The Great Metroid Construction Collaboration Hunt - Post your resources here!

Started by Zhs2, July 20, 2009, 07:55:03 PM

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Funny how you see this as a problem, I would say that's a feature actually.  :^_^:

Anyway, for anyone interested in doing this with SMILE directly, here a link to a step by step guide JAM wrote not so long ago.



Quote from: Quietus on August 27, 2012, 05:14:30 PM
I'm not sure that'll add anything new, since there's already SMILEUser96's Doom patch as well as InsomniaDX's Lava block, which can be customised to any level of damage.
That's what I thought too. I just wanted to contribute and be a part of this.  :^_^:

Enemy gate problem fix:
A simple guide to fix the enemy gate problem.


...or you can download SMILE JX v2.81, select Shutter2 enemy and click on "Special GFX" button. Text will be changed to "Move once" meaning the gate will stops after moving. Click the button one more time and gate will be moving constantly as usual.


Aww.  :cry:
So the problem has already been solved?
Hmm, suits me.


If anyone is insterested to have his/her patches (that aren't posted in this topic) on main site, please let me know. I'll post my own new patches and there'll be a site update.

Note for a slow damage block.

-Free space over $9498B2 and $94B300.
Are you meaning $94B298? If that, fix that please.

Great guide. But I have notes.
1. You can use almost any unused 16*16 CRE tile to make new tiles. The problem is only with 8*8 tiles. You can't use 2 bottom rows. Too bad, but this guide not solving it. Same amount of 8*8 tiles are used.
2. Why you didn't touched the grey door?
3. Why you haven't made a patch that will write $240 bytes to the ROM instead of this big hex tweak?
4. Is that tileset from Fusion with these doors?


JAM, I have just about every patch on this site in a folder, want it? I've been meaning to tell you about it so you can update what needed to be, but totally forgot.

Here, I'll just release everything.

Super Metroid Hacking Bible v1.0



Note: This is WIP. If you see anything of yours that you wish to be excluded, let me know, and I'll remove it by version 2 when it gets released. All of this content was public releases anyway, though.


Super Metroid Hacking Bible

Download Full Bible Here:

Includes everything I could gather related to hacking Super Metroid.

My motive for making this Bible was so incase I ever need to switch computers or can't use the Internet, for whatever reasons. Now I can just open this, and grab what I need. I suppose you could say I work hard at being lazy. It started out for personal use, but then I realized how handy it is to have everything readily available, and decided to make it a public project. Consider it a downloadable version of metconst.

Oh, and one more Note: When reading the Info docs included, most are by the original authors of, say, a patch. I just copy and pasted in most cases. If it says *I* made this when talking about a patch or software, just assume it's that person talking, and not me.

There's 5 different sections. Read below for details.



The softwares section has all versions of Smile I could find (Thanks Jathys!). It also has GFX editors, a few Hex editors, ect, ect. This is the only section that I was iffy on releasing, since it contains softwares not made by metconst members. But since it's all freeware anyway, I can't see why it'd be much of a issue. In terms of credits, I tried doing what I could, but never got around to finishing it. Smile was made by Jathys is really all you need to know for it, the rest of the credits should be there.



A very unfinished part of the bible. Some files are in text format, others are just links. I plan to fix this up later, but for now, it's pretty rough. If anyone wants their doc excluded, let me know.


IPS Patches, ASM Patches, GFX, Other

This one took me awhile to compile. I searched all around metconst for these. It's stuff both from the main site and the collab thread. I gave credit to everyone included, but if you wish to be removed from it, let me know. The Info Docs will explain the patches in greater detail, with links to where I got them from incase I missed something.


Hex Tweaks

Another one that took me awhile. I tried to make everything color-coordinated. It's really handy, though. I'd recommend it to just about every hacker. I tried giving credit where I could, but there's just so many that's it's nearly impossible to. If it doesn't have a "Found By: ___", just assume it's something Grime found, or atleast compiled.


Completed Hacks

I found most of these on the main site, but I also included the folder Qactis made awhile back. If you're just in the mood to play tons of hacks, check it out.



Quote from: JAM on September 03, 2012, 07:51:41 AM
Are you meaning $94B298? If that, fix that please.

All done!  :^_^:

Kirby's Adventure NES Vegetable Valley Stage 1 Room 1 Graphics rip!

Here's my room:

Uploaded with


Quote from: JAM on September 03, 2012, 07:51:41 AM
1. You can use almost any unused 16*16 CRE tile to make new tiles. The problem is only with 8*8 tiles. You can't use 2 bottom rows. Too bad, but this guide not solving it. Same amount of 8*8 tiles are used.
2. Why you didn't touched the grey door?
3. Why you haven't made a patch that will write $240 bytes to the ROM instead of this big hex tweak?
4. Is that tileset from Fusion with these doors?

Hi JAM, here are some info :

1) Saving tiles in 8x8 GFX sheet wasn't the purpose of my tuto (which was about 16x16 CRE tile-table) but the doors shown as example in my post actually save 20 tiles (dec) in gfx sheet :

[spoiler=compare door gfx ][/spoiler]

This economy was made possible thanks to the fact that door's "corners" are not colored, so grey & colored doors bubble share many tiles for their extreme parts.

