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The Official "MetConst Popup"/"URL Shrinkage" Thread

Started by Phazar, July 10, 2011, 05:21:28 PM

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This only seems to happen on my PC(laptop doesn't get this), but sometimes when accessing MetConst pages, especially when refreshing the forum, I get directed to this link, and when I do return to the desired page, it looks like this:

Like I said, I really don't care since I have a laptop running Firefox to access MetConst from, and this is likely an IE problem, but it may be worth looking into for our poor IE users.


Stop using Internet Explorer. :colonrightv:


Yeah I think james added in adds for internet explorer... and more adds the lower version ID it had. Maybe that was his blog though. :S

Either way, stop using IE! ´:3


I stopped...on one computer.  For example, I'm using Firefox right now as I type this.  My older PC is just the one with IE.


Quote from: Crys on July 10, 2011, 07:52:17 PM
Yeah I think james added in adds for internet explorer... and more adds the lower version ID it had. Maybe that was his blog though. :S

Either way, stop using IE! ´:3
If this is true, I now worship James.


I have the reverse effect in messages.
Left side of screed is chopped while Phasar have white fields.


I can hardly come to this site anymore due to the constant "" pop up advertising, it seems every 30 seconds to a minute one pops up and I have to wait 5+ seconds in order to close the ad.  It's really getting under my skin and I can imagine others as well.  It's a great way to drive new members away before they even register and regular members as well.  I hope this can be addressed or I may be done with this site.  I have a Metroid 1 hack that I am currently making and I have made some significant progress since my last post and I would like to share some of that in the forums, seems pointless if I keep getting spammed at such an obnoxious rate, it's way too irritating.


I have a feeling that you're using Internet Explorer...
In case you are, stop using that crap and switch to Firefox. Or Google Chrome. Or something that isn't IE.



I didn't even know this site had ads O.o

But yeah, use FireFox (which you probably should be doing already anyway) and get the add-on "Ad Block Plus" - You'll never see an ad again - ever.


The way it works is that it only runs under IE conditionals. All other browsers ignore this block of HTML.


Hmm... I'm using IE and I never saw any Ads here. What's wrong with me? =)


I'm running IE8..... Should have known  :mad:


Did you know...

[spoiler=CLICK IT!][/spoiler]


It bugs me, but hell, I use my iPod most of the time so I can't complain about my stupid Windows XP again.


Windows XP is not stupid. It has bugs, cause it IS Windows, but it's the 2nd best OS from Microsoft ever.


(speaking in general)
The best solution to the OS problem would be to use Linux, and run any OS after that on a virtual machine. As Apple and such become more popular, the virus count will be up. Thing is, Apple isn't ready to deal with this issue, and you'll be susceptible to it.
There's really only basic computing knowledge required, and knowing how to partition the drive to use Linux based products.
Simply put; not enough people use Linux to bother writing viruses for it. Infact, the people writing the viruses are more than likely using Linux themselves, and just testing the viruses out on a virtual machine. Linux is the best secret never told, and as long as it doesn't go mainstream, you'll be safe.


Quote from: FullOfFail on July 28, 2011, 06:13:42 PMThere's really only basic computing knowledge required, and knowing how to partition the drive to use Linux based products.
This excludes 90% of computer users.  I think some people (myself included) take the knowledge we have for granted, forgetting that the large majority of computer users have next to no working knowledge beyond the very basics.


That's true, Qactis. But I was just assuming if someone knew how to hack in general, they could figure all that stuff out. I wasn't really referring to the general populous. I was able to resolve most Linux issues via a google search.

I'm being a bit of a hypocrite here though, because I'm only using Win 7 atm. But that's more due to not having a big HardDrive on this laptop.

I was just more stating my dream solution.


Merged the two threads, since they are pretty much both discussing the same thing.  And I've switched to Windows 7 from XP and to Firefox from IE, so this hasn't given me problems in a while.