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A Visor Darkly

Started by snarfblam, March 21, 2011, 06:33:22 PM

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Excuse me while I litter the Metroid board with unfinished hacks...

[spoiler=Kraids's hideout][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Ridley's hideout][/spoiler]

"A Visor Darkly" is a working name. This started out as a mini hack, but I really liked the way it was coming out and decided to expand it to a full hack.

Current changes include new background graphics and an entirely new map with a new item order (I haven't really put any thought into sequence breaking). Eventually I would like to update all the sprite graphics as well. The map is roughly 75% finished. There's also a few ASM hacks including tweaks to weapons and physics.

That is all. :stern:



So this is where your entire RotW repertoire was coming from. I have a feeling that if you make it a habit to keep submitting rooms from this and wowing everyone, it will get done in no time and your habit of getting 99% of it done and then getting bored will be broken :D


Was this ever finished?  I like the elevator background, a lot more feel than that black void of meaninglessness.  The split vertical column is a nice level design idea, gave me some inspiration.  Metroid's in jars is cool idea.  Does this also have that sweet animated lava I saw you did in another video?  Can there be more than 1 block for the top of the lava, it'd be even cooler if it didn't have to be same sprite in same phase, even if it was same sprite, but in different starting phase would really be amazing I think, better than super Metroid lava maybe even.


I am really anxious to play this now. This would be PERFECT for my sprites from 'Roidz! :bounce:

Well, whenever you get done with this (and please get done with this), I wouldn't mind checking this out. At all, in fact. Really.  :^_^:


Hmm... I really should get back to this hack. I'm working on something small ATM, but once I'm done with that I can jump back on this hack. Or maybe I should work on my other Metroid hack. Oh, or maybe my homebrew game. Maybe I should start another hack!

Sadly, I haven't played 'Roidz yet, but I'm itching to. Trying to get some RL stuff out of the way, and trying not to get distracted. But Imma totally check it out tonight.

Quote from: DemickXII on December 12, 2012, 09:00:17 AM
I am really anxious to play this now. This would be PERFECT for my sprites from 'Roidz! :bounce:
Well, that's always been my biggest problem with hacks, is I can't draw for shit. I resorted to ripping for this hack, but I'd really love to have some original GFX. Maybe once I pick this hack back up you can help out, if you're interested.


Now that you mention ripping, I DO see a bit of Batman in there in one of your screenies.

Just let me know what you're looking for as far as further look and feel. I can guess that this is going to be a very monolithic feeling hack.


How's this coming along?

Looking forward to this and whatever other Nestroid hacks there are since my Ipod can now play them.  :^_^: