The Great Metroid Construction Collaboration Hunt - Post your resources here!

Started by Zhs2, July 20, 2009, 07:55:03 PM

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Adding the GFX from my christmas hack, the ones you are allowed to use.

images below of them
<- iron caves
<- samus home
<- ground frost
<- samus home
<- doombase entrance
<- touz

See them all in use here



Includes: gfx sheet, palettes, and tile table

Silver Skree

Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on December 26, 2009, 08:25:22 PMThere's a JSL at $AA:C90F ($15490F), this is what causes the haze FX1 in Torizo's room. Simply change the 22 to 6B, and you'll be able to have any FX1 you want.
If this hasn't been documented in a hex tweaks doc on the main site, it needs to be before it gets buried under a whole bunch of posts again; I'm sure a lot of people have been wanting to do this for a while now.


Quote from: person701 on December 27, 2009, 01:24:37 PM
Quote from: squishy_ichigo on December 27, 2009, 12:59:46 AM
Use .zip like a normal person! >.<
.rar is a normal format that is much better at compressing then .zip is (as far as I know at least)

If you run on windows then get winrar, it's free and it's great.


How did I quote that wrong!?! o_O

And I didn't know winrar was free.


Quote from: Crys on December 27, 2009, 02:20:30 PMIf you run on windows then get winrar, it's free and it's great.
Actually, WinRAR is not free. Only UnRAR, the library for decompressing RAR archives, is free. On the other hand, 7-zip is free. It can decompress tarballs, zips, RARs, ISOs, and around 15 other formats, and has its own LZMA compression scheme that matches or beats RAR in nearly every case.


you can run winrar in trail version as long as you want to unrar/unzip everything you want. So in that sense, it's free.

(that's what I ment the first time when I said it was free.)


I have found beam color priority:

It's a table that starts at $90:C3C9. Each beam (except charge) you have equipped goes to its own unique pointer. Wave has a value of 0001, plasma is 0008, wave and plasma together is 0009, etc... That value gets doubled and then added to the location read. So for wave's pointer, it'll be C3C9 + (0001 x 2) or C3CB. Wave/plasma will be C3DB, just plasma C3D9, etc.

At the location of your chosen beam combinations, you'll see a bunch of *1 C4 *1 C4, and the * is the only thing you want to change (Except in the case of power beam). E1 C3 = power beam, 01 C4 = ice, 21 = wave, 41 = plasma, and 61 equals spazer.


Happy new year for all! Here are a present from me to all hackers! Some patches that I have. Most of them are bugfixes for original game while others are improvements.

All patches for unheaderded ROMs and they are compatible with each other.

0Morphing Ball fixBugfixHarmless84In original ROM, if you put in game hidden Morphing Ball or Morphing Ball in the ball, they'll give you Spring Ball instead. Now Morphing Ball is always Morphing Ball
1More powerful yellow doorsImprovementHarmless84Now yellow doors have extra protection from blast. 1 Power Bomb is not enough. Quantity of Power Bombs to open yellow doors is depends on distance from epicentre of every blast. You can change the values by yourself. Open patch file in hex and change all 30's to whatever you want add reapply the patch.
2Yellow gate fixBugfixHarmless84If you ever tried to add yellow gates to your hack, then you shall notice that they looking like grey gates. This patch will color yellow gates to yellow color instead of grey one.
3More "room cleaned" eventsImprovementHarmless8F9 new events.

This patch is for educational purpose to understand the code. I recommend to use in your hacks patch FF events located below.

After cleaning out room, selected event will happen. In original ROM, after destroing all Metroids, that room will load state where is no Metroids in this room. You can do more than just rid of enemies after cleaning room. [spoiler="Example"]You can place an elite space pirate in Wrecked Ship. After killing him, in very far room in Lower Norfair locked doors will open. [/spoiler]Single event can affect many, many rooms. If there is no enemies in room with this PLM, then event will be set instantly and effect will happens when you leave this room first time.

Events used: 10..13 (old ones used by Metroid shafts and halls), 17..1F.

PLM to set events: DB44
Place PLM DB44 in the room.
Use lower byte to choose event.

[spoiler="Event numbers"]
00 will set event #17
02 will set event #18
04 will set event #19
06 will set event #1A
08 will set event #1B
0A will set event #1C
0C will set event #1D
0D will set event #1E
10 will set event #1F
12 will set event #10
14 will set event #11
16 will set event #12
18 will set event #13

To take effect, add alternative state to the room (or rooms) where you want to.
4aNew item-related events v1ImprovementSMILE will not recognize new events.8FNew item-related events. Now you can change your room after obtaining ANY item.

