The Great Metroid Construction Collaboration Hunt - Post your resources here!

Started by Zhs2, July 20, 2009, 07:55:03 PM

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I am releasing a patch (after permission from Black Falcon) that is a fix to one of his patches called HUDV2.5. The bug issue was that when you use up all your power bombs and whilst still having your Power bomb icon selected and you go to put another power bomb in and there aren't any left, the game freezes...This patch will fix that, but only use it 'after' you have patched
the Hud2.5 patch by BF, (ASM version or IPS version) or you can use it if you have used his patch some time back in the pass, just don't patch it before patching the BF hud2.5 patch.


Okay so, Last night I was watching the prime 1 run from agdq 2014 (it has a developer from retro in a call with them!) and Miles getting the boost ball reminded me that I was going to have boost ball in a thing I'm working on.
So since I didn't want springball and highjump mixed together in this hack I figured I'd just go through and change the item bit (while also removing the code that bundles springball into highjump). However, When I started to look at the code I saw that it could be improved upon quite a bit. As well, I was interested in finding out how it worked, so I reorganized it to be much more compact, but as I did that I also fixed a lot of redundant and unoptimized code. Iirc after I had finished making it compact and such I had already saved 37 bytes. However, I figured why stop there so I decided to make a version which does not need to replace springball, but instead has it's own unique item and message box. The plm was pretty easy to make (I was going to have to do so for my hack anyway) but the message box took some work. In the end however, the message box table is repointed, and everything has the right value (the way message boxes work is weird but kinda brilliant so I had to understand how they were coded before the table could be set up correctly at the new address). I also changed a couple of the values so that it boosts further and charges faster, allowing you to chain boosts, ala prime. The other main thing I did was add comments to the whole thing, allowing people to follow what the code does if they want to change it or just know how it works. I also replaced his timer ram addresses to ones never used, and always initialized to 0. His worked fine (like the timer used in the L/R flashing on the pause screen) but these are in order, work just as well and allow for additional addresses to be consecutive.

So in short, last night I made the boost ball code by Insom shorter, better, more organized, commented, and with a whole new PLM and message box completely seperate from any other item. And unlike Insoms boostball, this can be applied using a .ips if you don't want to use the .asm. Apparently there is a patch, just not in insoms .zip on the main site.

Insom - The original code (most of which still gets used, just written better), the plm gfx
Crashtour - a doc with the original message box table, which I used to see the format of the entries and the location of the table
Pjboy - His partially commented bank logs are infinitely useful when doing things in banks I've never worked with before like 85. Always a big help.
Myself - parts of the boost ball code (mostly just optimizing the original branching and rewriting redundant or unoptimized routines), unique message box entry, new PLM, SMILE plm gif and .txt (only took a second but now it looks like any other item, although resizing it to fit did not work super well), comments on the code explaining what everything does.

Free space used at:
84F040 (not much since it's just a plm)
859660 (large table here)
90F670 (all the boost ball code, which is a lot) [I moved it from the original location because I used the space before it in my hack, however it also gives you room before the code to put anything else you want]

- Readme explaining how to use the SMILE plm stuff and the patch in general.
-.IPS including the gfx already inserted in the rom (located after the researve tank gfx which are the last of the plm entries)
-.ASM including everything you need except for the gfx

And since it isn't complete without screenshots,
[spoiler] It isn't all like this, I just found that spot particularly humorous. What are we, nintendo?[/spoiler]

It still has lots of room to improve and optimize, but this was all I needed to do with it so I'm okay with it.


Quote from: Quote58 on July 21, 2014, 02:30:26 PMAnd unlike Insoms boostball, this can be applied using a .ips if you don't want to use the .asm.
I don't know about you, but if you check the hacking bible, there is indeed a boost ball patch. :nod: In any case, nice!


I like it. Do you think you can make a version of the item in a Chozo orb/scenery? Thanks.


Alternate Zebes
Theses song edits were meant to be included in the Z-Factor v1.4 update but the whole thing was discarded so I figured out I could share them to the community.
As always, give credit if used  :^_^:


Nice work, Metaquarius.  I particularly like the statue room. :^_^:


i will use that metaquarius its good, green brinstar needs work do.


bug report (maybe) space pirate song one (called in smile) sounds weird after this patch is added it does not sound to bad so maybe it was meant to be in there?


Meta, I love this. Do you think you can supply a patch with Just the Maridia Song 2 track? That would be great! Thanks.


I merged some tiles into one tileset in this resource.
Tilesets used:
Sector 6 Cave (credits to Shadow96)
Crys' Generic_Stone GFX
Crateria tiles
And a few custom drawn ones. (The Crystals.)

Here is an example room:

Inside the .Zip file, there is:
IcyCavern.ttb (Yes, there is a tiletable.)



I'm still certain that the white outline doesn't achieve anything that a pale blue one wouldn't.  As it is, it just stands out too much.


Universal Missile Block
A small piece of asm I wrote quite some time ago with a bit of help from Xavier. I'd say this is the first useful or reasonable (or something) code I wrote. This here turns super missile blocks into a block that can be broken with either missiles or super missiles and is particularly useful if you're using Quote's super missile upgrade asm.

Anywho, enjoy if you use this as I'm not anymore.


2 years have passed...
A lot of people downloaded my Long Beam patch...
And no one even noticed that I forgot to include the Item PLM itself...
...until now. Thanks, CrAzY!

Long Beam v1.02
Fully working version now.
Missing files included.
Reported string in ASM file is commented.


Truly a JAMPION! Thanks for this, can't wait to try it out tonight!



With permission from Grime (hell, I didn't even ask), here's that ASM I wrote for Project Base recently.

For those who don't know, so long as you have Charge Beam equiped and Power Bombs selected, your shots will always fire off fully charged at the costs of 1 bomb. Though this does make SBAs require 2 Power Bombs, so be aware of that if you intend to make them useful! Has no effect on Crystal Flash.


I'll match my post 666 with post 666 of this topic. =)
Something I was working on from time to time.

Scrolling Sky Fix v2
For these who didn't know, fix the scrolling sky error which happens when linking different rooms to room with scrolling sky in it.

Used P.J.Boy's patch and optimzed it.
Bank: $82.
Patch size: 1.573 times increased.
Free space used: $FFED bytes.
What does this mean? My patch will not use the free space. It will works as it should but gives you $13 bytes of free space instead. I just overwrote one copy of the subroutine that occurs twice in bank $82 to have space for this patch.

Later I'll attach an explaination of how to avoid using my patch (I.e. how to avoid scrolling sky error). For advanced people. =)


Here's something quick I drew.

Remember to give credit.


I made a somewhat basic guide on GFX editing, it's really basic as all hell, but it's user friendly, and it's a less popular topic, so I hope it's useful to someone.


[19:35] <PJBoy> diagonal facing Draygon turrets!
[19:36] <PJBoy> yeah
[19:37] <PJBoy> whatever PLM cannon you want to use
[19:37] <PJBoy> add 4 to the PLM ID to make it face diagonally down
[19:37] <PJBoy> and add 8 to make it face diagonally up
[19:37] <PJBoy> it's purely aesthetic
[19:38] <+person701> Doesn't chang ethe function?
[19:38] <PJBoy> the turrets just shoot directly at you
[19:38] <PJBoy> regardless of which direction they face
[19:39] <PJBoy> but you could make it so the Draygon grapple-kill has to be done with a diagonal shot for example
[19:40] <PJBoy> if someone wants to post that onto the forum, go ahead



Here is a background damage block similar to the one used in my summer contest hack. It's currently set to do 1 HP damage per second for every damage block Samus is in contact with (so a max of 3 damage per second if she's standing in a load of them). It uses BTS value $01 for air fool x-ray (so you can use end game BTS and stuff as well, yay :^_^:) just don't place them near grapple blocks as grappling while in contact with them causes crazy damage. I can make a patch if anyone wants but personally I find ASM files much easier. Let me know if you find any other problems and i'll try to fix it.


Is there a major difference between it and the blocks we already have patches for, or is it meant to do something different?


it's very similar, just with different BTS and the ASM file so you can customise it. It's what i wanted for the competition but couldn't find :^_^: