The Great Metroid Construction Collaboration Hunt - Post your resources here!

Started by Zhs2, July 20, 2009, 07:55:03 PM

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Black Falcon

For those who never liked that damn stupidnintendougly water fx line, there's a solution:
Go to 0x51080
You'll see that there's a bunch of 4E 0C 4E 0C ...
Change every 0C to 38 between 0x51080 and 0x510BF.
You're done.

It should look like this:

You can see that it works even with ulgy palettes![/spoiler]

Prime Hunter

Ran into a huge bug with the HUD patch a moment ago while trying it out, along with a smaller one that isn't as vital to fix but still something to take note of.

The small bug is when you change beams while there is a beam on the screen. Whichever beam you switch to will place it's sprite onto whatever beam is currently on screen. This fixes itself once you fire again though. Not sure how you'd fix something like this since I'm guessing the game will only allow one type of beam sprite on screen at once.

The other bug involves Mother Brain and the Hyper Beam. I was curious to see what the HUD would do if you got that far into the battle. As soon as you get the beam, any attempts to switch to something else don't disable the hyper beam, so that's good. But actually using the beam against MB is another matter entirely. Nearly EVERY attempt to fire the beam results in the game freezing for a few seconds before it will register and return to normal speed. But, if you've messed around with trying to switch the beams using the HUD after getting the hyper beam it produces the same effect as the first bug of overlaying whichever beam's sprite you've chosen onto where the HB shots are. That effect seemed to last until you either switched to a different beam (overlaying a new sprite onto the HB) or moved to a new room. This slowdown bug also happens in the rooms during the escape from what I can tell, so it's not MB that's causing it.

Figured the MB/HB bug is pretty important seeing as the vast majority of hacks I've seen/played end with her.


QuoteThe small bug is when you change beams while there is a beam on the screen. Whichever beam you switch to will place it's sprite onto whatever beam is currently on screen. This fixes itself once you fire again though. Not sure how you'd fix something like this since I'm guessing the game will only allow one type of beam sprite on screen at once.
Yeah, based on what I've heard from other people over time, there's no real fix for this that wouldn't involve creating another type of bug in its place. It's also present in the original game. Equip X-ray, then pause the game. Fire your beam right before the fade-to-black is complete, then switch beams and turn on X-ray right after you unpause. Voila. The most reasonable 'fix' I can think of would be clearing out the beam shot upon unpausing if the type has been changed, but the buggy GFX are kinda cool looking anyway. And beam clearing would probably end up presenting its own bug or two, haha.

Black Falcon

Quote from: Prime Hunter on August 28, 2010, 05:45:30 AM
Ran into a huge bug with the HUD patch a moment ago while trying it out, along with a smaller one that isn't as vital to fix but still something to take note of.

The small bug is when you change beams while there is a beam on the screen. Whichever beam you switch to will place it's sprite onto whatever beam is currently on screen. This fixes itself once you fire again though. Not sure how you'd fix something like this since I'm guessing the game will only allow one type of beam sprite on screen at once.

Deleting the beam when the HUD is active seems to be the only way avoiding this glitch.

Also I'm sure that my HUD hack can be abused to cheat (ie firing a charged beam into Draygons belly and then rapidly hitting the select button results in Draygon being defeated with only one shot, for instance)
Kinda like this:
Super Metroid - Drayon X-Ray On/Off

To avoid the cheating with x-ray it needs a timer (about 1.5 seconds) running before it can be used again.

Quote from: Prime Hunter on August 28, 2010, 05:45:30 AM
The other bug involves Mother Brain and the Hyper Beam. I was curious to see what the HUD would do if you got that far into the battle. As soon as you get the beam, any attempts to switch to something else don't disable the hyper beam, so that's good. But actually using the beam against MB is another matter entirely. Nearly EVERY attempt to fire the beam results in the game freezing for a few seconds before it will register and return to normal speed. But, if you've messed around with trying to switch the beams using the HUD after getting the hyper beam it produces the same effect as the first bug of overlaying whichever beam's sprite you've chosen onto where the HB shots are. That effect seemed to last until you either switched to a different beam (overlaying a new sprite onto the HB) or moved to a new room. This slowdown bug also happens in the rooms during the escape from what I can tell, so it's not MB that's causing it.

Figured the MB/HB bug is pretty important seeing as the vast majority of hacks I've seen/played end with her.

I just noticed I forgot to insert Hyper Beam support... >_>
Thanks for reminding me!
I'll fix it asap!


