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Metroid Anomaly: vanilla hack I'm working on

Started by drr3member, April 02, 2021, 03:10:36 PM

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Hey all, I've been working on a hack off and on for a while and I've hit a plateau in the level design process. My goal was to make a veteran difficulty, vanilla-style hack and so far I've completed Brinstar and Norfair. Ridley and Kraid sections are 20% and Tourian 30% complete. I'd like to get some feedback on the following points:
- Overall map design
- Room design (platforming, enemy placement, room variability)
- Upgrade progression (pacing and location)

Obviously I'm not going to ask how to build the rest of the hack but I'd like to know if there are any gimmicks I could use to expand the levels and keep things interesting, because I feel like I've hit a wall in terms of what I've been doing so far with the first couple areas. Feel free to open this up in Editroid if you like.

Thanks to anyone taking the time to look at this, anything is appreciated, even if it means I have to redo a whole level.



You could try taking advantage of screen-wrapping. If you go off the right side of the screen in a vertical room, you come out the left side, and vice-versa.

It works with the top/bottom of horizontal rooms too, but I wouldn't recommend that as it would force lava damage.


Thanks alexman25, I completely forgot that was a thing  :O_o:


Have you considered editing the tiles?  You could use Tile Layer Pro. Be sure to expand the ROM first in Editroid.

Regarding the screen wrapping, I've never really been a fan of that myself but it might work for you.


Are you still working on this?  I have been diving into a hack / remix myself.  I downloaded yours and I couldn't jump back on the platform to the right after getting the morph ball haha