This patch is for educational purpose to understand the code. I recommend to use in your hacks version 2 located below.

[spoiler="How to use it"]
1. Apply the patch.
2. Add extra state to your room (or use existed state)
3. Open your room in SMILE.
4. Choose Edit > State Properties
5. Select E640 -- Morphing ball
6. Redesign your alternative variant of the room.
7. Open your ROM in hex.
8. Go to your room address.
9. Search for "E640" value. It will be stored backwards in ROM. I mean, "40 E6"
A. Change "E640" value to any value located below. For example, if you want to select Charge Beam state, replace "40 E6" with "00 FF"

FEE6   Missiles
FEF5   Super Missiles

FF04   Charge Beam
FF16   Ice Beam
FF28   Wave Beam
FF3A   Spazer
FF4C   Plasma Beam
FF5E   Grappling Beam

FF70   X-Ray Scope
FF82   Bombs
FF94   Hi-Jump Boots
FFA6   Varia Suit
FFB8   Gravity Suit
FFCA   Spring Ball
FFDC   Space Jump
FFEE   Screw attack

If you want to do some changes after changing value, then read steps from B to D

B. Open your ROM in hex.
C. Go to your room address.
D. Change the new value back to E640.

Now you can do desired changes. To set new event again, repeat the steps from 7 to A.[/spoiler]

WARNING! SMILE will not recognize new events but the game will.

WARNING! This patch may overwrite some of your rooms if your bank $8F is almost full. Data writes from 7FEE6 to 7FFFF. If there are FF's in your ROM before patching, it's alright.

This patch also changes 2 bytes for the first alternate state of landing site room. Change it to any value provided above.
4bNew item-related events v2ImprovementSMILE will not recognize new events.8FNow you can change your room after obtaining ANY item or after collecting needed amount of ammo or energy.

[spoiler="Example of usage"]
You can add an extra state that will not let player enter Mother Brain's room if he got less than 300 energy. Or, if you create a long hell's run, you can let player enter if has enough energy to complete run to prevent him from sure death. Or, you can unlock "safety rooms" where player can restore his health if he has extremly low energy.

As for ammo, you can prevent player to enter the room he can not escape without certain ammo. For example, if there'll be a room that allow you to exit only when you clean this room with enemies vulnarable only by Super Missiles and there willn't be Super Missile refill in the room, then you can prevent a player from entering this room if he hasn't enough Super Missiles to get out.

You can ever add a hidden item into the room if player has already got some items or collected some amount of ammo or energy or don't let player go forward until he got some ammo.

Of course, you can change weather effects with quanity events to make it rains from time to time, for example.

[spoiler="Changes since v1"]
Code is hardly optimized.
Amount-related events added.
Combined item events added.

[spoiler="How to use it"]
1. Apply the patch.
2. Add extra state to your room (or use existed state)
3. Open your room in SMILE.
4. Choose Edit > State Properties
5. Select E640 -- Morphing ball
6. Redesign your alternative variant of the room.
7. Open your ROM in hex.
8. Go to your room address.
9. Search for "E640" value. It will be stored backwards in ROM. I mean, "40 E6"
A. Change "E640" value to any value located below. For example, if you want to change room after getting first Missile pack, then replace "40 E6" with "00 FF"

Collected items

FF00   Missiles (any)
FF10   Super Missiles (any)

FF90   Charge Beam
FF98   Ice Beam
FFA0   Wave Beam
FFA8   Spazer
FFB0   Plasma Beam
FFB8   Grappling Beam

FFC0   X-Ray Scope
FFC8   Bombs
FFD0   Hi-Jump Boots
FFD8   Varia Suit
FFE0   Gravity Suit
FFE8   Spring Ball
FFF0   Space Jump
FFF8   Screw Attack

Quantity events

FF05   Max Reserve Energy + Max Energy => 399
FF15   Reserve Energy + Energy => 399

FF20    Max Missiles => 25
FF28   Max Super Missiles => 10         
FF30   Max Power Bombs => 10
FF38    Max Energy => 300            
FF40   Max Reserve Energy => 100

FF48   Missiles => 25
FF50   Super Missiles => 10
FF58   Power Bombs => 10
FF60   Energy => 300
FF68   Reserve Energy => 100

Combinated events

FF73   Power Bombs & Super Missiles & Missiles & Charge Beam
FF78   Super Missiles & Missiles & Charge Beam
FF7D   Missiles & Charge Beam

WARNING! SMILE will not recognize new events.