Quote from: Flamestar666 on March 31, 2010, 04:05:43 AM
Alright everyone. This is my first real ASM hack/mod/awesomeness that i created, I polished it off, and it's now done.

Pretty much, You're able to swap out to the Ice beam, Wave beam, Plasma Beam, and Spazers by simply walking over a BTS
Also which is included, is the Hyper Beam BTS

For the Ice beam, use Air-Fool X-Ray BTS 09
For the Wave beam, use Air-Fool X-Ray BTS 0A
For the Spazers, use Air-Fool X-Ray BTS 0B
For the Plasma beam, use Air-Fool X-Ray BTS 0C

Also for the Hyper beam, 07 for the Hyperbeam Activator, 08 for the Deactivator.

The Hyperbeam blocks needs to be set up a certain way for it to not mess with anything else. it should always be at last 3 tiles high, with the BTS 08 (the deactivator) surrounding BTS 07 (the hyperbeam activator) completely

There are a few graphic glitches that exist in the game, where if one beam exists on screen, and your beam is changed, it will have the wrong palette and graphics.
At this time, I don't believe that there is a fix for this (I may be wrong).
Also you may notice, that the rainbow effect is missing from the Hyperbeam. I do not know how to fix this atm.

This is a video of it in action.
Super Metroid Beam Swap

You can download it HERE

Since there interferes a file ASM in ls memory of information?

Perhaps it is with smile
Or, with HxD?

Or does it interfere only?


Quote from: Black Falcon on August 29, 2010, 08:21:08 AMTo avoid the cheating with x-ray it needs a timer (about 1.5 seconds) running before it can be used again.

that won't work - the time of Super Metroid is not stopping in X-Ray mod.


Quote from: gunnargumpert on August 31, 2010, 12:59:52 PM
Quote from: Black Falcon on August 29, 2010, 08:21:08 AMTo avoid the cheating with x-ray it needs a timer (about 1.5 seconds) running before it can be used again.

that won't work - the time of Super Metroid is not stopping in X-Ray mod.

Obviously, Falcon would write code to put a timer in... doofus :/

Black Falcon

Quote from: gunnargumpert on August 31, 2010, 12:59:52 PM
Quote from: Black Falcon on August 29, 2010, 08:21:08 AMTo avoid the cheating with x-ray it needs a timer (about 1.5 seconds) running before it can be used again.

that won't work - the time of Super Metroid is not stopping in X-Ray mod.

*stares at gunnar

Silver Skree

With the aid of the two ASM lesson logs so far, I have created my first custom ASM!  :grin:

Sadi pointed out a few things for me to improve on and helped me add a commented death prevention at <15 En, which is the version I'm submitting, but this is all just as doable with the information provided in the first two logs, if only slightly less efficient.

WHAT IT DOES: While Samus is standing in Air Fool Xray BTS 03 blocks, she will exchange 5 Energy for 1 Selected Ammo in the HUD. If  no ammo (grapple, Xray, or nothing) is selected, nothing happens. If you read the first two lesson logs (which you should), you'll know how to change everything in here to act how you want.

Video of it in action:
En Ammo Conv ASM
(give it a minute or a few if it's not processed yet.)


Black Falcon

Finally finished and bugfix'd:
Chain blocks!

The text file within the .zip explains how to use them.
Click here to watch an example vid of them in use :D

Releasing the Komas later because they don't support slopes, yet.
Sry :(

Edit: Uses free space @ 84:F060.


Finally, after almost a year of saying "its coming, just hold your horses" its finally here!
I owe a lot of thanks to Black Falcon, who recently released his chain blocks.  It was thanks to his asm, that I finally figured out how PLMs work.
Contains: event.asm, event.ips, F060.gif, F060.txt
Raw coding for those that either want to change the plm's offset, or just want to know how it works. To change the offset, just change the org to freespace in bank 84.

For everyone else, there is this, a simple patch for your hacks. Note it uses space at 84:F060, If you have custom plms in that spot, you will need to change that with the .asm file.

F060.gif and F060.txt
Place these in your SMILE's PLM folder so you can choose this PLM in the PLM menu in SMILE.
This plm works as follows:
when you touch this plm, it will activate an event bit, which will allow you to use more types of room states. (examples: Zebes is alive, destroyed glass tube, etc)
you can activate any event up to FF with this plm. Simply put which event you want to activate in the Low value for this plm, and have the player touch it. :D
More details on the specifics for setting it up in the F060.txt.
As always, if you ever need help, or find something wrong, you can send me a pm here on the forums, or reach me on irc if I'm online.


