The Great Metroid Construction Collaboration Hunt - Post your resources here!

Started by Zhs2, July 20, 2009, 07:55:03 PM

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I mean, anyone who will need to use this little amount of space for JSLs will overwrite this data most likely


I coulda sworn I made a post about it, but for quite a while I had thought there was a conflict between the Shinespark item patch and the Spinjump Restarting patch causing a glitch.  Turns out it was just coding in the shinespark item patch, which explains why my attempts to insert coding to fix it didn't work.  lol 

For a simple fix, @ $90/F7B0 change 4B to 0A. 

That simple hex change should fix it so that you won't screwattack while shinesparking (if you do, you can fire a beam or use the aim down button on a solid surface to enter a standing pose, and if you hit a wall in those positions it can crash your emulator).  Hope this helps folks using that patch that may not have noticed the potential danger.


<Critical Hit>
Co-authored by JAM, this is the finished product. He found the hijack points for weapon damage, and I figured out why crits were happening way more than expected as well as added different palette flashes. Now the highest you can set the value compared against is 7FFF (practically 0 chance of happening), to fix an error in the last patch where BPL activated too much. I recommend you tweak and figure out what's best for you. Palettes for Samus's critical flashes are not included, you will have to make your own, but they are located at DCC00 - 0F (doublecrit) and 0DCC10 - 0F (crit). Samus can also now deal critical and double critical damage herself, and has her own chance set differently than enemies.
Of course, you can use this in your own hacks, but I hope people also apply it for replaying old hacks. It really can make a difference in how you fight bosses and enemies.
EDIT: Fixed a palette bug that stemmed from STZ $D8EE not working as intended. If you have a bug where your normal damage flash matches your crit flash, you will need to redownload.


Shinespark Timer

I made this specifically as a mod for Black Falcon's Shinespark Controller Item Patch (drain before collecting), but it seems to work without having to use it (I tested it some without his patch, but not extensively).

Anyway, in case anyone is interested, here is my Shinespark Timer.

Basically how it works is, your shinesparks will only last for however long you run with the speed booster echos going.  If you charge your shinespark as soon as you're able to, you'll be able to shinespark about 1.5 screen's distance.  If you run for 5 screens with the booster echos going, you'll be able to shinespark for 5 screens.

Big thanks to Sadi for helping me find the routine to end the shinesparks.

Edit: video of it in action.
Edit 2:  better?   :razz:


From what I can see, it looks OK, but I can't really tell with the video quality.  I find that it turns out much better to record using the emulator.  A movie that long would only take about 2 minutes to record / process.


Zero Mission - Styled Items

This was something that I did awhile back, and the outcome turned out quite well.
This was for someone who wanted it but I think that everyone should be able to use them.

So far the only items done so far are the:

o Energy Tank**

o Missiles**

o Super Missiles**

o Power Bombs**

o Morph Ball Bombs

o Hi-Jump Boots

o Speed Booster

o Beam Statues (for all beam types)

That's about it for now, but will make the rest later.
** These use palette 0 in the tileset **

To download the graphics click here

Here is what they look like before downloading:


As per JAM's suggestion, I'm posting this here as a resource in case anyone can find it useful.

Door animations decoded!  Took a long ass time too, since there's so much data spread all over the place.  A few interesting tidbits in there as well.

Black Falcon

Damnit Crashtour!
I can't thank you enough because those doors were bugging me off the whazoo.
This can be used in so many good ways...
Your effort figuring that stuff out was really worth it! :awesome:

I'll mess with it as soon as I'm well again...
(yes, I'm sick and I have to spend my time in bed since Sunday =.=; ).


That sucks about being sick.  Hope you get better soon.

As for my doc. really it's based off of Kej's PLM Details .txt...   I just went further and chased a ton of pointers.   :lol:  Still, as long as it's useful to people.


Today, I'll be a wishmaster and I'll execute 3 wishes of different people. 1 wish = 1 item.

Please give credit.

I'm suck at drawing stuff, so no item icons, sorry. But I have provided addresses at where you can draw them.

Menu isn't altered because some people may have already altered it and the result will be a screw up, but I can do it in general case, if someone will really use any of these items in his/her hack.

MultiK1llZ, you are the first one. Here you go.

A special item that allows to perform walljumping only when enabled.

Crys, you are the second one. You gave a really nice idea, and because I worked on almost the same thing, I decided to make it.

A special item that will multiply damage of all your shots by 2 when enabled, using Samus energy. Cost is 20 energy per shot. Can be tweaked.

IMetroRat, you are the third one. I liked the redux you're working in, and I saw this item in original. Actually, it's my idea to recreate this item (because I can ©), but it may be useful to you.

A special item that will decrease charging time for your arm cannon. A replica from Other M. After obtaining Charge Beam, you can charge your beam very slowly. After collecting each Accel Charge item, the charging time will decrease in this order:

AmountTime to charge (s)

This is an unfinished version. Altering charging time is working fine, but sparks coming out of your cannon aren't tweaked yet. Thus, v0.8 for now.

And now... FREEDOM!!!  :grin:


Charge accelerator sounds amazing man, great work!

I'll try drawing a sprite for it

Prime Hunter

Wow, unlike in Other M where you can just dodge successfully in order to get a full charge, here those Accel Charge item pickups could prove very useful since the Sensemove isn't a factor. Awesome work!