If you want to do some changes after changing value, then read steps from B to D

B. Open your ROM in hex.
C. Go to your room address.
D. Change the new value back to E640.

Now you can do desired changes. To set new event again, repeat the steps from 7 to A.

As for quantity of ammo or energy needed to change state, you can change it by desired value. For example, if you need more or less current energy to change the room then read steps from E to 11.

E. Search for needed ammo in the list (FF40).
F. Open your ROM in hex.
10. Jump to the very end of bank $8F. (7FF40 in our case).
11. Change the word (2 bytes) after byte "C9" to set any value you want.

If you have already applied v1, read this.
Since the code is optimized, values for items are little changed in v2.
To make states determined in v1 work in v2, read this table and change values in first column to values in second column for rooms where you have add extra states. For example, to make room with Missile state work in version 2, open ROM in hex, jump to header of mdb of your room and change EEF6 to FF00.

Event            v1   v2

Missiles         FEE6   FF00
Super Missiles         FEF5   FF10

Charge Beam         FF04   FF90
Ice Beam         FF16   FF98
Wave Beam         FF28   FFA0
Spazer            FF3A   FFA8
Plasma Beam         FF4C   FFB0
Grappling Beam         FF5E   FFB8

X-Ray Scope         FF70   FFC0
Bombs            FF82   FFC8
Hi-Jump Boots         FF94   FFD0
Varia Suit         FFA6   FFD8
Gravity Suit         FFB8   FFE0
Spring Ball         FFCA   FFE8
Space Jump         FFDC   FFF0
Screw Attack         FFEE   FFF8

WARNING! SMILE will not recognize new events but the game will.

WARNING! This patch may overwrite some of your rooms if your bank $8F is almost full. Data writes from 7FEE6 to 7FFFF. If there are FF's in your ROM before patching, it's alright.
5Vertical doors after elevatorBugfixHarmless to original ROM, but may overwrite custom PLMs.

Can't edit "Hits to open" property in SMILE for modified doors.
84Another bug in Super Metroid is taking place. After going up through elevator, pink and green vertical doors are looking like blue ones. Now they are have the correct colors. Door data is 4 bytes bigger now. So I have to expand one door and move other door of the same type to a free space.

Free space is now at $242A6..$24300 and $2442B..$24489
Door data is moved to $272E0..$273A8

Look in hex to data at $272E0. If there are FF's, don't afraid to apply the patch.

WARNING! Don't edit "Hits to Open" property in SMILE for green and pink vertical doors after applying patch. If you see B4 in that field, then don't touch it.

You can do it manually in Hex Editor, if you want to.
[spoiler="Hits to open"]To edit "Hits to open" property for green door going up change byte at 24272
To edit "Hits to open" property for green door going down change byte at 2730F
To edit "Hits to open" property for pink door going up change byte at 243F4
To edit "Hits to open" property for pink door going down change byte at 27372[/spoiler]
6Ridley defeating stateImprovementHarmless unless you added some code in bank A6A6
A small patch that will set event #16 if you win in Ceres battle (if Ridley drops larva). You can open some doors from very beginning as reward, alter weather when you land, remove some enemies or everything else you want.
Just select event #16 as alternative state in rooms where you want to change something, if player wins at Ceres.

Another usage is to punish player in future if he loses. For example, add Metroids in original state of landing site, change doors from pink to green in some rooms, add lava or acid in some rooms etc.
7Metroid 1 items and doorsImprovementMay overwrite custom PLMs84
Patch contains:

1. Orange doors for Tourian (left one and right one). They are opens after 10 missile hits.
2. Large missile pack as reward for beating Kraid and Ridley. It gives you 75 missiles at once!
3. Invisible save points. Normal save points are not affected. New one must be placed exactly under elevator enemy.
4. Graphic and text files for new doors, missile pack and invisible save points. Place them in "smile/files/Plms" folder to be able to choose them in SMILE.

Any usual doors and PLMs will be not affected. You can, for example, set quantity of missiles for usual missile pack to 2, for missile pack in ball -- to 5 and 10 for hidden missile pack and this new missile pack will still gives you 75 missiles. You can modify this quantity too.

Old yellow door will still opens from power bomb. Pink and green doors are unchanged too.

Invisible save points must be placed exaclty under elevator enemy because the lowest line of new point is acting like a door to be able to use elevator.

