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∑++ Non-update

Started by Silver Skree, June 04, 2010, 06:40:08 AM

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Hiroshi Mishima

I actually do like the way they look slanted, but what I'd said earlier ended up happening as well. They don't feel like they matched the ∑ symbol quite right. Maybe if they were a bit less-slanted, and the ∑ was a tiny bit more slanted, they'd match up better. I dunno, I'm just trying to picture it in my head based on the image and my own pathetic description. :p


Silver Skree

Hack is now in Hiatus status. There is a large chance I may not hack again (I'll still be around) since I'm working in collaboration with a friend towards a much more engaging and rewarding project that I hope to complete. If I don't touch this in a year, this is a note to myself to put this hack up for adoption. I'll keep the SNESdev folder around and dump it here when the time comes around.

Big apoligies to Sadi whom I finally convinced to write music for me and others whose resources were reserved for debuts in this hack. If you had anything you were waiting for me to use in here before making a public release, go ahead and release it.

Same goes for Up and any other hacks people were looking forward to. I'll change my sig image when we have something to show for the new game I mentioned.