The Great Metroid Construction Collaboration Hunt - Post your resources here!

Started by Zhs2, July 20, 2009, 07:55:03 PM

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A simple supply refiller thingy.
Place an Air Fool X-Ray tile with BTS of 06 somewhere, and when Samus stands there, her supplies will slowly refill.
Video of it in action: (skip to 0:45)
Ignore the end... :eyeroll:[/spoiler]

Get it here:
(DropBox Download)

Note: Reserve tanks will not fill by default. You can change that in the ASM file.

E: Fixed a very extremely minor error in the ASM file that would write 3 unneeded bytes if you don't want res. tanks to be refilled.


I talked to Kej about a glitch I found in his Super Missile fix patch.
Quote from: Kejardon
Found it, it's a leftover branch that didn't get updated. 82FF1 ROM address, or 90AFF1 SNES address. It's a BRA $28, should be BRA $29.
Just putting this here so folks using that patch can update via hex editor.


2 patches I've finished just now.

One beam patch
This patch disables "mixing" function of arm cannon. It means, only one beam at a time is possible and its combination with Charge Beam, like it was done in Prime series.

Free space used: from 17730 to 17777.
In some routines in bank $82 order of commands has been changed, but it's harmless to all ROMs.
EDIT: In bank $84 there are code written by myself from 208B0 to 208CC that replaces code checking for Plasma and Spazer when getting new beam (but since you can't mix beam at all, it's OK) with changed pointers for the Charge Beam (also harmless).

It is a rip from Redesign as this subroutine was written there with small modifications. I have a plan of writing replica since I understand how the code works and how it can be improved. So it won't be a rip technically. Until then, just use this patch.

So here are the credits:

Drewseph -- author of Redesign where this code from.
Kejardon -- author of this code.
Kejardon -- for writing EquipmentDisassembly. Without it would be hard to find this routine and see what is changed.
Jathys -- for writing Bank Baddy program, which is very useful to rip the bank and search for a code.

Start with items v1.01

Read the file itself with any text editor to gain info. Basically, it allows to set any item from the start and even set amount of Missiles from start, but only if you skip intro and start on Zebes.

Free space used:
EF20..EF2D (min)
EF20..EF33 (max)

EDIT: I don't know of what I thinking of when writing this one. Address of second org is wrong and RTS operator was forgotten. Thus, patch isn't working and even crash your game. So, delete the old one and download the version 1.01. It was fixed.

There'll be one more patch in near future (almost done), then 8 patches (after rough testing), then 3 patches from Veteran and 8 more patches after that. So, wait for more =)


For anyone who have downloaded one beam patch, please do it again. I forgot to write the code that will exclude any other beams when new beam is collected (except Charge). Fixed version is uploaded to the same place (1 days ago). But since no one has download it, I had to write a double post


Alright, So I made a fun little patch that makes the ENERGY in the HUD flash CRITICAL! when your health is low. This serves as a visual cue for low health.

Here's a video of it in action

Grab it HERE
This patch is for Super Metroid [JU] Unheadered.


That's not nearly annoying enough. It should flash at least at the same moments that you hear the danger sound.



Seems pretty good, but from what I could see the CRITICAL might be better in a colour that'll stand out more from the black background.  Also, it didn't seem like it was on-screen for long enough, and may be better to share equal screentime between the two, rather than a quick flash of CRITICAL.


I decided to make the file more efficient and to give you the locations of where to change the bytes to make it act more like the way you'd like. So if you used the old one, overwrite it with this one

Download it HERE

Locations for byte changes AFTER you apply my patch
90F661 - change 1E to ???? for when the critical when appear when your health is at or below this point

90F68B - 60 00 to ???? is for how long the delay between each "critical" flash
90F690 - 61 00 to ????+1 this is for the fail-safe for the timer reset. it should be whatever you set previous value + 1

90F6ED - 10 00 to ???? this is where the timer for how long the critical is on screen for.


Quote from: Flamestar666 on November 23, 2010, 07:25:53 PM
I decided to make the file more efficient and to give you the locations of where to change the bytes to make it act more like the way you'd like. So if you used the old one, overwrite it with this one

Download it HERE

Locations for byte changes AFTER you apply my patch
90F661 - change 1E to ???? for when the critical when appear when your health is at or below this point

90F68B - 60 00 to ???? is for how long the delay between each "critical" flash
90F690 - 61 00 to ????+1 this is for the fail-safe for the timer reset. it should be whatever you set previous value + 1

90F6ED - 10 00 to ???? this is where the timer for how long the critical is on screen for.

Only way that could be better is if it had a couple frames of animation, where it takes maybe 3 frames to reach full brightness for "critical" and then darkens again, actually replacing energy


Welcome to another edition of shit no one wants but I made anyways.

In this ASM file it lets you fake the heatbit in any area of the game that doesn't rely on a FX2 pointer. You can enable the heat by changing FX2 to FFFF. This patch also keeps you from taking damage in elevator rooms and in load stations while in the elevator poses. Letting you use this in any room with an elevator without killing yourself. Also another few fun features, if you turn on the fake heatbit, while it's on, you can jump into water you will stop taking heat damage if more than half your body is submerged.
Please so remember when you set the FX2, make sure you hit NO.
Also, you are able to disable the protection on the elevator and the water within the ASM file.