This patch will write data between 26FD3 and 2728F. If you wrote custom PLM in this interval, then this patch will overwrite your data. Use it wisely. I recommend to look to this space in hex editor. If there are FF's, it ok to use it.

8MessangerImprovementMay overwrite custom PLMs84 & 85This PLM can display any message you want when you touch it.


This is how I use it.

[spoiler=How to use it]
Extract graphic and text files in PLM folder to "smile/files/plm" folder to be able to choose them in SMILE.

Apply IPS file to the ROM.

Place PLM F2C3 to the room. When you touch it, the message will be displayed.

Set ID of message with low byte. To add new messages, use message patch by Kej. First new ID is 1D.

To display message when you just enter the room, use continuation PLM (red arrows) to expand area where messanger can be touched. Look to scroll PLMs in original ROM to understand how it works.

Place this PLM only to empty 16*16 tile of Layer 1, or this PLM will overwrite graphic under tile to empty air block.


This PLM is made from Ice Beam PLM. 2 instructions were removed and another one -- shortened.

I've also changed time how long messanges starting from ID 1D will be displayed to 30 frames (0.5 seconds in NTSC version or 0.6 seconds in PAL version).

To change this value, open your ROM in hex and go to 2FFF9. 001E (30) is default, 003C (60) = 1 second in NTSC version, 000C (12) = 0.2 seconds in NTSC version.

If you've already expanded message array to use messages for new items, then you may want to change message number of ID, starting from which display time will be changed. To do so, open your patched ROM in hex, goto 2FFF1 and change this byte (single byte only!).

This patch will write data from 27290 to 272C6 and from 2FFF0 to 2FFFB. If you wrote custom PLM in this interval, then this patch will overwrite your data. Use it wisely. I recommend to look to this space in hex editor. If there are FF's, it ok to use it.

9FF events and multiple tubesImprovementHarmless84FF events to use. After cleaning out room, selected event will happen. In original ROM, after destroing all Metroids, that room will load state where is no Metroids in this room. You can do more than just rid of enemies after cleaning room. [spoiler=Example]You can place an elite space pirate in Wrecked Ship. After killing him, in very far room in Lower Norfair locked doors will open. [/spoiler]Single event can affect many, many rooms. If there is no enemies in room with this PLM, then event will be set instantly and effect will happens when you leave this room first time.

This patch also allows you to use multiple Maridia tubes. Environment in room with tube must be water or air.

PLM to set events after cleaning the room: DB44

[spoiler=How to use it]

Extract graphic and text files in PLM folder to "smile/files/plm" folder to be able to choose them in SMILE.

Event PLM
Place PLM DB44 in the room.
Use lower byte to choose event.
Event = Low Byte.

Maridia tube
Create a room with tube.
Place PLM D70C in the room to the upper-left corner of tube. Use lower byte to choose event.
Event = Low Byte.
Don't forget to place "breaking glass" enemy in the room.

If you have questions, just open the room CEFB in original ROM and look how it works.

To take effect, add alternative state to the room (or rooms) where you want to.

[spoiler="Boss events"]
There are another events programmed but not displayed in SMILE. With this you can alter rooms depending of boss state in any area.

40   Main boss of Crateria is defeated (if you place one)
41   Mini-boss of Crateria is defeated (if you place one)
42   Torizo of Crateria is defeated (Silver Torizo)
48   Main boss of Brinstar is defeated (Kraid)
49   Mini-boss of Brinstar is defeated (Spore Spawn)
4A   Torizo of Brinstar is defeated (if you place one)
50   Main boss of Norfair is defeated (Ridley)
51   Mini-boss of Norfair is defeated (Crocomiro)
52   Torizo of Norfair is defeated (Golden Torizo)
58   Main boss of Wrecked Ship is defeated (Phantoon)
59   Mini-boss of Wrecked Ship is defeated (if you place one)
5A   Torizo of Wrecked Ship is defeated (if you place one)
60   Main boss of Maridia is defeated (Draygon)
61   Mini-boss of Maridia is defeated (Botwoon)
62   Torizo of Maridia is defeated (if you place one)
68   Main boss of Tourian is defeated (Mother Brain?)
69   Mini-boss of Tourian is defeated (if you place one)
6A   Torizo of Tourian is defeated (if you place one)
70   Main boss of Ceres is defeated (Ridley) *
71   Mini-boss of Ceres is defeated (if you place one)
72   Torizo of Ceres is defeated (if you place one)
78   Main boss of Debug is defeated (if you place one)
79   Mini-boss of Debug is defeated (if you place one)
7A   Torizo of Debug is defeated (if you place one)

even if you lose in battle, this event will be set when he fly away.

