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[SM] Oxide

Started by Mr K, May 25, 2011, 11:50:20 AM

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Mr K

Hello, This is my first post. Nice to meet you all. I have been lurking around the forum for quite some time now and thought it was about time I registered.

I'm not sure if any of you have found this yet, Its a Super Metroid hack called Oxide, I have been playing it and it is absolutely amazing.
Credit Goes to Cyclamen32

I will try and upload some screen of it now, I hope they come out right as I don't really know how to do it. :eyeroll:


The hack was on the page that was linked to in this thread, but not specifically.

Oxide is very good.  I played it a while back, having contacted the creator on Youtube.  His account was Cyclamen32, but he looks to have since closed it.  I then replayed it when it was linked here as a finished hack.

Mr K

Thank you for the information, And yes it is very good im really enjoying it so far, Credits changed.


This is a weird hack, honestly. It's very easy (575 missiles almost right from the start?), has weird music dissonance (Kraid gets Spore Spawn's music, Spore Spawn gets...Mother Brain's?), and the level design's kinda weird. I accidentally went right past Draygon, which made navigating the "Murder Ship" a bit trying, though not impossible. It feels very linear in many ways -- as far as I can tell, once you've beaten Ridley and Phantoon, you just walk out of their respective areas.

I don't know that I'd call it "very good". Competent, certainly, but it's not even close to the top dogs of the SM hacking world.


so far i have managed to beat phantoon, draygon, and kraid, but for the life of me i cant find ridley in norfair, where do i go, i have every upgrades except for plasma beam and 2 more tanks till i have full health, where do i go?

update, i managed to find last 2 etanks, but still no plasma, no crocomire, no path to motherbrain, fustrated, power bombed every where i can think of, cant use smile due to some room crashing the program, found ridley and botwoon beat them both, exploring every inch of where i go, i only see 2 possible place to go, but its locked with grey door in toxic tank, cant figure out how to open it :[


Grey doors are usually:

Kill all enemies, or a certain numer of enemies
Kill the area Boss / mini Boss
One way door, often linked with the escape sequence


i know that, i have killed all of enemies in that area where 2 locked grey door, nada, i cant think of area boss that in toxic tank, i have beaten kraid and spore spawn in toxic tank, but still nada, still locked, its the one with massive shaft up with 2 locked grey door, bosses i have beaten, draygon, botwoon, phantoon, kraid, ridley, spore spawn, got all upgrades except for plasma beam, all 14 etanks, 500+ missles of course, 30 pb, 40 sM help?


Quote from: Quietus on June 05, 2011, 09:15:31 AMOne way door, often linked with the escape sequence

[spoiler]I recall a few rooms in that area being used in the escape sequence.[/spoiler]


ah found it, in space jump room after draygon, there is hidden passage just above the statue, was easy killing rampage from there on, beat the game, interesting escape sequence, 4:40 with 169%


I have explored the game thoroughly, and defeated all four main bosses (in a strange order too, I beat Phantoon, then Ridley, then Draygon, with Kraid last).  This is a weird hack, ridiculously easy for the most part, but has enough interesting palettes, design choices, and "WTF?!" moments to keep the player engaged, at least IMO.  Before I go to Tourian (I already found the entrance), I have two questions:

1)  Is plasma beam in the game?  It's the only main upgrade I haven't found.
2)  Is Crocomire in the game?  He's the only boss/miniboss I haven't found. 

Heck, maybe plasma is the reward for beating Crocomire.  Anyway, if anyone has found these two things, just a hint as the area would be great. 


Crocomire in path towards to mother brain, and u get plasma after u beat him, refer to my hint in post above u



Quite the fun little hack. Some music choices made me lol, and so did some area names. Over used the "kill all enemies to unlock door approach" but other than that it was really fun.


Weird, but also good hack. Having lots of fun with it. I'm missing one energy tank. It's the one right of the ship where there is a morphball tunnel with shinespark blocks. How can I get that?


You have to charge your speed boost in the room before, jump, so that Samus skims across the roof, into the downward ramp, and into the hole.  Keeping hold of jump might help if you have Spring Ball.



Prime Hunter

This has got to be one of the weirdest hacks I've played, but that doesn't mean it wasn't fun to run through it.

2:03, 167%

I think my order went something like this: Phantoon, Kraid, Ridley, Draygon, Mother Brain. It was nice timing on Draygon's part since I was able to go right from him to the path towards MB in one move. Pretty sure going to Phantoon first was not the intended path since I got Ice and Gravity almost immediately upon playing the game and it made things so much smoother the rest of the way, to the point where practically nothing stood in my way. I actually left Charge off for a while because of how fast I could spam the beam: I swear it felt like Samus had a minigun or something because of the utter destruction I unleashed upon the world.

My only real hiccup with my path was when I had to do an IBJ to get out of Kraid's area. I didn't have Space Jump or Hi Jump when I found him, meaning I couldn't get high enough to be able to wall jump out of that shaft outside his room.


my 2nd attempt yielded me 1:34 with 160%, not bad for 2nd attempt, went gun blazing


I's need a way to get the game, but I try to get it from a site and its all in JAPANESE, and I am a stupid American who can not read Japanese...could someone give me a direct link to the download, if it is allowed?


It's good to learn, so...

Go to Google, click on 'More' at the top, and select 'Translate'.
Select Japanese on the left button, and English on the right one.
Paste the site's url in the big box.  Copy it below:
Click on your new link on the right.
Click on 'List of IPS hacking' in the menu.
Click 'Super Metroid Oxide', which is about half way down the page (under 'STILL Freedom (HP) [Mr.] Cyclamen32')
Click on the relevant download link.


If you're lazy...
[spoiler]Translated page here. :stern:


Silver Skree

I just picked this up to kill some time while Steam games downloaded, and I have been pleased. I'm at a bit of an impasse, though.

[spoiler]I've beaten Draygon, Phantoon, and Ridley in that order. Found the statue room, and been all over the damn place. I can't seem to find Kraid, though. There are still some doors in the opposite corners of a room in the Toxic Tank area that are grey, and there's still a door in the landing site that's greyed out; otherwise I think I've explored everywhere I can. I've 9 Etanks, all 4 reserves, 60 Supers and >=25 Powerbombs. I'm not at a refill area right now. As for equipment, I have everything but Plasma and Varia.[/spoiler]

So, yeah. Need to find that lizard. Any hints?


Toxic Tank, but not where the locked doors are. A more brown area. Search that.

Silver Skree

Bam. Found his hidey-hole with the help of my wave beam, and the rest was a cakewalk. Thanks a bunch.


No problem. Barf Kraid is something all need to experience.


I remember when I first played it, and I rewound about five times just to hear it again. :^_^: