The Great Metroid Construction Collaboration Hunt - Post your resources here!

Started by Zhs2, July 20, 2009, 07:55:03 PM

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All of them had BTS $03 in common which was my issue, I wanted that not used. Also, no-one used $01 so this can be used with others without problem  :^_^:


I'm fairly certain that with all of the .asm ones, you can just change it to whatever block you want to be replaced. :^_^:


true, but without the help of PJ i couldn't have found out the offset for it. and using a BTS of $04 or higher involves repointing stuff. This is basically what i needed a month ago but didn't have the knowledge to make, so i thought it may help someone in the future who has no ASM knowlege :awesome:



Quote from: MetroidMst on August 31, 2014, 07:47:37 PM
[19:35] <PJBoy> diagonal facing Draygon turrets!
[19:36] <PJBoy> yeah
[19:37] <PJBoy> whatever PLM cannon you want to use
[19:37] <PJBoy> add 4 to the PLM ID to make it face diagonally down
[19:37] <PJBoy> and add 8 to make it face diagonally up
[19:37] <PJBoy> it's purely aesthetic
[19:38] <+person701> Doesn't chang ethe function?
[19:38] <PJBoy> the turrets just shoot directly at you
[19:38] <PJBoy> regardless of which direction they face
[19:39] <PJBoy> but you could make it so the Draygon grapple-kill has to be done with a diagonal shot for example
[19:40] <PJBoy> if someone wants to post that onto the forum, go ahead

Kinda yeah. Exists in a real game. Supports for them (GIFs and TXTs with descriptions) have been added 2 years ago to SMILE JX. Looks like, no one ever noticed.

17.06.12 Private release (2.79):
Added Diagonal Electrical Outlet support.

02.07.12 (2.81):
Diagonal Electrical Outlet GIFs were remaked to make spawn PLMs to the right position.

EDIT: Congratulations, Quietus. You made the 40000th post. Mine is 40001rd.


So have you ever wanted to use that funky tileset in Metroid Fusion? Remember the SA-X chase after Powerbombs? Well now you can!

This is the Techno Tileset used in Metroid Fusion, I ripped it myself and put a good amount of work into making it from a garbled mess, to a nice useable tileset.

Comes with tileset, palette and tiletables. However some of the tileset still needs to be made up, as i am using this for my own hack and stopped there. You may have to repoint your palette as well, it uses 241.

Here's an image of it in SMILE in comparison to Metroid Fusion.

[spoiler=Metroid Fusion][/spoiler]

Have fun guys, and happy hacking.


So yeah. Updated the scrolling sky fix patch, it now works with changed area load stations (whose changes - contrary to my assumptions - are not propagated onto the ship's DDB in SMILE). See the IPS and ASM


An update for regular SMILE that will add mini-Oub to the game. JX already have these files inside. Place the files to the "files/enemies/" folder inside your SMILE folder. Just test and play.


Thanks for CrAzY for finding a bug in ASM file of my Long Beam patch.

Here is a fixed version.

Thanks for CrAzY again for finding one more bug. This time, in LongBeamBall.IPS. I forgot to add the terminating instruction.

Here is a fix for a fixed version.


I'm just following on from Jefe's example above, really.  Here are some slopes that I created a looong time ago for Crateria, Green Brinstar, and Red Brinstar.  Not all slopes are available, but I thought some is better than none, and folks may find them useful.  Here are some examples:
[spoiler=Green Brinstar][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Red Brinstar][/spoiler]




I combined Black falcon's screw attack graphics with Crashtour99's Spinjump Animation Improvement and.... well, screw attack now has it's own graphics! Space jump is the original SJ/SA graphics while Screw Attack uses the Graphics Black Falcon made. :grin:
For those who haven't seen his screw attack graphics:[spoiler]


Quote from: knuckles on October 03, 2014, 11:57:15 PM
I combined Black falcon's screw attack graphics with Crashtour99's Spinjump Animation Improvement and.... well, screw attack now has it's own graphics! Space jump is the original SJ/SA graphics while Screw Attack uses the Graphics Black Falcon made. :grin:
For those who haven't seen his screw attack graphics:[spoiler]

First of all, you can attach the .zip to your post.