Of course, if you not supposed to place main boss in Crateria (for example), then you may use event 40 freely as any other event

This patch will overwrite unused parts of code for maridian tubes and code itself for event PLM to make it shorter, so it technically, 2 patches in one.
I've done so because both of them are using the same part of code (that will set event depending on Low Byte)

Warning! Don't forget to remove all DB44 PLMs from any room of original game except of Metroid rooms to prevent setting events by accident. Look at the rooms of escape sequence in Crateria and Tourian rooms

Quote« Last Edit: Yesterday at 22:21:11 by JAM »
Beautiful time...


So these were the things you were talking to me about. Those seem pretty spiffy if I must say. 10/10 here JAM[on]. =P


This asm file removes the blue haze effect from the start screen, for anyone who wants to get rid of it. It uses just a little bit of space in bank $88.




Quote from: DSO on December 31, 2009, 09:53:01 PM
This asm file removes the blue haze effect from the start screen, for anyone who wants to get rid of it. It uses just a little bit of space in bank $88.

After researching the code itself and all that goes on, I have a better and shorter fix that uses no space that kills the haze hdma only on the title screen by turning a single long jump into a branch always, skipping the asm that actually sets up the hdma in the first place.

Kill title screen haze: 46B5F (hex editor): jump that sets up 1st hdma values? -> this is experimental as I still haven't found the exact thing determining that it goes to this jump in the first place
*but I'm certain it's simply ran when it gets to the routines for the main title screen, so nothing determines it, it just does it*
change that to BRA 06 and it will kill the title screen hdma
it'll never get set up in the first place
there is a second hdma thing, though, which I have no idea what it is

This kills both the fade in from black on the top and and the fade to blue-green on the bottom.

The second thing is another hdma thing, as far as I'm seeing in the similarities of all the values... but it isn't visible as far as I've seen.


Alternately, I have also located an undocumented value in ram at 7E:18B0 that turns hdma on and off. You can use this byte to find any hdma on/off jump in the game. I'm sure all hdma on/off works by jumping to a single routine meant to TSB (test and set bits), setting #$8000 at 7E:18B0, or TRB (test and reset bits to 0). Just use the debugger to step on past the RTL to get the address immediately after the jump you would need to alter.

The jump that sets the title screen hdma (all hdma, including this unknown one), is 22 88 82 88, located at 59C97 (in hex editor). I suggest you use the other method to remove the haze, as it doesn't interfere with the unknown 2nd hdma effect.

If you do change this JSR to turn off all hdma, or any JSR to 88:8288, change them to 22 93 82 88 (the routine that does TRB, or resets #$8000 to 0), or have it just store 0 on top of the 80 byte at 7E:18B0 (or 7E:18B1 if A is currently 8-bit) and add a NOP for the 4th byte of the long jump.

EDIT: On second thought, it seems that both the hdma things that occur on the title select screen are linked somehow, as disabling one kills the haze either way, so it's best to just change the title screen's jump to turn on hdma into a jump to turn it off. The file select screens turns off the hdma as well, so that would probably be best.


Ok, I got another quick thing that isn't completely tested, but so far as I've seen, the extra $40 bytes this uses in RAM (7E:C5C8 - 7E:C607) are always 00. Just make sure to run around and try all the various rooms and events. If there's a problem area, reply to this post.

Quick changes to allow use of the top row of the HUD without manual DMA:

The way the HUD works is, it has all sorts of routines set up the tilemap in ram for everything from the minimap to the numbers changing. At some interrupt at the end of each frame, it does 1 single DMA to VRAM of the current HUD.

The top row of the HUD is never written or transferred except on game load. These few changes will have the extra $40 bytes of the top row of the HUD written to ram and transferred to VRAM each frame so you can alter the top row in ram.

NOTE: Addresses below are direct address in a hex editor.

**Initial load of HUD during game load**
-- This is needed so the top row is sent to RAM when you load a game.
Change this (load): 1AA3, [ BD CB 98 ] To -> [ BD 8B 98 ]
Change this (store): 1AA6, [ 9F 08 C6 7E ] To -> [ 9F C8 C5 7E ]
Change this (counter): 1AAC, [ E0 C0 00 ] To -> [ E0 00 01 ]

**In-game DMA transfer**
-- This is needed to transfer the extra row of the HUD to VRAM.
Change this (source address): 1CB4, [ A9 08 C6 ] To -> [ A9 C8 C5 ]
Change this (VRAM destination): 1CC1, [ A9 20 58 ] To -> [ A9 00 58 ]
Change this (number of bytes): 1CAD, [ A9 C0 00 ] To -> [ A9 00 01 ]


Last 2 patches are added with few pictures.