Whoaaa Thanks! I will be shure to add you into my credits for my hack! I'll get drawing right away.


Thanks, guys =) I glad that you liked it.

Accel Charge version 0.9 is out. Version 0.8 is removed since it has the major bug that crashing the game (and even emulator).

Changes since 0.8:
Bug is removed and unused free space in the end of bank $91 is cleaned up.

Bomb Spread attack timer and Pseudo Screw Attack timer are tuned to amount of Accel Charge items.

Percentage count is altered to make all these items count in final score. Keep in mind that 230 Missiles, 50 Super Missiles, 50 Power Bombs, 14 Energy Tanks, 4 Reserve Tanks, 6 Accel Charges and all items will give you 106%. To get 100%, rid of some items. Place 200 Missiles instead of 230, for example.

To do:
Change time of sparks coming out of cannon

Black Falcon

Yes, it is possible

And it's already in the game![/spoiler]

Download the zip and extract the files to SMILE's PLM folder to enable use of top down gates! :awesome:


Would that also apply to the auto closing ones?  It'd make a much more effective speed barrier, as you can sneak under the normal ones, but with a couple of these, it'd stop that.  It'd have to be at least two, though, else you could jump over this, and mockball onward. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on January 31, 2011, 11:34:03 AM
Would that also apply to the auto closing ones?
As far, as I know, yes. Because auto-closing gates are the enemies $D4FF, actually and gate PLM is not needed at all in this case. Enemy $D4FF it can move up instead of going down, you'll just need to set correct Speed values in SMILE

Quote from: Quietus on January 31, 2011, 11:34:03 AM
It'd make a much more effective speed barrier, as you can sneak under the normal ones, but with a couple of these, it'd stop that.  It'd have to be at least two, though, else you could jump over this, and mockball onward. :^_^:
With setting certain speed of closing you can avoid of doing that. And besides, in room like 79BC8 it'd be hard to do what you mentioned. But it can be a great thing to make Spring Ball unavoidable to reach certain areas.


In addition to what was found by Black Falcon: more cookies!
Please give credit.

Upside down and opened gates

This patch allows you to using 3 new gates:
1. Normal opened gate
2. Upside down closed gate
3. Upside down opened gate

There are gifs for PLM folder (made by me) and descriptions inside.

Also, yellow gates will looks like grey in game. To fix it, use my "Yellow Gate Fix" patch. Strange, it was done long before this one, but it can also fix upside down yellow gates =)

Was found long ago, using Kej docs, but wasn't released.

Upside down gate fix
A patch that will make upside down gates display itself correctly after moving (tile with flashing button will not flip in motion).

Save Station Extension

In original game you can use only 8 Save Stations for area. If your Save Station index is greater than $07 (example: $09), you'll just save in different spot ($01 in this case). Although, you can load the game properly from indexes $08 and greater.

This patch allows you to save correctly and thus far, use more spots for Save Stations, not just the first 8. The default quantity is variable for different areas. Min is $11 (for Ceres and Debug) and max is $17 (for Norfair). I doubt that anyone will use more than 17 ($11) Save Stations per area even in giant hacks. But even then, this patch allows you to use $FF Save Stations per area, but you'll need to repoint data to do that. If anyone will ever need more than 17 Save Stations, feel free to ask me about it.

Black Falcon

It's actually strange that there are opened gates in the game.
As if Nintendo planned to make the gates stay open permanently, but never did it...
There's enough space left in bank $84. :neutral:

Quote from: JAM on February 01, 2011, 11:51:11 PM
Please give credit to Black Falcon when using closed top down gates!


I'd say even

Quote from: JAM on February 01, 2011, 11:51:11 PM
Give credit to me, to Black Falcon who made files for using upside down gates, to Kejardon in whose docs these gates were documented (and thus far found by me) and who created remote doors for Redesign that will stay opened, based on already written gates coded by Nintendo, but unused in the game

Quote from: Black Falcon on February 02, 2011, 10:14:23 AM
It's actually strange that there are opened gates in the game.
As if Nintendo planned to make the gates stay open permanently, but never did it...
But if you'll shoot them, they'll close. So, maybe, not permanently, but being able to open and close them multiple times.

And I'm thinking that all these save spots on elevators and before bosses was somehow used in beta, like in Other M where sometimes pressing "Continue" on Game Over screen will lead you not to point where you actually saved, but before a boss fight or after entering in new area (near elevator), while loading the game from menu will always lead you to the point where you saved.


Assload of edits and vague routine info for Phantoon that I jotted down until whenever hex section is updated again. Hope this helps someone.


Was this meant for hex tweaks? It seems like the scope of the two topics overlap a little bit.


Probably so. But for the sake of exposure, I added the Torizo doc to that topic as well as this one.

Tons of stuff on modifying animations for both Torizo bosses and some other things. Have fun.


A little something I did today. A multi-way elevator I have dubbed "Multivator" :grin:

No patch cause I'm lazy, but ASM is easy to apply, and you should all learn! :bounce:
It gives elevators the ability to go either up or down. You use it the same way as a normal elevator.

Speed = 0000 (Down), 0001 (Up), 0002 (Multi)
Speed2 = 0X40, X = Screen below where you emerge from if you are going up.

Since the main initiation of the elevator has been changed, it is no longer necessary to set Speed2 to $0018 for elevators going down, this is done automatically.