2) I didn't messed with grey doors by lack of knowledges about these PLM at the moment.
With the multi opening criteria who command unlock animation (boss is dead, enemy match enemy needed, etc...) these PLM appear to me more tricky but I'm pretty sure that the same change can be applied for grey doors too.

3) I alway considered better to explain changes and let people do things by themselves with total mastery.
IPS patch are quite nice though, but I have to admit that I'm always a little afraid before applying one of them on my hack until I understand what and in which location the patch modify the Rom.
In addition, this "hex tweek" was all in a row, so really easy to do with ctrl+c / ctrl+v.

4) Doors posted as example are not using any Metroid-Fusion tiles, they are original gfx made by me, pixel by pixel, on the basis of my personal sketches.

For that matter, this post is the good place to announce that I don't plan to use these doors anymore and decided to share this material with the community (-> have made new one that save 12 tiles more in TTB and 2 in gfx sheet).
I put in attachment the CRE sheet, only with door tiles. Drag and drop the tiles to your current CRE gfx sheet.

As for saving more place in CRE gfx 8x8 sheet, numerous drawing tricks can be found to make the plm sprites use less tile than in original (playing with symmetry and redrawing 80% of the original tile of the game, in a manner that few people will notice, I was able to free up about 20 places (dec) for custom gfx. More and more when deleting some garbage tiles, eye doors, etc...  maybe a topic about that one of these days)

Finally, about the XXXX tile at the bottom of the sheet, 8 (or 16) of them can probably be used by hackers that plan to never put more than 3 (or 2) pickup PLM* in a room in the same time.
This limitation could even be very easy to handle if someone found an easy way to reset the gfx sheet loaded into VRAM when needed (bitflag value?)
*(Missiles, S-missiles, P-bombs, and E-tanks, made by CRE, are not affected by this limitation).

PS: About new doors tiles:
- Credit would be appreciated for using these gfx.
- Door use current CRE/SCE color palette.
- If you encounter problems for recreating the new door in CRE TTB, you can refer to the pic below as a model:

[spoiler= doors tile arrangement][/spoiler]


Quote from: FullOfFail on September 03, 2012, 09:52:27 AM
Super Metroid Hacking Bible v1.0

Note: This is WIP. If you see anything of yours that you wish to be excluded, let me know, and I'll remove it by version 2 when it gets released. All of this content was public releases anyway, though.

Completed Hacks

I found most of these on the main site, but I also included the folder Qactis made awhile back. If you're just in the mood to play tons of hacks, check it out.

Download Here:

Hmmm, except stuff like this is highly problematic. Not necessarily by existing, but it will be problematic once it leaves hacking circles to end users of hacks. I don't necessarily want my works removed from it though, that's not really related.

By releasing a bulk format it will be easier for end users to spread hacks on the net. (By sending the whole darn zip) But it also makes it terrible in many cases of version differences. Evidently, not even my hack has the latest release in this since it was taken from metconst main site (which is known to update slow (And at times, only when requested)) rather then or my dropbox.

End users are hardly going to bother to do research to see if they got the latest version, they will just run the patch that came in the folder once they hear about X hack being good or just by playing through them all randomly. And even if the joint archive is updated when hacks update it won't really matter, as users will spread the archive they have.


That's very true, Crys. But there's only so much I can do about it, hacks get updated more frequently than I can register. That's partly why I also provided the to links to go along with the hacks. This whole Bible was intended for hackers, so hopefully they'll know how to handle the situation and do research if they like a hack.


Because just how much people suck at elevators these days, or rather, atleast just don't like it. Simply change the BitFlag code after you link the elevators.

here's a document I made for Elevator Area codes.


here is just body leap samus fix
it would be nice if the fix all samus patch could be a part of SMILE some day.

New Door ASM helps make door coping easier and faster. you will need some knowledge on PLMs. (it is what it is, enjoy)
Note(make sure you put a new PLM.gif that points to your new door in the PLM folder)

Black Falcon

I realized they were finished but never released:

Flexglows!  :awesome:
Incase you forgot how they looked like:

FlexGlow (RevoGlow 2.0)

Zip file contains a palette table image as well as the asm file with hopefully enough comments for everyone to get this thing to work.
Note: If the same palette bits you're using for the glow are also affected by area glows, the area glows will overwrite them.
If you're using DSO's glowpatch because you simply like glows, you want to repoint either his patch or the flexglows to free space.
Also you may want to apply with the command prompt, as I made xkas print out the pointers to your glows that just need to be set as 'unknown/RoomVAR' value. Everything else should be explained in the asm file. If you still have problems feel free to post it here/contact me.

Have fun! :^_^:


Finally got round to fixing my PLM bank hack.

This hack lets PLM populations be in any bank -including banks $C0..FF(!)-, rather than polluting $8F; also contained is the hex edit that allow Scroll PLM data to be in any bank (which by default, also use $8F).