Secondly, the palette I need to do for the screw attack GFX confuses me. Can you gimme a screenie of the palette you're using in the image?


Quote from: Jefe962 on October 04, 2014, 01:38:28 PM
First of all, you can attach the .zip to your post.
I tried but I kept getting an error.
Quote from: Jefe962 on October 04, 2014, 01:38:28 PM
Secondly, the palette I need to do for the screw attack GFX confuses me. Can you gimme a screenie of the palette you're using in the image?
:pwuh: It's not my picture it's from black falcon's site. Sooo.....  :neutral:


So i made this for myself about a year ago and I thought some people may find this helpful for them. It's a template for door scroll ASM that should be pretty noob-proof. You just read the comments and adjust some values to what you want, then compile it to the rom. It just makes everything easier so you don't have to know/type out the ASM every time. :^_^:


I was just messing around with TLP/graphics/tiles/SM and I made a few just for fun. They are not great but eh, their a resource regardless... I still have plenty of space to work with. (Then again, I am not 100% sure I am doing it right or not... but, whatever... I am sure someone will make it work if need be.) I used Palette #4 for the tiles. Anyway, here:


~ SpoOkyMagician


You should add some end tiles for the bricks, so that people can end a row of them without having unsightly half bricks.


^ Done. Check link/post above. Also, added some new tiles. (I can update as needed if you have any other suggestions.)

edit: I created a new statue/monster. I like the look of it and I am proud of myself. :) It's getting late so, I will work more on this later. GN.

edit: More new tiles. I added letters/numbers just in case you want to show text for any reason. ;)

~ SpoOkyMagician


It's time for me to quit being selfish and liberate my hard drive for the good of hacking-kind. (Even if what I'm releasing is sub-par all around.)
I'm never ever gonna get around to making a whole massive everything-at-once release, so I'm gonna try to neatly organize everything and release things over time.
Today I wrapped up a nice, almost filled up tileset. I call it, Fake Aegis.

I'm sure we all know why. It's not exactly super metroid-y, but it is nice and colorful for anyone who's looking for that.
Here's the goodies:

I used a second palette for the ice, but I probably could've done that a lot more efficiently. Both are included.




Another small submission by me with inspiration from who I wrote this for. This may drive some people batty if this gets put into a hack but oh well! :colonrightv:

IBJ Prevention
...though that's not all it can do. I'll let my commenting speak for itself:

;IBJ Prevention by person701
;After the defined amount of bomb jumps, bombs give out, no longer propelling you upward.
;Every bomb jump, a counter is increased by 1, and is set to 0 upon touching the ground.
;By default, bomb jumps won't work from mid-air morphs. It's possible to remove this feature by commenting out two lines.
;I did do a slight no-no in using the last two bytes of RAM for enemy 1F, but that should only cause problems if a room has 1F enemies in it.


Quote from: person701 on October 28, 2014, 02:00:22 AM

;I did do a slight no-no in using the last two bytes of RAM for enemy 1F, but that should only cause problems if a room has 1F enemies in it.

What stopping you from using really unused RAM address in the middle of stack? Like, $1F82?


Quote from: JAM on October 28, 2014, 10:22:07 PM
Quote from: person701 on October 28, 2014, 02:00:22 AM

;I did do a slight no-no in using the last two bytes of RAM for enemy 1F, but that should only cause problems if a room has 1F enemies in it.

What stopping you from using really unused RAM address in the middle of stack? Like, $1F82?

That is actually exactly what I was going to say lol. I tend to use $1F5E and up, since I know that's never used. Plenty of free space to use in there.


More custom music ! This time we have two classic tracks : Brinstar and Ridley's lair, using SM instruments only.


I decided to link Meta's previews here, so you can hear them before downloading.
[spoiler=Teehee Valley][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Classic Brinstar][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Classic Ridley][/spoiler]