Quote from: person701 on December 31, 2009, 05:50:58 PM
So these were the things you were talking to me about. Those seem pretty spiffy if I must say. 10/10 here JAM[on]. =P
Thanks =) Glad you liked it.

Some info about lava and acid damage
In addition to what was found by Black Falcon

Looks like the values at 81E8D and 81E91 are not suit divisors. I've set damage by acid to 0000 and still have got damage. I think, it's just 32-bit value for acid and lava. 16 bits at 81E8B are going for whole part of acid damage and 16 bits at 81E8D are going for fraction part. Same for lava.

In other words,
damage per frame for acid = $81E8D.$81E8B
damage per frame for lava = $81E91.$81E8F

Lava default: 0000.8000 = 0.5 energy per frame = 30 energy per second
Acid default: 0001.8000 = 1.5 energy per frame = 90 energy per second

But, yes. If change acid damage from 0001.8000 to 0000.8000 you will got the same values like a lava have.

So, the damage for acid starts from 81E8B (00 80 00 00)
and damage for lava starts from 81E8F (00 80 01 00).

I guess, the same happenning with damage by heat.

*looks at hex tweaks*

Heat default: 0000.4000 = 0.25 energy per frame = 15 energy per second.

I'm sure, the same (32-bit values) will be for another things, such as gravity (for example).

[attachment deleted by admin]


Gradius styled Tileset with only a few ripped and the rest custom :) (though i suck so enjoy BTSing everything)



Some new snazzy GFX for you peps to use! =)
I did not make it though. I'm sure a lot of you remember me that one topic.

Here is the plain tiles and a generic palette:

And here is how it looks in-game:

Crab is in front of grass as I was to lazy to bother with it.

As you can tell the tiles don't take up much space... you could even remove some tiles if you don't need all the variation. If you use this I suggest a MZM BG... I think that will fit this style the best rather then using a standard super metroid BG.

I did not make it, I just ported it. I don't really give a shit who it's under just make sure it's on the site! ;)


Important note
For everyone who have downloaded my patch "Metroid 1 doors and PLMs". I forgot to put the IPS file into the archive. Please redownload this version (IPS included) with label [fixed], or your patch will not work.

2 new addresses to hex tweaks.

change 00 to 01. Pressing right from beam frame will lead you to boots frame, not to misc.

20 99 DF to EA EA EA = Disables bomb jumping. Samus will no longer bounce from bomb's and power bomb's explosions.


Quote from: My personal textFailure beyond comprehension


Quote from: JAM on February 05, 2010, 02:48:05 AM
20 99 DF to EA EA EA = Disables bomb jumping. Samus will no longer bounce from bomb's and power bomb's explosions.

That's inside the routine, it'd be more efficient to do this to cut off the start of the bombjumping routine:

82:8B61 (also 10B61) 22 85 97 A0 > EA EA EA EA; disables bomb jumping.


Custom aurora unit drawn by me. :D!:
In game shot:

And palette and tile shot:

I know it's not the best but... I had very little material to work with (aka side pictures) but I think it turned out okay at least. =)

Does not come with a tank though. :<


This is an ASM file for my area palette blend patch that has been adjusted slightly so it doesn't conflict with DC's map patches.


Phazon suit patch v1.0

Applying this patch completely replaces gravity suit with the phazon suit.

- Gravity suit's colors have all been altered; I made it as accurate as I possibly could without needing to edit Samus' sprites. I'm pleased with the end result.
- Meticulously recolored speed boosting, shine sparking, beam charging, screw attack, etc. Didn't just use the 'wash out colors' or 'heat glow' options.
- Modifies the color and appearence of the gravity suit's item GFX.
- 'GRAVITY SUIT' changed to 'PHAZON SUIT' when you collect the item.
- 'GRAVITY SUIT' changed to 'PHAZON SUIT' on the equipment screen.

If I messed up somewhere, let me know so I can deliver a quick fix. If somebody would like to give me the offsets for the "purple flash" after collecting the item, and the palette(s) for the large version of Samus in the gravity suit after the game's ending credits are over, I'll modify those too. I didn't feel like hunting them down.

Picture & video:

Super Metroid - Phazon suit