you're planning on replacing them.  Keep up the good work!


I would say it would make sense to have "overlapping" of the areas – for example, have some bits of Alpha tiles in the parts of Beta which are near Alpha, some Gamma in the parts of Beta near Gamma, et cetera.


the only problem with that is both beta and alpha are on the CRE GFX and both use the same place on the palette for gfx. alpha uses tile table 1. beta and gamma use tile table 2. if i want beta and alpha mixing i would have to find a line in the pallette im not using in tile table 1 and copy pasta all the tiles and change them to that palette.


It might be a nice idea to look at some stuff by Escher for inspiration. It's probably also a good idea to redo the graphics for the elevator shaft. It's looking good, man.