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My little pony: Friendship is magic

Started by Lunaria, May 16, 2011, 03:55:46 PM

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oh for the love of christ. when will the torture stopp! *DarkSamus hides in the corner until the Bronies go away

I would like to see you attempt that, Zknight.


Quote from: DarkSamus on July 24, 2011, 02:32:09 AM
oh for the love of christ. when will the torture stopp! *DarkSamus hides in the corner until the Bronies go away

I would like to see you attempt that, Zknight.
A bit of respriting and changing palettes and I should be good.


>opens brony topic
>complains about bronies

Why is this show so amazingly awesome ;_;
I hate you guys so much.


@squishy_ichigo because. Also I have seen all 26 episodes, I should rematch them. (I finished them a while ago)


Quote from: Crys on July 24, 2011, 04:44:50 AM

Nah, I'm just kidding bro. I must admit, I'm surprised this show is so good. I guess that technically I'm a brony now too, though I'm certainly not gonna be flaunting it around as much as you guys do. :U

It's hard to believe that the target demo-graph was little girls, this show is totally aimed at us internet bros.


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on July 24, 2011, 12:04:20 PM
I must admit, I'm surprised this show is so good.
Same. ^

People that don't like it are either liars, or they just haven't watched it yet.   :lol:


PonyCraft 2
Pinkie and the Brain

among others of course....

edit: Also, I would like to apologize that I wasn't as open minded as I could have been, and have been teasing you guys a bit. :<


Don't worry I forgive you.

Now it's time to paAAAAAAAAAAAArty!

[spoiler=A bit too big][/spoiler]


we got a IRC channel now! come join #ponyconst!


sup bronies, I'll just drop this right here..... yeah....

yeah.... so V is a character I've been working on lately (pre-brony of course) and I figured I'd make her a pony.

Edit: I guess I'll drop a bio:
Victoria von Vassel hails from a small village in Romania some ill forgotten pony place.
Born Albino, 'she' is a super genius, with an IQ over 300. Of course, I use 'she' quite loosely, as 'she' is actually without gender, but prefers to play it off this way.
She stopped aging after 10 some pony related number to 10, and as such is forever pre-adolescent.
Sadly, her parents saw her as a monster, and kept her locked away for many years. It was only after Child Protective Services Filly... Safetly... Ponies? rescued her that she was able to begin her quest for knowledge and truth.
She is currently in her mid-twenties [insert pony years here] and enjoys playing strategy games at the highest level.
Despite being extraordinary at everything she does, she tends to keep to herself. She has a few close friends, and several fans.[/spoiler]


I HAVE SUBSIDED! this means I be a brony! this show is quite amazing. also, I made a pony, but the picture did not arrive! D:


Quote from: DarkSamus on July 25, 2011, 12:43:32 AM
I HAVE SUBSIDED! this means I be a brony! this show is quite amazing. also, I made a pony, but the picture did not arrive! D:
Congratulations, you are not going to be classified as an ignorant MLP hater. :D


Too bad there's only 20 some episodes. MAKE MORE PONY! :D!
Quote from: Zknight7126 on July 25, 2011, 05:39:01 PM
Quote from: DarkSamus on July 25, 2011, 12:43:32 AM
I HAVE SUBSIDED! this means I be a brony! this show is quite amazing. also, I made a pony, but the picture did not arrive! D:
Congratulations, you are not going to be classified as an ignorant MLP hater. :D
Yay! :D


[spoiler=Screw you all...]




Give me one reason not to lock this silly thread.


Because then the bronies would spill out into the rest of the forum, and we don't want that bro.
Not to mention FiM is awesome! :3


Quote from: Phazar on July 27, 2011, 10:06:49 PM
Give me one reason not to lock this silly thread.

Unless you want pony reaction images everywhere...


Alrighty bronies, due to excess complaining, new rules have been added to the first post of this thread. Please read and follow them like good little ponies!
Also, non bronies, please read these rules as well before you start bitch-whine-complain-fagging, plzkthxbye.


I'm laughing my ass of that people see the need to put in extra rules in response to this fandom.


I really wish there was support for <img> tag so I can resize the images.


I think it's called Photoshop. Also, the rules are there for the people most likely to be morons about it, i.e. you guys.


Quote from: Zhs2 on July 28, 2011, 01:09:48 PM
I think it's called Photoshop.
html resizing is very simply. I really don't get why this type of board don't allow simple html tags, it's not really hard to keep security leaks closed if it's just very simple tags. Such as, <img> <a> and so on. It's one of those many reasons why I prefer acmlm boards.


<img src="http://what.the.shit/seizuretime.gif" width=1000000 height=1000000>