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[SM] Super Metroid Parasite Echo (on hold)

Started by A_red_monk_called_Key, June 15, 2011, 05:12:24 PM

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      Hi I'm Red_M0nk3y maker of the Super Metroid Phazon Hack. SM Ph is my pratice hack with the main focus on helping my friends improve there skills in Super Metroid so that they could stand a chance in racing me in the game. Upon releasing SM Ph I found people are just looking for a good hack they can kick the crap out of. SM Ph has most of the rejected graphics from SM Parasite Echo witch was originally going to be a vary challenging hack, but now has a good long learning curve for my redefinition of the heat run. SM PE's main focus is stunning graphics for a SNES game, with good game play that sucks you in before presenting a challenge like you would see in any real Metroid game. I took notes from complaints of SM Ph and did the best work possible for making as many people happy as possible. I hope this ups the bar for SNES hacks in the future. Alot of untold back story went in to this game to appeal to the imagination of the gamer.

      Juka Oharha, the closest genetic match for the late Samus Aran. Juka uses the chazo suit with various limitations, like the chozo beam weapon will not manifest and she losses all sute add-ons after power down. its unclear at the moment if this will play a factor in the game or not. i would expect something to happen at some point in the game along these lines. Juka's role is to act as if she is Samus so the citizens of the galactic federation don't lose hope in the war against Riddly's anti-federation terrorist groups. Samus Aran was last seen hunting Riddly who was last reported fleeing to the Cyrelius galaxy which is beyond the federations reach. Juka's frist mission is to seek out Riddly and silence the only known witnesses to Samus's disappearance.

     Cyrelius 330 sector is home to Cyrelius 337 which was a experimental farming zone for the Chozo when they inhabited
the aera. Cyrelius 337 spins on an axis that leaves half of the planet in constant blue darkness. The blue darkness
comes form Cyrelius 336 which is mostly a dense blue gas, this blue glow is nessary for the growth of the blue nova
plant that grows in the sands of Cyrelius 337. Riddly's scientific team has been using the blue nova plant in
combination with phazon to create new more powerful wepons for the war against the galactic federation. They're also
using a mother brain with the blue nova/phazon to create a new unstopable Metroid. These tests have proven to create
wide variety of motchroids including parasite echo which absorbs light and gives off its own electromagnetic
radiation rendering it some what invisible.

6.20.11 hear is an ips of [SM] Phazon hack 0.2 made on LunarIPS


Here is some of what you should expect to see.

Edit:i'll update this when things change


This is the map so far [spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler]Working on SM Phazon Hack 0.3 then reworking SM PE[/spoiler]


Jesus Christ!
You did some work! Nice screens.


Hot damn, dude. Can't wait for a release, this looks amazing.


Wow, very impressive presentation and graphics. On the bottom one though, with the sand, the moon/planet looks too pixelated. Could use some brush up work on the curvature. I look forward to seeing more of this, keep us updated.


That is really fucking amazing. Can't wait for the finished product! Btw, I'm just guessing here, but that sandy area, is like norfair? it's hot and you need Varia to stay alive?


Really amazing!, i look forward to breaking this game apart like i broke phazon hack back then :P


Not a huge fan of the yellow (I'd go darker, more orange maybe), but, yeah.  This looks really cool.


I'm thoroughly impressed. Those graphics are crisp, clear, and and downright awesome. Think I'm may just run back and play some hacks now especially Phazon Hack. Good work. I'll be waiting for more and it's release.




this enemy is know flying a new ship.  the old one is avable of use by anyone,145.340.html


What's that blackness, what ever it is, it looks mighty fine.


I think thatĀ“s SamusĀ“ ship? It looks really nice, but I agree with the people up there: tone down the yellow.

Silver Skree

I don't think the brightness is bad, but the solidness is. Some simple yellow sky gradient would help you greatly.


so far two ships in this game. i'm thinking of adding a 3rd for space pirates. as for as the sky i'll try cyan or a more white then post pics.  love the feed back



i like the dark blue and the black HUD colors


Holy shit, whats happenin there? It looks like acquiring a new suit. Prime style...

Whats with all the missile HUD...?


You either did some HDMA-related ASM code or that's not an in-game screenshot. (Video, please.)
Also, plant missiles, dark matter missiles, electric missiles, shadow dark missiles, heat-seeking missiles and ice missiles. Nice.

Silver Skree

You are going to blow my mind if that's an in-game screenshot. And I'm pretty damn jaded, myself.



i just made this on photoshop to keep things interesting, is not ingame. i'm looking for feed back on the HUD color i plan on haveing two fire buttons one for normal shot and one for missle because of the small window of opportunity to hit a boss.  I do however need help with the more complex ASM and i will repay with graphix. like this MetaRiddly that i have no need for. it needs a little work, but for the ASM code i'll make it the king sh!t of riddlys



Sky color?


Of the blues, I'd go with the third, but it's gonna be very monitor dependent, I think.

I reckon you might be better off with the yellow, but just tone it down (darken) a nudge.


I'd say, depending on if there is lava or not, i n the sand at one point, I'd say yellow, toned, like Quietus said, Maybe an orangy-yellow..