As always a video showing it off

You can download this HERE


Excellent work!
I have an idea to impersonate the heat bit exactly like this, using FX2, but you are the first who actually done this. =)


Finally I've done the description for the patch I made a month ago. Time to upload it.

Logo extension patch
With recoding and repointing of Super Metroid and Nintendo logos, you can use 232 tiles to draw new tiles. So, you can make logo like 21*11 tiles, 29*8 tiles or even 33*7 tiles. And even greater, if some tiles in that rectangle will be unused. I hope, it will be enough for everyone.

Black Falcon

Awesome stuff you got there!



Something made by me to contribute:

Morphball Animation Improvement - Part I

It improves the way the Morphball is animated.
Nintendo wrote stupid code so the morphall animation frames are played in order 0, 4, 1, 2, 6, 3, 7
(and backwards for facing opposite direction).
This patch fixes this and cleans up the gfx table so it's alot easier to use.
There is no flipping anymore. The animation frames are loaded in the order they appear in the gfx table @ 9C8000 (E0000)
I also reduced the Morphball's sprite data used by the game from 111 to 36 bytes (mostly just repeating junk, duh...).
The .zip library contains the ASM file, two binary files to use with xkas and a compiled ips for UH.

[spoiler= FREE SPACE USED]
None! :grin:

Note: Only use this patch if you really want to edit your Morphball graphics, otherwise this patch is rather useless.
Look into the .asm file to get more details on how to use the included binaries and other things.
If there are any problems, contact me or reply here.

Get it here

Morphball Animation Improvement - Part II

This one modifies the animation to play only if you're actually moving in Morphball form.
The faster you move, the faster it'll animate.
If you're not moving at all the animation will stay still.
Thumbs up for a realistic Prime-like Morphball animation! :grin:
[spoiler=Free Space used]
90F640 - can be changed in the ASM file.

I labeled some of the values so you can play around with it if you want.

!gravity = frames to wait 'till next animation frame when rolling above liquid level or below with gravity suit
!underwater = Frames to wait 'till next animation frame when rolling underwater without gravity suit

Note: To make the animation play faster, I made the game substract your speed from the above values.
Example: !underwater is set to #$0007 and you're rolling with #$0001 px/f, the value stored to the timer is #$0006.
             (not that hard to understand, I think)

!jumppeak = Frames to wait 'till next animation frame when you just reached the peak of the bomb/springball jump,
                 because normally your speed is zero at the peak, which makes the animation stand still.
                 Since this looked kinda odd to me, I added this value to continue animating even if your vertical speed is 0.

!item = This is the item bit for the gravity suit check.

Again if there are any questions/problems, just tell me! :D

[spoiler= Get it here! :D ]


begrimed = JAM's room states guide, converted to HTML and easier to follow. = GF_Kennon's collection of bank log txt files, condensed to a single page with convenient jump-to links.

Now sit on my lap.


Thanks for converting my guide, Grime. I'm just so tired when writing it to convert it by myself.

Also, can we have topic for address submission for the ROMMap, as we have for Hex Tweaks?


Sure, go ahead and make one if you want. At some point I'll add to it by chipping in locations for stuff I've found or have doc'd somewhere.


BF: do you mean that you remove all the repeating frames? If so we would remove many frames that could be used for a better and smoother looking animation with new graphics, for example the zero mission morphball uses eight unique frames rather then any repeation. :/

Black Falcon

Quote from: Crys on January 02, 2011, 02:55:52 PM
BF: do you mean that you remove all the repeating frames? If so we would remove many frames that could be used for a better and smoother looking animation with new graphics, for example the zero mission morphball uses eight unique frames rather then any repeation. :/

With repeating junk I was referring to sprite data.
Sprite data is not the same as GFX data. The game needs sprite data in order to know which and how many gfx
it should load, where to load them from and at which position it should place them.


I did not see a guide for making new rooms on the main site so I decided to write one up. Hopefully it is understandable. I realize new hackers aren't really going to need this, but still, I think we should have it up for reference for when someone might need it. Special thanks to DSO for answering my questions.


Yes I'm interested with being able to deal crits too, can you make it so damage flash is in another color when you get crited? :o


And then an HP counter, and then I see a full on RPG mod in the works. :^_^:


Quote from: DSO on January 11, 2011, 10:56:11 AM

<Critical Hit>
I have a question about the code

org $91DF61

org $91FFEE
JSL $80FF90

Is this really nessesary? Why just don't do it like this?

org $91DF61
JSL $80FF90

Because free space in bank 91 is very limited and patch may cause conflicts (if there are already data at FFEE)


Yeah, that's just a holdover from when I thought I might try to fit the entire routine in the end of $91 but then worried it wouldn't fit. Will be corrected once I make the Samus can deal crits/hurt flash will be different version.
Also there is another patch out there that uses the end of $91? There's almost no space at all...


I don't know of any patches that use the end of bank $91, although I did use some of it in PB to give power suit the larger shoulders when coming out of the ship. I guess JSLing to another bank could work to the same effect if a working 4-byte hijack could be found.

8E12F - 9C 1C 0A to 20 EE FF
8FFEE - FF FF FF FF FF FF FF to A9 9B 00 8D 1C 0A 60