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Super Metroid: Eris

Started by Zhs2, July 29, 2009, 09:41:09 PM

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I'm stuck... I fell into the area that looks like Norfair but with white tiles. I can't return the way I came in and I can't find the way out... is there one?  :blush:

I don't want help finding it, I want to make sure I'm not permastuck, I've looked everywhere for an exit.

I'm right around here, all I have is 6 missiles, morph, bombs, evasion:


Sorry, but that's the same permastuck that I ran into.  Hopefully in this next version Dman will fix that... 


You're not perma-stuck to my knowledge. You have to go out the way you came which requires bombing a block and performing a very tricky wall jump to get out.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you get the [spoiler]speed booster[/spoiler] in this area and use it to escape?  I thought Eris was free of permastucks.


You need super missles to get the speed booster.
Though, you can just bomb your way out, afaik.


Quote from: MetroidMst on April 18, 2010, 10:26:53 AM
You're not perma-stuck to my knowledge. You have to go out the way you came which requires bombing a block and performing a very tricky wall jump to get out.

The block you need to bomb is in the air, and you don't have sufficient room to walljump and then morph in midair.
You can't even use infinite bombjump because the spot you'd have to start at is next to those energy turret things.

I did manage to escape but only because I had [spoiler]evasion.[/spoiler] If I hadn't had it I'd still be stuck.


There are no perma-stucks in Eris. Whatsoever.

That one particular area can be a pain if you haven't yet acquired Evasion to leave.
I know some players dislike the whole walljump midair morph bomb maneuver.

But thanks for pointing this out though, as I'm working on an Eris V.2 that makes the game much easier
and with way more clues. Release date on that is whenever, it'll also be a polished up version visually.


OK, enough out of me  :lol:

I know how hard it is to make a hack, and this one is brilliant. It's not fair of me to nitpick over one aspect.
Hopefully, anyone else who lands in this situation will find help in these comments, at any rate.


Quote from: Digital_Mantra on April 19, 2010, 06:55:16 PM
But thanks for pointing this out though, as I'm working on an Eris V.2 that makes the game much easier
and with way more clues. Release date on that is whenever, it'll also be a polished up version visually.

Hmm, just curious here, but how much easier?  The reason I ask is because I'm currently recording a segmented unassisted any% run of Eris to by uploaded to my youtube channel.  It's all real-time, using only the save-stations placed throughout the game. I've actually already gotten through a few of the "difficult" parts, right now my save is at sacred grounds after the Gold Torizo with 0:24 on the in-game timer.  I'm not sure how good that time is, but the GT segment and the Phazon Hollows segment in particular were difficult to nail quickly, the fastest I could kill SS/Botwoon and then collect the SMs was over 6-minutes in-game.  The segment I'm on right now is also quite daunting, trying to kill all the metroids before Kraid quickly, specifically due to the precise jumping it takes to traverse/climb that large room.

BTW, I've really enjoyed your hack, it is truly a masterpiece.  Also, I realize it probably wasn't your intention to make this a "speedrun-friendly" hack per se, however so far I have enjoyed the challenge.  For anyone interested, I will (hopefully) be uploading more segments to the run here:


Quote from: MSDS3170 on April 24, 2010, 12:43:07 AM
Hmm, just curious here, but how much easier?  The reason I ask is because I'm currently recording a segmented unassisted any% run of Eris to by uploaded to my youtube channel

It would affect a run because there are some landscape changes, among other subtle things that would take away from the time.
How much easier? Much easier. Many things have been changed so access doesn't require much. This isn't a version for the vets, but new players.
Enemies are stuff strong, but exploration, major item hints and boss fights have been adjusted.

Hiroshi Mishima

I may wait to replay Eris past the first handful of rooms until this new patch is out, because honestly, I don't typically play these things for the challenge, I play them to see what was come up with insofar as overall design goes.


Thanks for the reply Digital_Mantra.  I'm going to continue on with my segmented speedrun on the original version.  I may do a run of v2 when it comes out as well.  If it's easy enough, I'll try for a SS.

In my current run, I decided to skip High Jump altogether and do some snail-climbing to get the Space Jump.  However, I'm running into another snag here: Draygon.   I knew it was gonna be tough, but I forgot how much damage she does.  Additionally, I definitely don't have enough fire-power to take her out comfortably.  I have 4 E-tanks, 6 missiles, 15 supers, and 15 PBs.   Right now my save is at Marble Shrine with 0:39 clock, before collecting the last artifact and then proceeding to Draygon.  I'm thinking I may have to re-do the previous segment in Phazon Gardens by collecting the third artifact and then climbing over to the Forgotten City collecting the E-tank behind the SB blocks. From looking at the map, it seems you can exit from that room into Phazon Hollows, but I'll need to test this first.  If I can pull that off, I'll then have 6 tanks for Draygon, including the underwater one a few rooms before her.

*EDIT* Scratch that!  Took out Draygon successfully with what I had, made it out of the Marble Shrine fully equipped with the Chozen Armor!  Saved at the Junction with 0:44 on the clock!  Vids will hopefully be up by this weekend. Looks like I may be able to finish this in under an hour!


Sorry to pollute the topic with more help requests, but now I have no idea where to go, and I've searched for hours... last item I got was the grapple beam, and I can't figure out where to go next.
[Feel free to PM me or spoilertag it, or cease from replying and I'll keep looking.]

EDIT: Yeah, I saw the guide and it tells me what item is next, but I can't find it :X


I can point you at the first post which contains a mini-guide. :)


Managed to find the charge beam, fought two effing-hard bosses, and got the speed booster.
I'm moving along I guess  :heheh:

I must say, to team Eris, the area where the two bosses reside was beautiful. The theme looked awesome, and really struck me. Great job, I'm really looking forward to discovering the next path.

Black Soldier

I have a problem.

I defeated the final boss, and during the escape sequence, whenever I enter the room with the...
[spoiler]Metroids and the child, [/spoiler] emulator stops sound processing. Then when I exit the room, the game freezes. Could this be because of the emulator I'm using? (I use Snes9x 1.51 v5.2)

By the way, amazing hack DMantra! (lol understatement)

Edit: I also noticed that whenever I damage the final boss, the screen glitches for a bit.


That glitch was in the very first version of Eris, which was fixed within a week of release. If you have a savestate before that room, download the new one.

As for the phantoon glitch, it's not. It's an aesthetic touch Jathys added for me. Sorta like the phazon screwing with samus' visor.


About that Glitch:
does that have something to do with the header of the hack?

Black Soldier

Quote from: Digital_Mantra on May 07, 2010, 12:34:55 AM
That glitch was in the very first version of Eris, which was fixed within a week of release. If you have a savestate before that room, download the new one.
I did just that. I still get the glitch. Did I do something wrong?

QuoteAs for the phantoon glitch, it's not. It's an aesthetic touch Jathys added for me. Sorta like the phazon screwing with samus' visor.
I see.


Well you must have done something wrong if the issue is still persisting.
Grab a headered rom, patch it with the ips file, there's only 1 now officially so there can't be any bugs in it.
All you need is a savestate before that room. If it's happening consistently, try putting your newly patched rom and savestates into a new folder?


Make sure it's not softpatching if you had it doing so before.

Black Soldier

I re-downloaded the patch and applied it to a headered rom. The game doesn't freeze anymore after leaving that room (and thus, allowing me to beat the game...finally), but that sound disabling still occurs.


Just thought you'd like to know that some guy posted some decent looking box art for Eris on m2k2, as hes (apparently) putting it on a cart.



Yeah, it's pretty good stuff.  I'm curious as to what the story says... :^_^: