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Metroid - Side scroller? Or First person?

Started by SloppyJoe95, July 04, 2011, 10:43:48 PM

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Hmm, I've thought for a little while. About Metroid, I first played Metroid Prime, which it was a first person shooter, but after playing all the Metroid games, I realised that it was originally a side scrolling game. I really like the side scrolling games, but if you look at all the newest Metroid games, they're either first-person, or a pinball game.  :lol:
And about The Other M, I haven't played it, but I don't think I'd be much a fan of the gameplay...
I just think that Nintendo should make their newest Metroid game a sidescroller!
But should they even make a new Metroid game? As much as I love the series, I think they can only come up with so many ideas...
Well, anyway, what do you think?


Nintendo is doin it rong. They should just leave it to us.



Of course they can only come up with so many ideas! It's why we've yet to see a sequel to Metroid Fusion.

(To be fair, there was only ~one~ pinball game entry in the entire series. All of the rest have been pretty much shooters.)


Prime worked well as a first person shooter/adventure mainly due to the fact that it was its own series and story, though still sub-chapters of the main story. This is also why I feel the Other M worked well (story could have been executed better however) as a third person shooter. Side scrolling is the original Metroid and always will be.

So what do I think is right? Well, if you're an old time Metroid fan that started somewhere between NESTroid and Super, then sidescrolling is what you're going to stick to. However, if Nintendo wants to keep things up and rolling with it's market, I'd say it's best choice is to take Other M's prospective and go third person. Maybe not an all action-like engine that would be expected from Team Ninja, but something dubbed down a little with more shooting involved and a tad less story.


I think a large part of their problem is trying to fit it into a timeline, primarily to appease the occasional weirdo fan who obssesses over such things.  You play as Samus, it has Metroids and Space Pirates in it, it has some traditional bosses (maybe with some new ones), take most of the traditional weapons and mix one or two new ones in, add item expansions, and you have yourself a nice little Metroid game.  Job done.

Here's my timeline: There are Metroids ---------------------------------------------> There are no Metroids.

Anywhere between those is fine, and I don't really care where it falls, or whether it ties in with anything else.

Oh, and as for a closer answer to your question: I'd like a mahoosive game that plays like Super, with graphics akin to Prime's morphball sections.  Shadow Complex did a pretty spiffing job, and is great.


Quote from: SloppyJoe95 on July 04, 2011, 10:43:48 PM
And about The Other M, I haven't played it, but I don't think I'd be much a fan of the gameplay...
Why not? Other M was great. If you're a true obbessed Metroid hacker, that does nothing but play Metroid, Hack Metroid, and Dream Metroid(maybe some FFXII in there too) You'd like Other M's game play. I'll only say this about Other M though, as you've yet to play it....RIDLEY STAGES 1-3 FTW!!!

Quote from: zephyrtronium on July 04, 2011, 10:53:13 PM
Nintendo is doin it rong. They should just leave it to us.
This too.


Thanks for the replies! Makes me think a bit. :oh:

Quote from: person701 on July 05, 2011, 03:03:49 AM
Prime worked well as a first person shooter/adventure mainly due to the fact that it was its own series and story, though still sub-chapters of the main story. This is also why I feel the Other M worked well (story could have been executed better however) as a third person shooter. Side scrolling is the original Metroid and always will be.

So what do I think is right? Well, if you're an old time Metroid fan that started somewhere between NESTroid and Super, then sidescrolling is what you're going to stick to. However, if Nintendo wants to keep things up and rolling with it's market, I'd say it's best choice is to take Other M's prospective and go third person. Maybe not an all action-like engine that would be expected from Team Ninja, but something dubbed down a little with more shooting involved and a tad less story.

Actually, now when I think about it, I really do like the first person Metroid games as well.

Quote from: Quietus on July 05, 2011, 07:17:53 AM
I think a large part of their problem is trying to fit it into a timeline, primarily to appease the occasional weirdo fan who obssesses over such things.  You play as Samus, it has Metroids and Space Pirates in it, it has some traditional bosses (maybe with some new ones), take most of the traditional weapons and mix one or two new ones in, add item expansions, and you have yourself a nice little Metroid game.  Job done.

Here's my timeline: There are Metroids ---------------------------------------------> There are no Metroids.

Anywhere between those is fine, and I don't really care where it falls, or whether it ties in with anything else.

Oh, and as for a closer answer to your question: I'd like a mahoosive game that plays like Super, with graphics akin to Prime's morphball sections.  Shadow Complex did a pretty spiffing job, and is great.


Quote from: DarkSamus on July 05, 2011, 06:22:57 PM
Why not? Other M was great. If you're a true obbessed Metroid hacker, that does nothing but play Metroid, Hack Metroid, and Dream Metroid(maybe some FFXII in there too) You'd like Other M's game play. I'll only say this about Other M though, as you've yet to play it....RIDLEY STAGES 1-3 FTW!!!

Hmmm... You know what... You're right! I just need to get my hands The Other M illegally via Ebay.  :grin:


Quote from: Quietus on July 05, 2011, 07:17:53 AMHere's my timeline: There are Metroids ---------------------------------------------> There are no Metroids.
And real quick off-topic. I believe that Metroid 5 will be the Space Pirates getting a hold of the Federation's cloning technology and research, hiding in some deep recess of space, and cloning the shit out of Metroids. I mean, it's the only logical way to keep the story line moving I believe. Fusion and Other M set up for this scenario hardcore.

And if it's not the above, it's the Galactic Federation actually betraying the universe and really being an evil organization seeking nothing but power. Who knows.


I think that the Pirates shouldn't just get some cloning technology and clone Metroids. What would they clone?
I mean, since Fusion, all the Metroids are gone. All of them. Well, almost...

The game should/could be about Samus hiding from the GF, because even though they are enemies now, Samus doesn't want to get rid of the GF. GF and pirates are still enemies also.
But, at some point, Samus gets ambushed by something. Later she wakes up in a Space Pirate lab, where she notices that the Pirates have taken some DNA from her.
But why?
You do remember the intro from Fusion? When Samus got the vaccine...
(So that's how the Metroids return again.)

That's one possibility.

On topic: I prefer first-person. The side-scrollers were all awesome IMO, including Fusion, but the Prime trilogy just tops them by a small margin.


This is what I was saying above: There could just BE metroids, without any reasoning.