Something I found while bug chasing that may/maynot come in handy for someone...

$90/E9DC      89 20 00    BIT #$0020
Near as I can tell, this bit identifies the Gravity suit for the damage divisor.  By changing this bit to something else, Gravity suit no longer has any damage protection value against spikes, enemies, etc. and that is instead transferred to whatever you set the bit to.  Could be useful for an armor only upgrade or something.


I found an easy solution that allows Bomb Torizo (and possibly Golden Torzio) to move up and down slopes.

Simply modify your floor like so:

Notice how the floor contains only slope tiles? Doing so forces him upon the slopes and allows him to go up and down slopes.


I finally became un-lazy enough to finish these.

Beam Specific Shot Blocks.

Here's a video of them in action.

Warning, this patch writes data from 026FD4 ($84EFD4) to 027251 ($84F251).
If you have custom PLMs in this space they will be overwritten.

I have included the .asm files and some information if you want to repoint
the data contained therein (and if you can understand what's doing what).

What it does:
Removes respawning powerbomb and supermissile blocks (seriously, who uses those anyway).  All these are non-respawning, because if they respawn on top of you (especially in morphball mode), you will be permastuck.

New bts values for shotblocks are as follows:
08   powerbomb block
09   supermissile block
0A   missile block
0B   ice beam block
0C   wave beam block
0D   spazer beam block
0E   plasma beam block

Just create a shotblock and give it one of those bts values.
Note: These blocks will not display correctly in SMILE, however they do
display correctly in the game.

This patch uses Rakki's CRE patch to get the blocks to display correctly.
Special thanks to JAM, without whom I wouldn't have been able to do this.

Alexi Laiho

This patch is unheadered and allows you to leave the gates separated by buttons


BUTTONS: To keep them closed (attached to the gate)
High 00,01,02, etc.. Low?

BUTTONS: To keep them open (attached to the gate)
High 41,42,43, etc.. Low?

BUTTONS: To keep them closed (detached from the gate). The gate must always come first button.
High 80,81,82, etc.. Low?

BUTTONS: To keep them open (disconnected from the gate). The gate must always come first button.
High C1, C2, C3, etc.. Low?


Down (classic):

    00 = blue left
    02 = blue right
    04 = pink left
    06 = pink right
    08 = Green Left
    0A = green right
    0C = yellow left
    0E = yellow right

Up (again):

    01 = blue left
    03 = blue right
    05 = pink left
    07 = pink right
    09 = Green Left
    0B = green right
    0D = yellow left
    0F = yellow right

In this patch, the PLM C82E C836 does not work with the PLM.

If you put more of a "button-gate" detached, add the second set on 10 in Low:
first pair: PLM C836 (blue at left) C1/81 High Low 00, High 00 Low 00 F4E0 PLM
second pair: PLM C836 (blue at left) C2/82 High Low 10 (00 10), PLM F4E0 High 00 Low 10 (00 10).
third pair: PLM C836 (blue at left) C3/83 High Low 20 (00 20), PLM F4E0 High 00 Low 20 (00 20).
And so on ...

Alexi Laiho

Why did you delete the patch? we have not got anything to redesign .. we created these gates without looking redesign .. but not for security, however, we asked if we could publish it on the forum ... and from what I have said is that I could


Quote from: Alexi Laiho on October 02, 2010, 12:14:36 PM
Why did you delete the patch? we have not got anything to redesign .. we created these gates without looking redesign .. but not for security, however, we asked if we could publish it on the forum ... and from what I have said is that I could


Here's the deal, Kej said that you can have the code if you could rip it, but when you ripped it, you didn't just take the code. Oh no, you had to take the entire bank 84. You only made a few (Like 2 bytes) changes, and if people wanted to get these gates the way you did, they can just take the bank themselves.

Not trying to minimod or sound like an idiot


Well.... this is a fuzzy topic of discussion, as I can't remember the EXACT wording he used when he said it... but it was more or less this:

"If you can find the code, and learn how it works to the point you could replicate it on your own from scratch, then you can use it."

Which, as you may or may not know, is not what people are doing when they "borrow" stuff from Redesign. 
But I don't want this to turn into another "blahblahblah plagiarism" topic, so keep it to yourself kiddies, we've heard enough of it.


