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Everybody's getting mad

Started by Lunaria, July 19, 2011, 07:40:15 AM

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Yay for offtopic about something that was ontopic a few weeks ago! :D

So I finally checked my e-mail after not having done so in a few months:
QuoteThe fact that you are a longstanding member here is not enough for me to leave your comment : "Haha, what the crap? XD

Not only do I not think your quality is high enough to gather people to copy paste it, I honestly don't see anything done there that has not already been done before. :P

Not to mention this community hate people who copy pasta other peoples work."

without a reply. First and foremost I didn't, and nobody else asked you for the quality of my room, as far as that opinion of yours is not submitted in the new contest thread where everyone can comment on the quality of the creations of every user. Would love to see a comment of yours on my work, be it the most negative ever. I never proclaimed my creation to be a masterpiece, as anyway, it's the first ever and that would be ridiculous. Putting it down because you didn't like my comment is ridiculous aswell and no different to your purely hypothetic talk of me announcing myself as top. If you don't have any specific detail to contribute to the community, then please don't comment over some biased feeling of yours. You can keep your opinion to yourself which is respected and nobody obliged you to like my room or you can OFC post in the new thread, but you awed to other, although admittedly nicely done rooms, that anyway are no different from previous created rooms in their logic. I predicted that my comment would get replies like that, but I could care less, since the room is fully functional and anyone outside of the community can put it in his hack, my goal was to make one such a comment and if I ever saw something copied from me I would redirect them to that comment, having that to do with plagiarism of that specific room or another of mine. Trying to indirectly be mean to me and in a political correct way to appeal to others won't result to anything.

"Not to mention this community hate people who copy pasta other peoples work."

SO how come my fear is unfounded?

So, first and further more, I would prefer it if you'd rather reply to the topic in question or send me a freaking PM rather then an e-mail. I rarely check my e-mail so it's kinda hard to get in contact with me that way. :/

Now on to the main topic, I left a high sarcastic post in reply to your original post for the simple reason that your post was rather ridiculous in many ways. I'm not even trying to talk down on your room making skills, as that was high irrelevant to my point. Seeing as the only hack which people have copy pasted from in the past have been redesign mostly, which for the record is a highly well received hack, not to mention it is released, your concerns that your work would be ripped off was entirely baseless. Not to mention the way you worded it made it look super silly. :p

Now, by all means, I don't give a shit what you think about me. But I would prefer it if you did not send me e-mails telling me how much I suck and that I don't contribute anything to the metroid hacking community. Not only is it clogging up my e-mail but it also makes me laugh at how silly it is.



As far as the contest is concerned: Squishy really deserves the vote this week and also all the other rooms are great and creative. A definite runner up would be Blarget's room. DarkSamus' room is interesting aswell and could fit in a hack just fine.

On to the drama queen matter: first of I PMed you, and you should have a minimum of decency of not posting PERSONAL messages, whatever they contain, to threads that have nothing to do with it and share them with the community. Now that you posted it however is no harm on me, what I hate is that you feel free to make a politically correct comment with putting some newer member down to the eyes of the rest. I understand that what I did with saying that I didn't want my room to be copied, was wrong after all, but only after that out of random I saw the "Crimes" section. I am not saying my room is something special, it is interesting, but yes I know it's not out of the norm as you said, (I actually saw that in a dream believe it or not LOL, then I copied it down when I woke up), what bothered me is that since I am preparing a new hack and I am releasing a room to be contained there, and especially when this rooms links 3-4 areas and it also contains an idea for a boss area, someone that han't registered here ( I am not expecting plagiarism from registered members as I originally wrote) can copy it after all. I delved to some sections of this forum and I saw plagiarism having happened to the redesign you said yes. You cannot compare a room to a whole hack lol Actually I sincerely apologize to the rest of the forum members, I expected that this would spark reactions like this, I though before doing something in the lines of that, but to clear my head out, I just posted the "no plagiarism" thing, as I've thought I would have no support if something like that happened, but in reality, the Crimes section tell otherwise.


I lol'd

QuoteFirst and foremost I didn't, and nobody else asked you for the quality of my room
Sorry to burst your bubble bro, but it's been a long standing tradition that if you post anything at all about a project of yours, that someone else comment on in, regardless of it's quality. In fact, by posting a screenshot, especially here in the RotW topic, you are giving people permission to criticize it. If you don't want people to say things like "lol what is this i dont even" then don't share your work.

That being said, Crys is, and always has been, a rather opinionated individual. He can be rather blunt at times, and that can rub people the wrong way. (ie. this exact situation)


Crys' opinion is an opinion no more evaluated than mine, as it is no more evaluated than yours, also I have played her hack, and a personal reaction of mine is that it's awful except maybe the aspect that she has managed to make you forget where you are in many cases LOL Seems you missed something yourself, which is quite curious since you run this forum and you know this rule better than me. Someone oughts to criticize in the lines of the contest, not in the lines of some stupid argument where some drama queen ( and it's her dramatizing not me) dislikes some additional commenting. You are pretending that I was buggered by the comment of her on the quality of my room, when as a fact you know that's not case. Last but not least if someone is to give his two cents on commenting the works of others, giving valuable advice, be it through negative or positive talking, that should be done on the days of voting mostly or can just comment out of the blue ( which is no less community spirited) in the lines of constructive criticism if he gets the chance when the pic is posted on a weekend day. Not in the lines of irrelevant drama and on the irrelevant ( as is the norm) thread, when her comment first and foremost shouldn't be there. And so to speak, I PMed her, I didn't post any personal message of her in an IRRELEVANT thread, so more or less what I have to say to her ( and this time I posted here because she posted my PM), is a matter of mine and no one elses. Since you want my honest opinion, and your position here doesnt matter, and since everyone can comment freely as you say on the works of others, your previous room could have been easily created in a time of boredom, it is functional and it would be worse if it was totally plain, however it is nowhere near impressive. On the same lines I say, that in all honesty, my previous room, was nothing special, as I didnt use artsy skills or so like many previous entries to create some specific atmosphere, it is interesting in some aspects, but honestly, I don't see how yours is more interesting in the same lines and Crys was amazed at it but put down mine.  :lol: You see answering back is an opinion aswell nevertheless.


Amphitryon: Pro tip: Don't feed the troll.


Crys, I'd appreciate it if you didn't post people's e-mails or private messages publically since it could be taken as an attack or form of humiliation. Settling this in-e-mail or, if I suspect Amphitryon behaves like he does, letting us (the staff) know privately would have been much better choices here. Don't do this.

Amphitryon, please. This is the second time you've managed to make yourself look dumb in an attempt to follow up to something that made you angry. What Crys did was wrong, yes, but there's two things you need to realize here:
- Nobody's going to steal your room. Plagiarism is recognized as a crime for all of the flatterers who want to steal something from a hack that has made an impression, and we usually only have trouble in those cases - and even then, it has been mostly few and far between! Redesign has been around for a few good years, enough time to make a large splash upon the community and its followers. It has gotten a grand total of two people who have gotten any real flak for wanting to know how to just blatantly rip stuff from it for use in their own creations. A bit of paranoia will most likely be warranted when you become successful.
- You need to cool down. If you didn't like the critique or the joking you received to anything you may have said or posted here, you should have reconsidered saying it in the first place. As far as I can see, everything Crys said was a valid (although likely blunt and sarcastic) response to anything you may have said. Attempting to strike back with a paragraph full of insults isn't helping your case in the least, much less against a staff member who made a very valid point to your endless tirade of babbling.

Warn points to both of you guys. If you don't have anything nice to say, consider not saying it unless you really want to look bad.