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Metroid: Synergy

Started by Qactis, December 15, 2010, 08:22:48 PM

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Here it is! This is a complete overhaul of Super Metroid. Release date: idfk. Planned changes: a ton, listed below.

[spoiler=Planned ASM/Hex Changes]
-Replacing Screw Attack, Spring Ball, and X-Ray Visor, and combining the functions of others to make room for new power-ups

-Replacing Map Station with a new PLM that provides a storyline in-game

-Ability to "mark" your maps (permanently?) in a single spot at a time (one for each area), for marking your exploration so you'll remember to come back later (marked as hardest, and a probably impossible task, but left here in case I find a feasible workaround)

-Slippery "ice" bts that makes Samus slide for a short time and take a few steps to get going (slow down acceleration and deceleration) In progress :D

-New Event states that cause various interesting effects activated in various ways (walking over, touching, shooting, kill enemies)

-Possibly modifying the Reflec enemy slightly for better use in puzzles

-No beam combination, compliments of Black_Falcon's hud hack (though I'm considering adding the ability to combine them in a powerup later, cough redesign D:)

- Physics tweaks:
Increased bouncing from landing in morph mode until a shock absorbing enhancement is picked up to reduce it to zero (Which will also stop loss of momentum when jumping, I always thought that the bouncing was annoying and just got in the way). Later decided this would be an all-powerful Morph Enhancement upgrade, that makes her morph faster, bombs explode faster, bombs make her go higher, no bounce after landing, etc.
Higher fall speed, slightly faster horizontal speed when spin jumping, slower acceleration for running, but slightly higher top speed, little lower jump height, changed charged bomb spread, wall jumps propel samus much faster, but SWJ is still possible, no loss of momentum after landing from a spin jump, restarting spin jumping. Done :)

-As many tools as possible to build puzzles with

-Suit Upgrades do a lot more than reduce damage and change reactions to FX1, making them worth switching between. Also a hex change to make samus only able to equip one suit at a time.

-Adding a third suit.

-Wave beam's vertical width gradually increases with distance, shoots much faster, is weaker

-Ice beam takes on a different function (EMP)

-Plasma goes through walls and enemies (Maybe? Purposes unsure of as of yet, maybe melt ice/weak blocks)

-Beam specific doors

-Color-coded gate locks (similar to Prime 2's Sanctuary Main Gyro-Generator scan locks, except colors change when shot, not scanned)

-Lots of playing around with horizontal and vertical bts

-In-Game clock

-6 frames of animation for door opening

-Larger blast radius on missiles, smaller blast radius on powerbombs, no blast radius on super missiles
[spoiler=Graphics]I plan to only use about 10% of the original graphics. Everything else will be different, either through editing or completely redrawing graphics. Some will be ripped, though I'll try to keep this to a minimum. See my screens for a preview of this.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Map]Badly drawn map I made in about 5 minutes in Adobe :D

I'm now thinking of moving the desert underground (directly under the first base), so as to make the map less linear and more compact.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Screenshots]Just so I don't get shot by Zhs2:

v.5 for the doors, have since had the palette significantly brightened, and I'm also thinking about making a new door when I can get the courage to do so. Not that happy with this one.

Older pic with messed up palettes to show the background a little bit better.

Much of the graphics used in Set 1. Will post a new screen when I'm done, which is soon.

New BG for the save rooms I drew.

I'll probably release a vid or two soon when I have some things I want to show off :)


Based off what I see, graphics don't look too bad. It also seems like you have a lot planned there. A note to the wise, make sure you have considerable progress before asking for extensive ASM. Other than that good luck. ^-^


Quote from: person701 on December 15, 2010, 08:33:24 PM
Based off what I see, graphics don't look too bad. It also seems like you have a lot planned there. A note to the wise, make sure you have considerable progress before asking for extensive ASM. Other than that good luck. ^-^
I'm not asking. I may be asking for simple answers on IRC to people who can provide the information easily (SadiztykFish, Grime, Black_Falcon, etc.), but I plan on doing these things myself.


Never said ya were gonna ask, but just throwin' it out there. Ya know, just in case. ;)


haha now that I'm learning Assembly myself, I know it can be a b**** to locate data in Geiger's, even for an experienced hacker. I definitely plan on getting there myself, to the point where all I'd be asking for is offsets from people who have already messed around with what I would be working on. For example: I was asking Kejardon about morphball acceleration, and he gave me the offset because Drewseph had just asked for it working on modding the dbj in sm


I think that the graphics ain't all that bad! in fact.... I like the idea of the window, it kind of reminds me of halo. Keep it up! :yay:


Love the tileset, and the window is awesome. If you pull off your suit ideas, it'll be great, the whole item redo you planned is going to be hard, but not impossible. And I salute you for having the patience to learn ASM to that degree. I like the doors, however, the bubbles could do with changing as well, in my opinion.

Useless post is useless. I've said most of this on IRC, but y'know. Now it's official. :P


lush tileset and lush doors.
overall lush. .. ... . lush.



If you can use it correct, you can make a sexy Alien Ship! Realy, the tiles look gooooood! Work on it, it'll be good.


Hey folks sorry I haven't been around lately. 2 of my hard disks crashed, leaving 1 single 10GB disk left. Unfortunately, EVERYTHING about the computer is outdated (PATA HDD connectors, old PSU with no SATA cords, Socket A (462-pin) AMD processor, DDR1 RAM, old ass case, etc.), so the best option is to build an entirely new computer. That's about a $1200 project for me. I recently got a job again and I am working full time, and also plan to get another PT job so I can bump my income up to 1500+ USD a month. I plan to have this new computer sometime late winter, as there's some other things I need to pay for and debts I need to get rid of first. As such, Synergy is virtually dead. I apologize to everyone (Webber, ProjectXVIII, Sadiztyk, BF, Flamestar666, and others), for using any coding and resources that I will not be working on for a while, and for any projects I had in the works that I had planned to share when they were completed. Luckily, prior to the HDD crashes I had stuck my SMILE folder which had the bulk of my resources (besides the LM folder which had some GFX, and the SNES folder which had many ROMs, saves, and images) into a 7z archive and it is backed up in 3 separate places. The hack is not gone, but for now it is dead until I get my monitor back from my friend, or I build a new computer. At that point I'll be back in the hacking full-swing. I was making a ton of progress before I stopped (GFX, ASM, and knowledge of the game), but that will have to wait I suppose.

Again, sorry to anyone I may have upset, and sorry to myself for not being able to hack :( I miss it.

Edit: That first post is completely irrelevant now, as the first GFX set is complete and does not really look anything like it does in those first screenshots. The map is the same, but all of the planned ASM has changed dramatically (all beams/suits/visors/morph abilities/and many extra moves are now all worked out, leaving only the coding :D), and many many GFX sets are already planned out, some ripped, some hand-drawn. I will not reveal any of these to the public until I finish most of them and will reveal some of them in teasers.


Wow. It's been nearly a year and your HDD crashed? That really has to suck considering how much progress you probably made. =\ At least you were smart and backed-up stuff. Best of luck to ya man.

(Hmm... I really should back-up my stuff...)


No worries! It was an old idea anyways, but I thought It wouldn't be too hard to do but apparently it is...

But yeah, don't worry about.


oh it would be very easy to code if I could find the mother fucker


Okay so here's what my no-hacking phase brought me idea-wise. I got a new hard disk and I'm going to start hacking again. Here's what I brainstormed mainly while in prison. Not getting TOO specific but here's what you can expect to see when playing Synergy:

Redesigned Menu. R leads to Samus L leads to Logs. I'm going to use the start button pause routine to black the screen out and some message box routine hacking to display text. These will be log PLMs which will provide Synergy with a story.

Suits do more than shield you. The Carbon Suit will be a lightweight flexible suit from the planet's race. Samus can jump faster, slightly higher, and move with low grav in water. Takes hits harder, and Space jump easier. Get's blown by wind. The Heavy Armor is the varia suit, extra heavy, slow to move in (slightly, I want the physics to feel smooth and powerful), can run and cannonball through bomb and crumble blocks. Extra shielding to hits and lava, heavy in water, unaffected by wind. The Synergy suit combines different energies and has elemental properties. You can run on water via speed booster, lava heals you slightly, you can use wind to boost you, water does not affect you, you can run through electrical fields unaffected. The Synergy suit comes with a separate powerup that gives you Beam Synergy, which allows you to combine any 2 beams together.

Cannons, my name for the beams you acquire on this planet. The Photon Cannon shoots extremely fast (faster than a super missile), extremely powerful but slow fire rate, it can pass through enemies. The Helix Cannon spreads your beam into a tri-shot on the first shot and a 5 spread on second shot, alternates between. The EMP Cannon has electrical stunning ability on mechanical enemies, and can be used to freeze them, it can take out electrical malfunctions and shut off equipment. The Homing Cannon does just that, it shoots 3 rotating orbs that somehow can home in on enemies, the technology is not known to the Chozo. Mediocre power and decent fire rate. The Flux Cannon can do somewhat high damage, it shoots a wave of dark energy, passing through walls and flying somewhat fast, decent fire rate. Repeater Cannon has no charge ability but shoots fairly fast and is automatic, no charge ability, will probably use the spazer code for this. Any of these beams can be combined with Beam Synergy, which makes them buffed. You could have a homing photon shot that hunts down targets quickly and flies through them, or a rapid fire helix cannon that spreads and beats down enemies.

Visors. Spectrum Visor can see enemies cloaked to light using microwaves and x-rays, also any space pirate cloaked platforms. Uses X-ray palette and brightly colored enemy/object palette. Thermal Visor can detect heat waves, and enemies in dark areas. The Night Visor will brighten up the palette in dark caves and rooms.

Redesigned Grapple Beam. Kej and Crys inspired me. I want to make a grapple that can latch onto hooks, even when you don't hit it with the grapple beam directly, it can latch when the beam passes through the hook. It doesn't break your speed, so you could be speedboosting and grappling across massive gaps, to new heights. Would be cool to edit her leaving grapple connection pose like Crys did.

A bomb cannon, shoots morph bombs that explode on impact, pretty straight forward. Smart bombs, set and trigger with the shot button in morph. Used for timed explosions. Gravity Bombs, pb replacement that sucks enemies and enemy drops to you and destroys enemies in the process. Could be used to destroy strong equipment and objects.

Moves and equipment changes. Wall jumping will be like Redesigns but not as harsh. Samus can walljump on any surface that is not slippery. The spring ball will make samus literally spring-like. She can walljump in morph, and scale slimy walls. Samus propels away from the wall from a morph jump fast but quickly loses speed and is able to be directed back to the wall for somewhat difficult swjs. Icy slopes, that make samus slip and slide around, or down for a speed boost. The VAC Boots give samus the ability to walk gracefully across ice, and use to lock samus to a wall before a wall jump, used for delayed vertical room scaling. The Space Jump allows samus to jump 3 times, as opposed to 1. Probably some graphical editing done here to change the jump animation. Door and gate locks that take some clever thinking to unlock, probably colored puzzles like the walls of the giant gyro dynamos in Prime 2. The Speed Booster will have functionality for sleight control in shinesparks, and the ability to divebomb (charge jump down arrow), and L and R for a downward diagonal jump. Some pose editing for mirroring her up and diagonal up poses backward.

Equipment menu will allow you to browse over an image of Samus and highlight a part of her equipment, categorized. Hover over her arm cannon to bring up a drop down menu of the equipment. Major space saver. Redesigned HUD with Energy tanks compacted to a sectioned ball that has like 12 energy tanks in it. Select betweeen visors and suits with L+Y,  and beams and secondaries with Y.

Redesigned worlds, Icey/Fire volcano named Twin Lakes, A jungle, a secret base, a cavern filled with crystal and native structures. A desert and desert base. New doors with longer animations and beam resistances as well as missile/sm/grav bomb shields.

Long story short, look for Synergy sometime 2014-2016. It's going to be a while.