So I just finished working on these little nifty blocks :grin:
These are variable solid/nonsolid blocks, and can be used to make crisscrossing passages, passable walls, etc.

Here's a vid of them in action:
Twisted Morph Tunnel.wmv

Instructions come in the .zip file
Happy hacking :^_^:


Quote from: Crashtour99 on September 30, 2010, 09:06:03 AM
Just create a shotblock and give it one of those bts values.
Note: These blocks will not display correctly in SMILE, however they do
display correctly in the game.

Nice work =) But since there are only non-respawning blocks, every CRE tile for these blocks are used only once. So, you can do a better thing: set proper values for each block in SMILE. Double click to each block you've changed and set Shot type with certain values there.

Do this for graphic sets 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 22, 27, 28 and 29

This allows to copy block from CRE and place it in level with already correct values (no need to set value everytime)

Sadiztyk Fish
Only wow!


Quote from: JAM on October 04, 2010, 04:13:47 PM
This allows to copy block from CRE and place it in level with already correct values (no need to set value everytime)
:holyf:  What the...
I didn't even know you could do that...

Black Falcon

Man, so much new stuff within short time...
Innovations are really getting well along here.
Anyway I just wanted to say that this may be my last post for some time.
I'm now at my last year at college, after this my life's gonna start.
Of course I won't dissappear forever, but don't expect me posting new stuff here for the next months (years..).
Every hacking related progresses are stopped, this means working on my hack and other peoples'
requests, I'm sorry :( .
I hope you understand my decision.
Until then, seeyaz!



It's quiet. Too quiet...

I've found hidden (or just unlisted) command in compression format. According to this doc, normal commands are going through $00 and $DF. From $E0 to $FB there are extended commands (%111 000 XX) = Extended Direct Copy (Extended %000 ...). But what will happens, if use Extended (Extended)? A hidden command.

I call this Zebra Copy (better name anyone?).
Format is %111 111 XX XXXXXXXX YYYYYYYY.

Action is substraction Y bytes from current address and filling X+1 bytes of it, but EORed by $FF. And if X >= Y, then this command will write Y bytes EORed by $FF, then write next Y bytes normally (like Minus Copy), then write next Y bytes EORed by $FF etc. Until you write X bytes. That's why Zebra Copy.

Range of X is 0..767. If you exceed this, Terminator will come =)

Last 4 bytes in BTS map are 00 00 01 02.
Command FC 00 01 will add FD (EORed 02)
Command FC 03 01 will add FD 02 FD 02 (does it make sense?)
Command FC 03 02 will add FE FD 01 02 (EORed 01 02, then normally 01 02)
Command FD 03 02 will add FE FD 01 02 FE FD 01 02 FE FD 01 02... until 260 (256+3+1) bytes are filled.

Prorably it can be used in SMILE or in other editors (hi, interdepth) to compress level data a little bit more. But not expect too much.


Alright then I'm officially posting up my Reverse Gravity ASM file.
This is an ASM file for 2 BTS blocks that allow you to reverse gravity while in ball mode.

It only activates out of a bombjump (unless you modify it, and will not hold you in the air if you are not in a ball mode. This patch uses Fool X-ray 03 to set normal gravity, and 04 to reverse it. While in reverse gravity, you bombjump down instead of up. Your gravity is also corrected if you demorph as well. If you want to modify this to work with a certain item, you can add a BIT to the BTS 03. If you need help with this, feel free to ask myself or in IRC.

Ideally, the BTS wants to be where ever the peak of the bombjump is. So unless you've modded something (gravity, speed, etc...), you will need to put the blocks 3 tiles above the ground, putting too many blocks in a close together causes some instability.
Here are a few examples on how to set them up.

Dated video
Reverse Grav Beta.avi

Simple examples
[spoiler]This first image here shows how you can set up a small reverse gravity puzzle. without a BTS correcting your gravity since you fall when you demorph.

This is a "one way" gravity tunnel. 03 sets up the reverse gravity and 04 makes you fall when you touch it

grab it HERE
For Super Metroid [!][JU] Unheadered


A little patch that makes the Super Metroid death animation resemble that of Metroid Fusion. This is an UNHEADERED patch. I will be using an edited version of this animation in my own hack, but I decided to create and release this version for use of the general hacking community. Going into the palette located at DA120-8F in the I'm a genius section (thanks Grime), you can change the blue colors to any color you would like it to be really easily.