ASM and IPS included.  If you're using the IPS, you'll need to edit the bytes at 0x168CA, 0x16B79, 0x16B7D.

ASM is for xkas v14.  This uses NO free-space (and in fact, actually manages to save 14 bytes); ASM affected is $82:EB6C..EB9B, $82:E8BB..E918, $84:846A..84DD.  Enjoy; this will be the patch used if JAM's SMILE comes fix the custom PLM bank Jathys implemented for compatibility with this version.


4 Set Of Enemies...

This is my first Public Patch, It is a set of 4 enemies that I have personally designed, I think they're rather groovy, let's hope you agree. They are made out of enemy id's--DCFF--E9FF--CFFF---D63F. I would place pictures here if I knew how to get them dumped from the rom, but I don't unfortunately...Anyway I've tested it, I am pretty sure you won't have any trouble with this patch not working, seems to be fine, but by any chance of error just PM me...Enemy GIF's & corresponding txts are all included...Free Space
usage is listed in the readme...



The best I could do is get people to download the photos as I have yet to get an account for photoshop, but will one day...If Someone would like to put the photo in as a spoiler using their photoshop, then feel free, but don't feel pressured into doing it, a No is ok...This download is the photo of the enemies for my 4 set of enemies patch taken from a screenshot in actual gameplay on which you can download the 4 Set of enemies patch 2 messages above this one...This download is just the photo to show you what the enemies look like...


A lot of us use Dropbox for our storage needs.  It deals with pretty much whatever file you like, is free, and has a very simple interface.

Until you're sorted, I'll put it up for you.  For a while, at least. :razz:



Thanks Quietus for what you've done for me, I'll do what you suggested later this afternoon...


Quote from: DarkSamus on September 28, 2012, 07:56:14 PM
Because just how much people suck at elevators these days, or rather, atleast just don't like it. Simply change the BitFlag code after you link the elevators.

here's a document I made for Elevator Area codes.

Just thought I should mention that this is totally wrong. Bitflags do not work like this at all, they are flags in bit format, hence "bitflag".

Starting with 00 (normal door transition):
+40 means to reload the map
+80 means this is an elevator transition
AFAIK, 10 and 20 don't do anything.

The low nybble is actually used as an index. Setting it from 1 to F will run a routine that puts some data into $7E:D8F8,X. The data table used is at $80:CD52, in 4-byte entries. The first byte becomes X for $7E:D8F8,X, and the second byte is ORA'd into the current data and stored back. This is repeated for the next two bytes.
That said, I have absolutely no idea what the data is actually used for. It didnt seem to have any effect on the game. I cant even think of what it could be used for.


As a super early X-mas gift (or perhaps a late Thanksgiving gift), I present to you the double jump.

What it does:  Makes it so that space jump will only give you 1 extra jump, like the Prime series.  Additional code was added so that if you want, screw attack will give you 5 extra jumps like MP2 (you just have to comment out 1 line and uncomment 2 lines).

Be sure to find your freespace in $90 first.

Happy holidays kiddos.   :grin:

Edit: fixed a typo and adjusted a value (and tested this time to make sure it works right), so all is well now.


Quote from: Crashtour99 on November 25, 2012, 12:27:26 AM
As a super early X-mas gift (or perhaps a late Thanksgiving gift), I present to you the double jump.

What it does:  Makes it so that space jump will only give you 1 extra jump, like the Prime series.  Additional code was added so that if you want, screw attack will give you 5 extra jumps like MP2 (you just have to comment out 1 line and uncomment 2 lines).

Be sure to find your freespace in $90 first.

Happy holidays kiddos.   :grin:
this sounds very cool, and i would totally use it if it was in IPS form.
/total n00b and dunno how to use asm at all


If it's because you hate xkas' command line interface (like I do) than the easiest solution is to go here and get this nifty little tool.
And now that I try it, the download link is dead.  Never fear though, here's one that actually works.

Xkas GUI.  Removes the silly CLI setup with regular xkas, and allows you to apply .asm patches in a very similar fashion as LunarIPS.

If it's an issue with writing down the freespace location in the file, if you open the .asm in something like notepad you'll see this:   org $(freespace in $90) 
If you've ever messed with pointers in SMILE, then you should know how to find freespace.  Use LunarAddress to convert an SNES address into PC address (such as $90F640, or somewhere late in the bank).  Open your ROM in a hex editor and go there.  When you find all of the FF's you can use that location, put it into LunarAddress to convert back to SNES addressing.  Now that you have your freespace address in SNES language, you can put it in the .asm file.

Like so:
org $90F640
($90F640 is the start of freespace in $90 in an unmodified vanilla ROM, but if you've used other patches that write there it'll be a different location.  That's why I chose .asm instead of .IPS   :wink: )


Quote from: Crashtour99 on November 25, 2012, 05:41:08 AM
Xkas GUI.  Removes the silly CLI setup with regular xkas
Holy fucking shit yes, this is better then the fact that we now have double jump, not even joking!

On that note though, turning space jump into double jump is something that has been requested for agies; Hell, I recall people thinking it was a thing even back in the SCU days. (But I could be wrong!) Sweet going here!