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Started by silverpaw84, July 27, 2011, 01:07:42 PM

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As of this moment, Super Metroid: Tallon IV is DEAD. I am starting over fresh, with a new title, Super Metroid: Triton. I am locking this topic so it will fall to the bottom of the forums as it is no longer a hack I am working on. Triton will be built up fresh from scratch, and will not have it's own thread, at least not for a while anyhow. Sorry everyone, but I have a strong perfectionist side, and SMTIV was not headed where I wanted it, with multiple bugs, bad pointing, newbie editing, etc.

I am not done hacking! I will still be present on the forums, and although I will not have a thread for a while, I am still working on my project. If there is anybody out there that is really super eager about my game, which I doubt, first, don't hold your breath; I want to make a quality hack, which takes time. Second, you can follow the link in my signature to visit my "website" where I will be keeping a semi updated journal on my progress ( :stern: BTW whoever this guy is from India, stop trying to hack into my account. Seriously, what do you hope to gain from it?)

That is all  :^_^:

Small teaser trailer for my upcoming game.

Super Metroid: Tallon IV TEASER TRAILER

What to expect:
The game will be BIGGER than the original Super Metroid. SM is ~ 1125sq(squares), of the areas I have FULLY mapped, the current size is from ~ 447sq, increased to ~ 920sq

Skills needed:
Walljumping is a MUST. I know some people have difficulty with this, but I use an xbox 360 controller and have no problems, so I don't see how it can be too difficult to learn.
Mid air morph - Mostly optional, not forced too much
Bomb skills - Double (maybe triple?) bomb jump, diagonal bomb jump, and infinite bomb jump. I will NOT make IBJ required, it RUINS the mood...
Slingshot - Running, then jumping in the opposite direction to achieve increased height

Random physics tweaks, including (small) underwater walljumps
Changes OVERHAUL to game mechanics
New enemies
New items

Overworld - 98%
Chozo Ruins - 8%
Chozo Temple - 0%
Lava Lakes - 30%
Phendrana - 2%
Research Lab - 75%
Sector Zero - 0%
... Slow but steady. I do have a 3 week old baby to worry about!

More updates to come
I will be modifying this front post to avoid double posting when i can


The videos section of the site has some good, simple guides on editing graphics.

As for the locking thing.  It was removed, (as far as I know) because it was assumed that anybody with the capacity to lock a ROM also had the capacity to unlock one.  It's generally considered as bad practice anyway, as it is one of the best tools for new hackers to learn - by seeing what others did, and how they did it.  I'd therefore suggest not doing it.

Anybody plagiarising anything around here is likely to be ridiculed to no end, and generally outcast anyway! :^_^:


Eh, well I was hoping there was still a way to lock it, just so that I didn't give all of my secrets away, but oh well! Thanks for the link, I'll be sure to check it out


Not too bad being a newbie (which I only assume as you're new around here). A few things to note are that the top and bottom two tiles of a blue screen are not visible. That's just a small thing that bugs me so don't worry too much. Another thing would be that you seem to have some background errors. The one for the landing site is due to the fact that the room connected to it is not normally connected to it in the vanilla game.

Simple fix: in the landing site, go to the pointers dialogue (Edit > Pointers). Change the FX2 to "0000" and the Layer1_2 to "91D3." Should fix the landing site BG. Though note that kills the scrolling sky as well. As for the Brinstar music area BG, I would guess the problem is with the elevator door (maybe the Bitflag?). Been a while since I actually hacked sooo the door may not be it.

Other than that, looking pretty for a start. Hope you got some dedication.


Quote from: person701 on July 27, 2011, 05:52:08 PM
Simple fix: in the landing site, go to the pointers dialogue (Edit > Pointers). Change the FX2 to "0000" and the Layer1_2 to "91D3."
See? first day here and I get some useful advice! I thought I had to completely paste the BG in one scroll block at a time, so I was saving it for later

Quote from: person701 on July 27, 2011, 05:52:08 PM
As for the Brinstar music area BG, I would guess the problem is with the elevator door (maybe the Bitflag?). Been a while since I actually hacked sooo the door may not be it.
My comp is muted, and I was gonna wait till the whole area was done before I started screwing with music. I havent changed a thing with that yet


No, no.  He's not talking about the music.  It was a continuation of what he was saying about your erroneous backgrounds.  He just said in the area that has the Brinstar music. :^_^:


Ah, ok I see. I was having a lot of trouble with those rooms. I had to keep going back and forth from changing the FX1 pointer, Layer 1_2, Layer 2 BG, and background editor :mad:. I used a different combo for each room, but the (elevator room?) I used layer 2 bricks, and edited the BG to be bricks. On a side note, ( I hope it's ok to turn my thread into a small Q&A on occasion) now when I load my ROM, I get this
When I test the room in SMILE it works fine, changing rooms is fine, and loading a diff room and entering landing room is fine... Any ideas?
The pointers for the room are:


I'm not sure but it maybe the area load station causing the problem....
Check the engine works topic for your answer....


I think it's time for me to step in...

Your BG_Data pointer, change it to 0000, and go to the BG_Editor and make it use custom BG. (Tools > Barckground Editor > BG/Layer 2 SCROLLING > BG_Point to Custom Layer 2)

This should fix the bg a whole lot more.

as to your glitch, I'll scoop up more info, as I have no clue, besides pointers. I looked at my Landing site's Pointer, they are the same, except for the BG_Data (it's 0000) Hope this helps for now.

Webber, you may be right, The right ALS should be... 91f8
                                                                        0000 <-- always 0000, unless need be!

I think....maybe I changed mine, idk, but that should be right.


OK the sky is fixed and stationary (which I like better anyways). Game still freezes when loaded from emulator (ZSNES and SNES9x) but works fine in quickmet (tester)   :neutral: A problem for another day I suppose. Glad I'm doing GFX in case I need to back up


Like I said, it's most likely the area load station, try going in another room that has a door that is connected to the landing sites room (meaning that that door goes to the landing site room). Hover over the door (so that your mouse and the white box is on that door tile) then press L. The go to Edit > Area Load Station. Make sure the index is $00 (it should be like that when opened). Now below the button that says Room ID is another button, press that button and press the save button and voila!

I'm pretty sure this will work....


Quote from: Webber1900 on July 27, 2011, 09:45:40 PM
Like I said, it's most likely the area load station, try going in another room that has a door that is connected to the landing sites room (meaning that that door goes to the landing site room). Hover over the door (so that your mouse and the white box is on that door tile) then press L. The go to Edit > Area Load Station. Make sure the index is $00 (it should be like that when opened). Now below the button that says Room ID is another button, press that button and press the save button and voila!

I'm pretty sure this will work....

  :sad: that was one of the first things I did when attaching the rooms, I double checked all of the doors to no avail


I sent you a PM (personal message). For the time being, I won't be able to help you.... sorry...  :cry:

BTW, nice stuff so far...

Sent you another about how to send the patch....


Also if you moved your ship you need to change the save station's position in area load stations


I didnt move the ship, i moved the whole ROOM... at least in the map editor, but this problem is recent. I changed the room in the very beginning and it was fine


It seems I fixed it... by my method that I gave you.... I will send it via Email.


Quote from: Webber1900 on July 27, 2011, 11:48:50 PM
It seems I fixed it... by my method that I gave you.... I will send it via Email.
Thanks again. I did exactly what you said, but I guess I missed something somewhere


Ok WTF... Landing site was finally fixed, now it has a scrolling sky background with the BG glitches... AND the correct pointers to both fix the problem and DISABLE scrolling sky! I have checked everything, done exactly what everyone has said, even loaded a patch from right after I fixed the scrolling sky... when the sky WASN'T scrolling...... It scrolls!  :evilno:


I think the room states are the problem? Each room state has its own set of pointers, so you have to load each state one by one fixing the pointers to your liking...

Hope that helps, I guess...


Quote from: Webber1900 on July 29, 2011, 09:59:46 PM
I think the room states are the problem? Each room state has its own set of pointers, so you have to load each state one by one fixing the pointers to your liking...

Hope that helps, I guess...

But... Why??? It worked, but I didn't do anything to make it change state... Starting the game at 00:00 goes to standard state (I assume)... SMILE, you sneaky bastard. Thanks again, Webber


Sorry for the double post, just dumping some pictures!
-EDIT- And maybe a small movie :wink:


I am using A LOT of custom content in this hack (Credit will be given where due)


looking WAY better. The palettes are nice. The last 2 pictures are weird looking, but i'm pretty sure you'll fix those up.


Quote from: Blarget2 on August 02, 2011, 02:18:56 AM
The last 2 pictures are weird looking, but i'm pretty sure you'll fix those up.
Well as for the "ice" pic, I'm a noob at pallette editing, but I'm constantly fiddling with how it looks. As for the last, I was boost balling down a staircase. I got a little queasy looking at the "stairs" and will change


Is that a speedball I saw? Hmmm.....

Also too many right angles.


Quote from: Flamestar666 on August 03, 2011, 09:27:42 AM
Is that a speedball I saw? Hmmm.....

Also too many right angles.

It's somebody's maru mari patch  :wink:

And yes... I got lazy with that room... For good reason >.> it's looking different now